Thursday, 18 March 2021

Dots and Vectors.

'Come Then Ren, you can't stay away hu? 😒'

lol nop...  😏

Points of a star... Geometry but I'm the corners and points.


It reminded me of when Loci holds points when we group manifest and we weave threw them. I didn't recall holding or placing them though. 'I did that Ren, you were in me'   


Oh yeh... I'd jumped to Inka who was smoking by the outside fire at my main hub, he was kind of irritated... I sat beside him next to the fire for a while I was still blue boggart.
He didn't say anything finished smoking then patted my bald head grabbed my wrist and we started walking back to the main dream space.   

He told me yday I could hunt him again ... but I might not like what I found. I didn't care as staying away from him at night makes me feel horrible in the day😶


We'd walked past the community centre then the dream had split I had wanted to join his awareness but we seemed to be heading somewhere first my last recall is wyrd it's the space where I was looking for something, then looking for my Virgo.

Also, Zak crashed there, Inka was my bro now at his current age.... and I'm formless inside the road in what was like a particle collider. Then the location of I am is lost and I'm just the points of shapes... in what is like a particle collider.

I wanna say vectors. 'Trajectories too Ren' Oh, a vector is an equation for finding trajectory?? 'Now look at what I just told you' lol 😆


In between dreams it's chaotic as fuck, that 'Head scrambling'  Yeh that, you and Malico did it to me that night when Leon was annoyed with you.... My nerves were like lightning jolts too.


The next dream was long deep and involved too I'm in a city I wanna say London but it's that perpetual dark in one part of it.... then I was moving weaving between 2 points. North/South.

The start of the dream is like a large adult college or learning space but bonkers. I meet Rob there, he needs a black robe and knows I've made/had one and is asking how.
I tell him it's just like a giant t-shirt 😛 

We have an outside area it was an old house that is mainly demolished but we use the old fireplace and concrete floor.


It is a scruffy but sheltered outdoor space, we have some lights up and we chill there to party, smoke and relax. It's nice in an abandoned industrial way, we burn the old rotting timbers from the other trashed buildings.


Inside the building with a stairwell is a landing with 3 small perfectly square holes at waist height. Not all can fit in and out of them and the middle hole has a membrane/airlock. (Like between intersections? 'Yeh Ren, your rendering this shit odd but close enough'  )

Inside was ultra-modern equipment I kept moving in and out of this space but the other dreamers didn't enter. The 2 squares to the side lead to other spaces but I was the only one that used all 3.

Outside the windows of the building is a tree in the dark, birds are there like blue and purple errr the birds with the wide mouths that eat frogs. They looked like them but blue-purple feathers. Frogmouth.

After that I'm walking north to south and back bringing/fetching for someone. I'd stopped of at a cafe/restaurant that was strange. I'd lost a sock there in the bathroom O.o and there was a photo stuck up of a Dj I knew. 

A friend I know appears she tells me she needs to be audited 'Look it up'.  
'Don't push it bitch' 😏 💜


Oh it was a Rachel... that's sheep hu.

Anyhoo the sheep needed a hearing? Hu? lol

Ok... SO at that point, my bro is back with me in the dream and he has a plan for getting someone to do this for us for free. He'd appeared with a tray containing glasses of OJ and tells me he's going to make a bet.

We'd spotted the guy we need who is in a brown suit old fashioned style - it had a badge on for some official accounting agency we knew.... My bro had headed to him with the glasses of OJ to sort the bet that would get us the audit needed credit free.


I'd fallen fast into another dream which is very lucid. I wake from it at 313.

It's a dream share or astral hub, I'm with Cyrus and peter/paul the stranger I lost my virginity too. (Same as the Virgo space?)

We were laying close together to dream share/jump/manifest - It was affectionate - We had a sense of mission - purpose we were there to do something. I can see well in the dark and the corners of the darkroom is filled with bugs and beetles watching crawling out of cracks and watching. Had a big Love vibe.


