Tuesday, 9 February 2021

Gold Shells

'I know you want a hug Ren, just come to us'
My Space? 'If you wish, or we are with Malico.. jump somewhere'

I duno what I want I feel odd' 'Then sleep, we help' 

I'd woken with just Malico... What did I just see?
'Are you poking your stupid sniffy nose places Ren?'
Yeh I suppose, how come I'm here?  

'You couldn't stay lucid or with us, I brought you here to dream in peace'

Oh, TY... We were in the smallest room I know in his house/space.

I'd already had lots of dreams... a hotel or dorm but was all just beds very close together, no people.. so many beds all close together bridal but not just many beds, they all have the same bright pink shower gel tubes, partly used. I'd picked one up to have a sniff.

At one point I'd had sex with someone too, but stupid cartoon-like symbology... It was wyrd was online then sex I'd said lay on me and they were big and I was flat just arms and legs poking out saying oofff I'm squashed! 

The main dream I'd been aware of on waking was a longer one.. we'd gone to a care home or hospital.. old people care. We knew a member of the nursing team and were wondering if they would consider working with us for a contract.

When I'd woken in the small room with Malico I'd been in an odd version of my main dream area looking out of the bedroom window to were a strange car with a red light and siren was - It was a small grey car with a pop up red light (Oh O.o... 'Bitch, we told you to write dreams hrs ago...' Yeh work, life... 'Bullshit Ren, you're ADHD allover' Pfff shhhh and let me finish then)

I'd known there was something strange about the car, the guy who got out was a male VN and had a badge on like the Celtic cross 🤔 I was wondering as a VN why he had the car he was in.

'Can you stay awake enough to see the others?' Meby, I try. 'Come Ren, I will meet you again' I vaguely recall as I'd gone to sleep fried from being awake all day I'd jumped to the front door.... I know Inka opened it and we hugged but after than nothing till I woke in the room with Malico before waking again here. I was confused as I thought there was here... I'd checked the time there too, and then was confused when I'd woken here.. It was only around half midnight.

In the room here, I know the crew are close, just out of my flicker rate in astral there is lots of stuff. shapes mainly but familiar.

I wake again.

I'd been with Leon next, he was drawing on glass, in pink and purple. Like crystal lines of air. He is showing/teaching the glass has it's not just one sheet so we can look from different angles at structures. We were discussing energy. Talking flo, betting on all.. what is massive and fun or silly and small...   

lol Leon... 'You can feel my thumb??' Hahaha Yeh... 'Good Ren, do not wiggle and do not run and I won't have to hurt you, now let's have some fun!' 😆 ffs!

Wake at 333 TERMINAL VELLOSITY in my head

Very long dreams.. I was in my main dream area,  

Based around the space where the health centre and police station had been... only in this version that was our hub and it was wyrd sweetshop/hangout.
Oh, this is space were I was teaching friends how to jump astral! 
'Find Bitch, I'm pissed at you now too'  lol great.. 'Been asking you all day to sort your shit Ren!' Yeh.....shhhh if you want me to do this!

I'd lost my dog.. I'd been heading for the white squares - so this board game like last night too. Layered symbols, only there was a dog with a harness... the dog was feral, the harness was to small and digging  into and cutting it's skin it but the dog had been busking it so long it didn't want help 'Remind you of anything Bitch??' lol shhhhh

It freaked out my Dog who wouldn't pass it... it was guarding the cut to the white squares (Game) It was tied to all the other dreams too, transport from here to other hubs now.  

My dog fucked off. I was reluctant to antagonise the dog in the harness as it wasn't going to help anything and I could go the other way round, would be easier to catch and help if we trapped it. 

I was hoping my dog would find me again as it normally doses so I went to the hub with the others. When I get here we are mainly female. Not old, some parents have come to collect one female and she's not there and we are now copping shit from them as we were supposed to stay together so I'm trying to placate them while another goes off to try and track the missing person and the missing dogo's

On-top of this is stuff about Goldilocks!!
That this is world Goldilocks and the 3 bears?? 

Mel & Rachel and Em are there in the hub too... so Female El.
Sheep me/em the energy mirror and Marie who is the middle me magdalen mary stuff. Rachel had gone in search of the dogs.

Something about a Great Dane.. but while there had told them my dog was missing.

I'd gone out again to look on foot and cause I was sick of thinking of bullshit excuses as to why another of our friends was still off on one, to her parents.
Somewhere there was also a huge sunny desert too! 

