Friday, 12 March 2021

Industrial Gauntlet

Can we do something supprising?  'Your dreams are hardly dull Squeaky' I know, a game??
Somewhere really different?? A hub??  
'😏 Ren.... Come'  Ok, you and Loci?  'Kaylo too, Intention first'  OK OMW.

OOoooo that was pretty!!

😁💜 Spirograph dragons!
All different colours the numbers 1 threw 7, planets and coloured dragons each slightly different.

Rings made from lines! Loci was a gold/mustard yellow and green... Dragon, number, colour planet but I can't recall what was linked to what 💙 Just how nice they looked the lines, making curves too and the linking symbolism.

Inka 'In you, Mouse'  Oh yeh... Haha, you'd joined me before I was even asleep!!
I'd jumped to your portal hub where Loci and Kaylo were.    

Then I was with Leon... energy, the grail/trumpet vortex shape formless.

When I next woke it was a big long and cool dream I'd had! 

It starts with the Whitehouse... not the US one the lovely old house down the lane with the same name painted white. I'm in the garden there and it's night. I'm with a male who was an odd version of an actor/celeb who was an MP for a bit....

He looked different totally different though, taller younger. Is in a grey overall with yellow stripes logo I was to accompany him on a 'trip' we were heading to ummmm.

I feel it might have been Pakistan / Indian subcontinent.

We were to meet his brother... the pair were estranged. There had been a large falling out.

I was observing the meeting, again one was supposedly a dentist (What's with the Christmas and Dentist thing) 

The meeting is in a rounded silver metal room, nothing like I've seen before. Modern and otherworldy... not dissimilar to last nights train but this was more hub/space like.   

The second brother called me a 'Slave of Time' which I found funny, he wanted secrets from me - I agreed to a neural share and we exchanged.  

At this point, I peal off a logo/name on his dentist outfit to reveal a different name/role - I'm also watching a large group of children being ushered down a stairwell they had the feel of a school trip/outing. (Oh, this was like the dream with the changing room the other night)  

I was watching all from a distance again.

Next I'm outdoors in the space, all the locals are I feel Pakistani - The city space is incredibly industrial, stunning and beautiful in a bleak and distorted way.. The sky was so polluted, the underside of the clouds were black with the crap coming from the many many factories. 

Yet I can see a golden sun too and there is a pink golden light between the smog layer and natural cloud...the clouds ripple for miles and I'm struck by the majesty of the place despite the bleakness, pollution and dirt.  

I was with a group it was like a field trip/School trip or something... we were being shown around the space.  

Our tour of the 'factories' started in a cafeteria/restaurant.

Clean, beige white in contrast to the industrial grime and dirt of the rest of the setting. The 2 brothers now speaking again are observing me distantly and I'm with a group that will tour the industrial area.   

The factories are amazing too.... but it's soon apparent it's also an obstacle gauntlet it was it was like Futurama ate Victorian London Assasins creed and the Dwemer ruins in Skyrim and threw up a VR gauntlet.

It's also visually amazing and I'm so lost in taking it all in... that I've lost the rest of the tour group and keep getting burnt and lasered as I'm not focused on avoiding them but just taking in what's going on.  

We are in dimly lit ornate warehouses, huge fancy cast-iron beams hold up the ceiling. The light is the odd yellow golden light that comes in threw huge and beautiful arched iron windows. 

There are clouds of black almost solid smoke... like thick soot on cobwebs... It's noisy too, the overlay of electricity, static the hummmm of motors but also rhythmic mechanical noises and the echos of the staff yelling over the noise in a language I didn't understand. It makes a trippy soundscape.

I'd made it almost all the way threw getting burnt, stabbed and zapped and then took a wrong turn and was back at the start pissed off, as I had to do it over.   

I watch some people in front of me crawl on their bellies under something and wonder why and I just crawl normally when some crazy scanner lazer thing comes online with my head in the way and the back of my skull is fizzing and tingling.....🙄

One of the guides had come back for me and yanks me out from where my head is being fried...... and I recognised Leon's energy but he's in a different form and in role.
He's impatient, irritated and tells me to keep up and focus... Then I'm annoyed as they are going to fast and I wana look around properly. He was hurrying to catch up to the rest of the group and I was still more interested in looking around and had walked into a row of glowing box's with hot red burning things that burnt my leg.... then I recalled they had burnt me first time round too.
At that point, I stopped trying to keep up and just started to look at the machines and surround wich were incredible.
I notice a large arched window letting in light and head there instead. In front of is a huge long old fashioned wooden desk piled with papers, box's and stuff, It's very messy.
In front of it is a long low light brown leather sofa filled with an odd jumble of entities more typical with a dream hub and I sit down with them...At this point, I realise I'm naked but I'm also more tree than person.

I was a sycamore.... I was seeing patterns the vesica Pisces again... I'm also seeing the seeds from the sycamore tree. The others were looking at me as I projected tree.

Not been a sycamore before, they are not native to the UK.

Oh Middle East again.....

I'd woken with Inka and Leon and realised I'd been with them for hrs... I'm not even sure where we were dream-sharing I think we might have all been formless when we met. Slave of time??  'Ren is mine! You came back mouse, you know the rules cause you made them 😈'  Hahaha 😜

TY Inka that was really good fun...  'You got pissy'   I kept getting burnt 😏 Was still good fun....  'You owe Leon for that, Mouse'   

Oh... Oh Hahahh I remember now!!!  


😆 TY, I'd forgotten we were talking credit and games too... Can you help my recall plx?   'Bringing you up Ren, you've been feeling it since yday'  I know it's nice 💜 TY...  'You duno what we going to do with you yet'  I don't mind 😂

Leon and the long astral game was a feature?? Sheesh!!!


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