Friday, 26 March 2021

Biting and Warships

Wake up with a tic on my thigh... know it's there cause of the histamine response. Get up and remove it then into a dream of ticks and cats.  

I'm in our car but were up North on the roads outside Craster... The car is filled with tics, all shapes and sizes - some are patterns (Like the sun tic tummy) - This area.

Some more spider-like... they kept attaching to me, I kept taking them off and chucking them out of the car. The cats kept getting out though when I pend the car so had to keep putting them bk in. 

I'd ended up at a place for poor people? Meby a food bank, I was dropping something off there... hopefully not the ticks! . Talking to people too.  

It's 444... 'Yeh, here now Ren, stop dreaming ticks enough bug!'I'm covered in flea bites this morning too! Sheesh, need to call vet 😛

Jump to Inka and he's at Howick where Mam's ashes were put. We are looking out to sea just down from the highest bit of land - The sky is blue, sea calm... gulls shouting.

Then in the sea is a big grey warship/battleship again... Same as past few nights.  

Were in this area again where the LSD menu and Ian's sis was too.... Oh, I keep dreaming of this bit of coast.  

We move down the coast slightly where there is no vehicle assess to the cliffs, where me and Em I were? OK.. I duno what we were doing (Find plx)      

Oh you wanted me to find where you bit my sholder too.... lol, why am I being bitten and Eaten 😜  'Balance bity mouse😈'  Hahah

Anyhoo a launch is going to the ship to try and talk. It's an odd standoff. They won't talk.   

I swim out with another guy in front to see what is going on. The warship is refusing negotiations... 

There are some other guys in the water, they speak German all very very blond hair almost albino type blond. One has no top on he's very skinny and pale.

They won't talk and we just watch each other a bit.

I'm splitting here... Someone else was too. They had prayed to be in 2 places and were but one of them was just like glass... transparent.

A girl has used NLP to overcome a germ phobia she had... is testing it by touching an asian vegetable at a market stall that she had been afraid of. I dunno what the veg was.. small and woody.. I've not seen or eaten it.  

She was holding it and telling everyone. People are happy for her.

I'm formless with Inak too we are observing the battleship situation in the air formless in and around it... - blackmail has been issued possibly by him. We hold some kind of leverage... I was aware we knew much about their assets.

Then lol Dolly's bracers the ME She was like an MMO avetar, I was checking out different things 😆 Haha I could alter her pigtails, eye colour - give her glasses. 

555...'You can get up Squeaky' Mmmmm lol Lazy

I did manage to get up at 6!


Yesterday the 25th.

'Don't forget intention ok?' Errrrrrrr ok, why?


'Your up'  I am? 'Mmmmm'  :D Hahah oh, 'Yeh'  For long? 'Not to long, it might tickle ok?' It already dose.  'Ok, H2O tunes n chill, intention though b4 you forget'  Ok <3 'Wide too, k?'  Yeh whatever...

I was with Inka and then Leon and Inka I was chilling with music... DD was amazing, it was purple flower of life but like 3d cubes made from the shapes.


We were testing and resetting something and I kept jumping back and trying different ways again. Conversation too.


Geo proximity?? This was relevant but I was so out of it.

Inka was looking after me.. 
'See stupid?'  lol   IKR  Anyhoo I was so out of it...  Not lucidness.. I got up emptied dishwasher, made pack lunch and stuff... Was just to cold to say awake...

I'd been in and out of dreams... All i knew was that I was close to Inka and there is huge discussion, chat and sorting.

I duno.. 'mmmm'  I feel so tired and out of it.


Oh blood again.. Books and visions.. 

What I did manage to recall... Blood again.   Books and visions, 2 females African a mama and her adult daughter. 
We were talking visions.. I'd seen one for a navigator... Grey tiles... Battleship linoleum again like the other dream.

The blood was a bath.  Menstrual blood... Another female too.  A full bath with blood tinted water and also a sink and floor.

The floor had cat paw marks like when a cat walks on concrete.   The blood had pooled and congealed in the paw marks. I was cleaning.

Main dream area... we made a gate in the fence to next door.

A talk or exam.  In a room... Jack/male me.. I'm watching Ant he'd made a book. 
Squared paper, battle ships and weapons. 

Main dream space, back of arcades. Linked with me biting Inka and his biting myshoulder? ??
The bathroom portal in the wall.   Gate to next door and the pond dreams??  

Oh... WTF??  'Confused again?'  Hahah just a bit, yday was odd! 'Run, n ground 😈' 

This night, that metal ship with Inak??  'Yup Ren'   You're going to need to unpack this :P  'Careful what you ask for 😉'  Hahah <3

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