Friday, 19 February 2021

Eyes and Shapes, What Do We See?

Malico 'Yes Ren, I'm keeping an eye on you'  
'We know you miss Inka Ren, please just meet him with us for now?'
Prison visit's 😆 
'Only of your own volition Ren, We don't want to lose you again anymore than you want to lose us'

I can chat to him?  'Up to you Ren, it will likely only make you want to be close to him more'

My right big toe?  'Yes Ren, ask me what you want to know'  Oh really? 

'Do not mess with me Ren, I'm pulling you here to avoid more fall out... '

Ok, possess me Leon, I feel you near... If you want,  I accept

'OK, move aside dear'   Ooof...   'You need more water Ren, and sleep, not to much'

You feel like a landslide inside myself...  'You're going to need to move Ren, your energy bod is a mess'

'Yes, Yoga, and H2O, now Ren... Or it will hurt'  OK

Ty...Leon?  'Yes, Ren... I know what you want.  Come to my islands on the Re-Ed?' 

Why do I want to cry?  'Complicated little mouse' 

You want me to do dream links and 'Hydrate Ren, I'm happy to posses you mouse, but you feel me?'  I do.   'Then, hydrate Ren, cramp hurts....  And listen to me ok?'  That vid makes me want to cry, makes me want Inka...

'Ren, I can show you why, you need to listen.... We are one... As usual your confused and need to come home'

To Leon? 'Yes please Ren, when you are ready. Remember intention' ok

Hu?? 'You are here with me Ren, recall'

I'd been dreaming with leon on his floaty Islands...  Symbols again, the XYZ they are lines, angles inside a cube we are shapes... I see the x moving into it's self 2 triangles inside.
'All symbols Ren, and patterns' 

A spiral and a vv need to draw them all... 

'Return to me please, or if you wish to wander find Kaylo and bring him also'

Rome???  Hu?? 'Sleep  please, keep notes, find Kaylo and dream share here properly with me'

I see more symbols, spirals and shapes... Lines curves made a of light glowing. 

Long dream... Hazy, you can help recall please?


Ahhh I was in the cupboard in my main dream house, I was looking for something in there it was full and messy.

Oh it was another chess board.  Or the chess pieces we had 2 boards side by side.
Zak had a large plastic sheet with coloured spots and dots.
Ipads too writing I'd done in French.. Oh that wasn't me.. But I'd done it in the dream.

Zak was raging too, he'd just got to sleep and someone had woken him and he was angry he'd not be able to sleep again.

You woke me before that alarm?  'I woke you before time it's self Ren, come here'  Hu?, but that is??? 'Irrelevant right NOW' lol 😆

A pyramid with a ball oh no it's an eye.. Like the 2 balls, 2 vv's the Vesica Pisces again.. Making the eye not flat now.

'The shapes we  make Ren'  Oh, the dream were... I sort of get it.   'Dream it then, I show'  My toe!!

'lol Ren, I've got you good' 

Eye in a pyramid, eye in palm - 'Mark of a seer Ren, it will be recognised by others - it is the opening of the hand chakras'

Oh, the dreams.. Again so many.

Grey-mane, he wanted to fight me, to kill me,
he followed me to Ireans,
where they watched me stroke the centre of a gold cross.

I spin round and round till dizzy then I slept on the floor,
They share my dream recalls

Grey-mane too. 'Yes'

My Dad & Ken they wanted to block a fireplace,

Weaponised spiders and an Inka Scapegoat.
I was showing he was blameless.
The world Wide Web?

A woman wanted to vomit as she didn't believe it?

A planet had been used?

A transport came to take us back?
A war or something was about to start?
And we would take a part?

The transport was busy many could shape shift..
Lots of entity's lots of gifts.

My Dad showed me images, Photos too,
Caravans, sandcastles, Red, Yellow and Blue.

A girl reads 'The Lady' she's is sleeping on a porch,
A large floppy sunhat she was old before being born.

Uncle Eric was there again, He's describing what he sees.
We would attend a formal meal,
With floating candles in a field.
The field would be frozen,
The land all ice,
I was making the candle rings selecting colours that were right.

Light pink, Pale blue and white,
They were crackled like ice,
They would sparkle when lit and reflect their own light. 


This lot was all visually bonkers.. Grey-Mane was a druid,  we could both fly, he'd wanted to hurt or kill me but I'd refused to fight back.  I'd lead him with me as he'd continued to attack.

Irean's was strange, her and my Mam.  An old fire below the window that had been blocked-up by my Dad.
The walls were deep turquoise, a carpet too, grubby with bits.
The fire blocked with only paper but they wanted to brick it up, It was below the window this was papered over too, I was telling them no bricks.  And that the paper should be removed.

A gold cross like from inside a church... I was stroking the centre of it as I stood in the room and talked,
They were watching me then I started to dance, but only spinning round and round till I collapsed on the ground. 

I'd fallen onto Grey-Mane who was curled up on the floor, grey robes covering him making a ball.

Then they shared my dreaming's of spiders and webs, webs in woods, webs in worlds and the internet.
Spiders that were weaponised and Inka had the blame... But it wasn't him at all, he was a scape goat for some game.

They could all see this from my dreaming's but they didn't want to know, it made some want to vomit the druid wanted me home.

The transport was open, just people on some seats. 2 of 3 were empty in the first row, a general stood to take one but Grey-mane pulled me down.  I was at in the middle at the front it was full now so we go.

We are heading to a conflict zone, a war or a mess.
I knew I had a role, but I'd been apart for so long, as we journey I am dreaming too the war was soon to start.

One female turned into animals, another to a birds... We could all shape shift,  dreams and thoughts were easily heard.  I was sharing the images sent by my Dad, like arty holiday snaps, white caravans against blue sky, Red and Yellow sand castle flags.

A young girl dreaming in a floaty summer dress, painted sun house with a flower porch,

An old fashioned deck chair, like a perfect little doll with ringlet hair.
A hat over her eyes, In her lap lies 'The Lady' an old fashioned mag.
All folded neat, story's read, before her nap. 
Old, and young lost in time on a sunny afternoon.


Making the coloured candles for the frozen banquet meal.
Dipping wicks in pans of wax that would float and light the field.
Then weaving them in rings in this odd darkened room adding leaves and flowers,

In a hurry to leave soon. 


I'm trying to sketch the symbols but so busy... Leon had reminded me of

This started as you joined with me yesterday... 'It Did Ren Yes, well noticed -   You have always been illiminaughty Ren, just this time you wanted to be born without the abuse and control to see if you still found your own way home'

7 8 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 m 21 22 z 0 1 
2 3 4 58 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ZO 21 222324

  Dreams are allways so much better when the vibe is bright. 


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