As I wake Leon just spams my head with more symbols.. GoldiLocks. Blonde/yellow hair... 'Terminal Velocity' I'm told again, ripples, spirals and ringletts.

Then he's showing me gold shells. Like Nautilus shells made of gold.  

Then I recall another dream where I'd been with Jack, best friend and who was always male me in dreams.. only he is flicking in and out of being Inak. It was like we were back at high school having failed everything cause we just fucked about then realising we needed to do the derpy course so we could resit math/English.. Only in this space, we are in what is like a dark aircraft hanger... I've got enough credit to pass and Inak hasn't so I'm hanging about waiting, but just seem to cause chaos while I'm waiting.

Then more images... 'The prawn before I was born' I'm shown the grub, Beatle growing bigger and bigger but it is also gold. I'm seeing a gold prawn.. like the shell, but then it's turning into a bug and a beetle and a scarab. 

The bug in a box... 'You are no longer in a box Ren' Golden shells, bugs?

I don't get this shit Leon!!
'Symbols Ren and patterns, do you recall back at the house?'

Errr oh sort of.. Malico and Inak jumped to us, Malico brought the sky fabric again and gave me it. They spoke to you too it's hazy???

'They told ME, to stop messing with you Ren' Oh yeh that... Errr that I cared and loved and deserved respect? I'm still confused, we had been in the library again ,my clothes were really dirty.... 

'Bitch?' Yeh? 'We go your space now, all - come ok?'  

Mmmmmmm 'Jump we see you there'  

I'd jumped it's dawn or grey light. I hug Illeth, Loci and Kaylo who I've not seen for a bit then just go to the stream and lay down in the water... losing coherence flowing out to sea - I was aware Inak told me he was following me but I was indifferent just lost in the water-salt waves wanting not to be and joining the sea.

In the water I turn seal swimming north round the rocks I was heading to the Farn deeps..  

Inka had told me to find the Solomon dream.. also the friend who turned seal to help me fish... I'd told him I didn't want to think. He had asked 'Let me take you back to shore soon, ok?... We will help today'  

Copper wire, Copper bug box? Conductivity? The bug / Shell Shape?? 'Yeh Ren it's easier to show you'  

At some point, we had gone back, we had all dream shared.... 

Another massive dream, desert space.. and we are in a house this was the same dream earlier... with the dogs and main dream area.  

Was dunes too.. was like my main dream space but when that part of the world was at the equator - also now... as there was a lockdown. We'd found our way to an ancient farm, with these steps going up in the dark past layers and layers of old toys and then a hatch into a bright farmyard. It's empty.. the farmhouse is open and modern and we go in to look around. The family have bunked lockdown 'Like you did last year 😈' Hahah suppose..

We were looking around.
Oh.. errr image spam.. this Southwest of main dream house and Roundhouse. Terrain the same to underground Iron rivers. It's a different layer to the village version of the space... AH yeh, it's the farm, horse, Northsunderland one. Ooof much unfolding in head ... 'Only took, all day Ren' Would you shush! 'Can focus when you' Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

The building was light bight, morning sun coming in the east almost like a new build coastal holiday space, Open plan, sky blue walls, window lights large worktops and barn style Eaves (Eve?) rooms.  

We could see the family had left suddenly, it was like they had been there then gone. One of the others decided they had gone south to skip lockdown.. we leave again heading back threw the dark barn storage when the family arrive back in a big errr crew van/camper.  

Then there is just me them, the others have cleared off for now. I somehow am under the wheels of the van and crawl out saying hello.  

They look confused and I apologise they are a large family of 12, the Mama has already taken younger kids up the stairs and I apologise for being in there barn, and ask if they've seen my dog? They haven't but tell me they will send word to the village if they do and I go back out into the sandy wyrd desert space where I find the others waiting for me at the bottom of a dune. 

I'd had another dream too... Also really long. 

This was odd, fractal a mother/lover pattern... repeats.  

A milkman delivers, a frozen street 

An unwanted pile of plates that I was going to take to paint??

When I'd woken I was in the hunter room dream-sharing with Inka - I have a hold of his hand where I've taken a big bite out of his finger. I look at him to apologise and he just laughs and looks at my shoulder... where he's taken a bite out of it! 

Then I notice Malico in the room who looks at us both with one of them withering looks I give my dog when he eats shit...that makes me laugh as we reform our astral bods without bite holes. 😆


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