Monday, 22 February 2021


'I like Ren's bald head or her horns' Inka you like me as a bitey mouse or a woodlouse!  'I don't mind having you as a flea either'  😏lol

'Come' Where 'your place...we're in your messy space after all.'

Wish I was too. 'You are, I've got your heart and you're a part of us'.


The Jumanji film, the 1 eye, the bugs the rodents..... 'Yup, Ren 😈 come here mouse, to your house you know we are playing time.  Anyway, your versions better find it!'


Wake puzzled.. 'Symbols squeaky, patterns too... I'm with you we dream as 2' 

Ori? Scottish?  'Her energy Mouse?'  Oh... she won't back down, fearless and forward, she's funny and loud.  Friendly and loyal and loves to game.

'Quality you share mouse you're part of the same... find the dream with her too please'

Me as child boggart again? 'I was with you there, I have time for wild things Ren and now is then'  All now? 'OFC Ren, I'll show you how'


Oh.. you woke me 303... my recalls crap you can help?

Ohhh TW wow.

Dark and wild, I'd been at main dreamhouse but at a balcony.. Rachel and Ori in my parents room 'See the similarities' Yes.. they were with a partner who was a mix of people Dom/Roland & more

I'd arrived there by bus with them.
All the 3 front windows of the terrace were the same white walls and 2 small wooden shelves with a colourful painting. 

I was upstairs then, I kept opening the balcony window into a storm looking NE over and into the sea.... I was waiting for something. 


My bro was in the dream, our mother gone/dead we were supposed to visit and Aunt for food but preferred alone instead.... we were going to meet for chips

'Good mouse, back to your house'  There had been a shrine is some woods too.... here my soul tree, it was hung with beads and fabric Kelly was there.  I was trying to bring us all together, we would share the chips/food.  An adventure too skydiving or skiing's?  Sometimes exciting anyway.

'See how you're better at night squeaky?  Not distracted, can type and write'  Yes... Same in the garden, I like the world asleep.. My mind works better in silence 'Come back and dream here'

I'd jumped to the roundhouse at the start of the night... Malico & Leon were there too, I'd sat on the floor close to the fire and Inka.. I can't remember what we spoke about.    'Not much before you were back being a baby boggart Ren' 

Haha yeh...


That was new... 'You like?'  lol yeh, wyrd & chaotic but yeh.


I'd been fighting with Ian, I'd been fighting with lots of people!

In the dream I'd been booked on a holiday with Em... plane was 4am

Ian wanted to fight about eating meat, could get that to me the meat became part of me same as a plant and all was live.. Dog there too.

Oh linked to this dream 'Yeh Ren'


There is a dog with poop on it's paws and nose, I was trying to get it out of the building as it was making a mess... Em (Other way up me) was about to be expelled from school so didn't want to take the plane. 
I'd lost my passport and.. then Irean comes home (Not sure why I keep dreaming about her it's a unity/one thing I think)
Ahooo everything was a mess.  I'd been so angry at one point I'd bit a lump off a tooth.

Then I was flying outside the building and it's a cliff drop into a pool and a window that looks out.  I was seeing how my mood could blow holes in this ravine and make water shoot out and fall down... was very cool and beautiful looking... the dream was so full of emotion, lots going wrong, dream wasn't bad just my emotions were so strong and storm like :)

'555, Squeaky come?'  OMW... 'You should have slept downstairs btw the vibe would have been different'  lol it's ok, Marlean/Mary/Mag was in the dream too?? 'Yeh Ren and teachers, all annoyed at you 😈'  lol yep... again 😀


Another dream of many.. very messy.. but I knew we were one.  I was the one...


lol next I must have been listening to the recycling lorry as I was glass smashed and fractured into many... the same but shattered and apart.


So many more dreams but everything was so chaotic and blurred together and messy 'You're merging awareness with me Ren'

It's so tangled and scrambled.. A snow dance, A talent scout... someone had been headhunted for a role/job.   

A show, and play and a court case.  I was in the courtroom too... walking about the odd wooden seats and furniture watching.


Then I'd been paired with an unusual male and Penny was teaching him to read... Her father was the Harbourmaster.

Oh she was in another dream lately... then I recall a dream from the night before... Beds on shelves inside a building that had got progressively bigger and bigger, I could see the old roofs going up the wall like high tide lines going down a beach.

We had to float up to the bed shelves I was watching someone try and see one of the bed spaces high up.


They are just shelves with a thin mattress and a small shelf and some board to stop the dreamers from falling out.   I was renting a bed in this space. 


The seller was explaining that the building was never supposed to be a home, it was a customs/port storage warehouse.  'Mmmmmm' 

What's that supposed to mean Hahah it's 818 'You missed me Ren' Obviously though oof my brain!

'Malico's trying to defrag you ;)' 

Haha oh I recall you two arguing something about an octopus and a golden ???? I forget the other word it was an unusual term...  We had gone to the hunter's room. 

'Where's your head at'  lol the song?  'It's to do with the argument Ren'  Hahah I was happy dreaming.  Just watched the VID! 😝😆


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