Oh, before that there was more of the white nerve frazzly stuff. like being electrocuted, Inka was pissed off with me as I was to much love and not enough wisdom to balance it - 'Mmmmm, as I keep telling you Ren.

You're an idiot' Yeh, it's interesting though and amuses me.


2 more dreams close together I'm helping with surgery it was in a strange space dark, I couldn't see the edges just the bright operating lights. The drapes and surgical kits were old bedsheets - they had been sterilised obviously.


I was opening the kits onto the trolley and passing the drapes but the surgeon was annoyed with me I was too slow, but it had been a while since I'd done it. The Surgeon was like an odd mix of Michele and Inka - it was their attitude rather than there being I recalled.


Then I'm being examined under a microscope.... lol it can see inside me. Was like being a bug on a slide or something.


Wake at 505 

2 dreams or they could have been joined... 


A car park at an end place. It's familiar, there are rocky Islands beyond it. a headland I guess it's called.  

There is a carpark there. 

I'm with someone who is complaining it cost the same amount to park there at all times now. There is a hut/building visitors centre.

I go in and I know the people. There is a couple of them tables with fold-out legs with a pile of morning papers on them. They are names I have never heard of, all black and white old-style newsprint, in a script, I don't recognise yet I could read in the dream. They were publications for certain and specific industries - the one I was reading the page of was for metal manufacturers like steal works.  

There was also the offer of mismatched mugs of tea, coffee or cheap squash. The whole area was familiar.  


Next I'm in a city again. A huge parade or market, the streets are busy and noisy. A girl I know Tilly is there she has a small white puppy and also a small white goat both on leads.

At the market is a much loved old guy. He's been there for ages, could have been homeless people brought him gifts.  

Dog breeds there that I have never seen before either... some assistance hounds were the colour of blue/grey cats looked like Alaskan malamutes and behaved like golden retrievers. 

On waking I know the street - It is this one here, where I tried to repaint someone woodwork and fucked it.  

I was also in or ran a B&B or guest house here.


Inka is well hostile, telling me if I keep coming back and refuse to stay with the other crew for a bit, he will just make it more and more unpleasant being around him. I didn't care... again it felt like my nerves were lightning.

Oh... that dream on that street with the paint was the teperance card... 'It was Ren... and I told you  you had decided you needed more tempering'   So it seems....


Last dream was also very detailed.

Everyone in it is unfamiliar & the setting too.   

Though it felt like it could be in that strange variant on my main dream area, the dock area.

It's a windowless room like a function room in a large old style hotel.

A high stage at one end and a bar at the other.. dark wood tables, stale smoke and people in 60's suits.  

A show was to take place, and there was also others drinking at the bar. 

I was a stagehand or something minor, kicking about running and helping but also supposed to be attending a magic school. In the first bit of the dream I'm in the bar area watching interactions.  

2 Men in the strange suits are drinking whisky from smooth glasses, they have bought the bottle which is on the table and topping each other's drinks as they talk, all are standing. No seats.


Oh I was sitting legs crossed on a table waiting for someone to need me for something.. which is why I was watching I suppose. The guy who was staying in the hotel in the rooms above wanted to know when the show would start and end and what time the noise would continue till.


The male who was to take part in the show was informing that there would be people in the bar till dawn, he also placed a small very smooth silver thing in the first guys drink. It's shiny and bullet-shaped though fatter not that I know much about bullets tbh.  

As I'm watching my female teacher calls for me to stop sitting around. I'd already missed the first year of magic school but should be able to keep up with the second year, we have to find our books though.  

We would need one book each and the books we had to find ourselves. Each of the previous years students had hidden their book in one of the magical spaces. I'd have to go back at some point to find a first-year book but for now, we were all getting sent into this magic interactive forest to find a book.    

Everything in the forest is alive and interactive.  The books are amazing, Kraft covers the one I find has neat writing and lots of pictures diagrams and images and it makes me laugh thinking about passing a book with my scribbly writing on to someone.


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