Wednesday, 24 February 2021

Smoking Squids and a Giant

Inka can you help me understand the control v chaos / 2 faction dreams. 'Bitch? You know!... if not ask Malico, it's him you balance that with'  

It is? 'Yeh Witch, we team for fun, but he's control 😈' lol

'Ren, you can ask me yourself seen as your heading for me tonight anyway. Ask me nicely and I will show you'  

OMW soon... why? 'Told you that too bitch? You know us Ren, you've seen the stuff we do.. there is a reason we don't team in heavy material environments anymore, no fucker wants us fighting ok??' We 'Friction Ren, now just come the fuck here, I'll leave you with malico ok but come here now. Ren..... plx'  

lol 'Yeh bitch, we both need a hug... this morning wasn't fun and we heal together ok?' OMW 💜

--Wake later.

Inka?? 'Yes mouse, you were just fighting with me in your house again' WTF?? 'Hormones incidentally, epinephrine' Ouch, Mmmmm, Hydrate mouse and jump to me.

Why? How we fight again? 🤔 'Polarity, just come here 😏' 

Next wake at 303... I don't recall anything... 'Ask Nicely'  How did I get to you Malico? 'Doesn't matter' 

Oh WOOOOOO, that had been intense!! 

A massive white space/transport/hub like the Re-ed but this was open, we were not controlled.
Huge trains and miles of corridors, shops and vast. But all white and self-contained that smooth white these spaces are made from.

There was a commander or err captain, he wasn't human skin grey and head more angular, he was unstable and low on energy so he was ageing rapidly and then as he would recover he'd get younger again. He was plugged into the a white ring with him in the centre.  

Crazy floating vehicles in the corridors. One powered by a small cycling furry upright entity. Teddy people but smaller than Ewocks.  

A baby store had been destroyed, the store owner was upset... it was in an alcove in one of the white corridors.

Clothing stores too, I looked threw the doors out of curiosity

A huge flaming anchor double my hight, a pyramid too made of grey crumbly slate-like stones, all cut like thin tiles then piled up, people were sitting on it looking at the flaming anchor we knew the fire would spread but were hanging about to watch.

 Then out of place people this was like the Boggart dream the modern people like mods in shirts... they arrive with old school flaming torches and they are setting things alight.

The buildings are old now, stone cottages some already burnt out.
The new arrivals are setting everything alight.  

Rob is with me now, we ran up the pyramid and jumped to the roof of a stone cottage. The roof was old thatch and would catch fire it was crumbling too. One of the guys below laughs at me as he goes to set fire to the inside of the building. Rob had already jumped to another roof and was shouting on me to hurry up.  

In between dreams, I'm finding myself with a giant. Huge! One of the really big ones, I was one once. I don't even reach up to his knee.  

We know each other and he's sharing dreams with me.

He felt like crew, but who I dunno? Inka or Malico?

Another utterly crazy dream, an amazing doughnut milkshake place, it was like an underground amusement arcade mixed with a psytrance take on an American diner.

It was awesome, neon glowing milkshake vending machines and glowing displays of the most amazing doughnuts! The place smelt fantastic and the doughnuts taste perfect! The right kind of crunch and squidge I had one with a butterscotch icing and choc sprinkles. 

The floor had big cube-shaped colourful squashy cushions leathery wipe clean deep purple. The whole place had a purple glow blue fittings with black lights too.   

One of the highlights was a living bong/pipe it floats in the air is shaped and moves like a metal deep sea squid, also had flashing colour changing lights and it's markings and patterns change. You suck it's head to inhale 😆 It floats from cushion to cushion where people were chilling and getting high.

It was near closing time and I was helping carry the spare doughnuts into a shelved warehouse storeroom at the back,

he room stayed open but the doughnuts went away, a woman was stock-keeping there and I was getting a carry out to take to some friends.

Then back to the massive giant again, he was telling me stuff we chatted alot. 'You should have written it down' I was dreaming.....'And arguing' lol 😆 'Lazy too, you could have woken up & writen'  

Last dream... was also visually bonkers. It was a fancy-dress party. 'I was a kind of wyrd take on a plage-dr or something. I had on a long black hooded robe that covered one eye. I didn't look like me, I had very pale skin the front was covered with a plastic shield then a black mesh veil. Looked very cool. I was building a clock tower? With a set, cardboard and lego :P Oh like the clocktower dream, yes it looked like that but in this dream, I was making a toy version of it! It was all browns and purples, brown and purple crayons and chunky pencils too? Oh... lol it was a playgroup!!? Seriously.... 'Yup Ren told you you were in isolation 😏' Haha FU 😆

At one point I'd been back in Em's house too on the day she jumped out and scared me.
😁Wish I could remember what the Giant was telling me 
'Ask him later Ren'  Haha, yeh will try and kip later.


I didn't know about Memory and Adranlin & Epinephrin!

'Now you do'  Hahah rude 😜Is that why my Memories shit, I'm too chilled out? 😆 

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