Monday, 8 February 2021


I wana come home, I see Leon first  'I won't dissuade you, Malico or me will find you after'  TY
I want to be near him, 'You're nuts Ren, but it's ok'  πŸ’œπŸ’œ 'You know where you belong, it dosn't take you long to ping back now'

Death wish?  'OFC Ren, Also your make up.... You hate authority and control, love a challenge and a fight.  You need his wall'   I do hu? 
'Mmmm. Come jump to him, We find you after'

'Ren, as usual you have said and done much without meaning too, you know and are starting to understand what we are to you'

Not enough, but I need you too.   I remember the space where you went to hide and I burned up with the flame from thousands of eyes.

'A mask on a darth Dad? Tiki mask's that Inka made, The Leo moon mask, do you see how you've been played?'

OFC, I'm still learning but I'm impressed all the same 😏 I'm a willing participant in this game.

'Good Ren, you know well my mood with you, come find me if you dare Ren and I will Render what we do'  Lol sheesh... OMW.

That was Wyrd.... I was oofff  😡 πŸ₯΄  head... 'Yes, Ren... See how I can break your mind?'   Mmmmmmm   'Rest of you next, dear'  lol great....

The dreams I'd had were so hard to put into words, not least cause my mind was in shreds....... Detached....
Like watching a world like a potato get pealed smaller and smaller...

Sticking, Splitting..  
Like a driving instructor but for a timeline/reality πŸ˜•  lol  

More and more and more was being restricted, stopped taken and no one cared.  
Just paying for it all fanatically and mentally. 

Caught in a trap, waiting and expecting it all... Being scooped up in a net.   'Come then Ren😏 '  ffs πŸ˜†

Next wake..

'Ren? You still in one bit?'   lol, yeh.

The One in All and the All in One..... The violence morphed into symbolic art.   πŸ˜†

'It was that from the start Ren, we friction good, it's easier now the symbols are understood'

I was a singularity?   'Mostly yes, making a loop here to come back again'  Oh, why here?? 'Now' lol yeh, whatever..

'Dream more with me mouse, time to play' 

Every time I woke I had freaking hellish cramp in both calves that Inka just kept laughing at πŸ˜›  Shit head 'Warned you... 😈'

Next dream was whoosh!!... Familiar and yet the detail was hyper real I'm in a massive journey hub like a trippy underground station.

A Esher style maze of escalators thousands of people journeying many are Asian.  Me and an Asian female are trying to get into a covered conveyor  it's all metal... Familiar too I know I've had many dreams of strange lifts like this they are like Iron lungs / jest son art deco style but they have an organic component to like a membrane/air seal... Go any direction... Only this escalator was a tube for several.  As it was always moving it was tricky to work out how we were to get inside and we trying to open a metal hatch together to get in.

Inka?? 'I'm here to bitch, have been for some TIME, told you Squeaky.. You are mine πŸ˜›' 
Ohhh sudden recall of another massive dream...  a sensation of lockdown and restriction had featured in this space too, though it was highly symbolic a blue and red empty transport hub that was very windy.  Zak there to he was tired I was trying to find somewhere sheltered from the wind he could sleep.   There was what was like a huge stately home but also an old persons home, I was asking their feelings on restrictions, they were comfortable and they had space to be apart.  Virus I'd intended to sequence the virus ??   I'd been trying to wash my hands but when I try to use the sink the water that comes out is pond water alive and full of life I put the plug in and look at the life in the water.

There was wrapped gifts again and tiny infants who could walk on their toes and large waist Hight terracotta lanterns.

Ouchhhh!  'Take Mg tomorrow Ren it will help'  

Next dreams are the main feature was transistors and me wiring them up.   Firstly it had been a child.... Had a pack on his tummy a little like a laze quest backpack but it wasn't working.  Inak's in the dream too we were teaming.

there we connected to battries I don't know anything about this awake but in the dream It was what I did and came easy.  Again the dream is very detailed there is copper wire and then this stuff like white blue tac that I'm using to connect the bits together so the current could flow.   4 wire's needed connecting.  Once I'd fixed the one on the boy it was a female. 

This was odd as she was sitting at was like a makeup desk and it was her earrings ( lol ear rings! πŸ˜† ) I was fixing up, white bows... I needed to connect 4 copper wires front and back to each ear and ear ring... With the transistor things and batteries so it was taking some time.  We were chatting as I worked... Her face is unfamiliar as it was just the connections I was focused on and the work was fiddly getting the fine wire in the right place.

As I was working she was telling me how she had been a rep for board games (srrsly!)  She'd journeyed to conventions promoting different styled games but with the restrictions she was having to find other work as her other job was on hold.

In another space I'd been offered an early shift..  I needed to be there 8.30 daily I'd work 2 &1/2 weeks on then have 2& 1/2 weeks off, I was to hummm I was just in the space if anyone needed me.   It was another hub, this one had a warm golden light about it but felt below ground.

The only other bit of the dream I recall was being very, very high up on rocks... Vertigo!  Lol the people looking up at here I was standing for perspective was making me feel dizzy so I'd moved down slightly and sat on the rock side to take in what I was seeing.

Inka... Ouch, legs... And  my mind O.o   'Yeh Squeak, Leon really screwed it last night 😏  I wasn't a walk in the park either.. Just dream for for now'  

Another dream, this one also heavily visual I'm with Em so Em/Me.  We are in a toy shop owned by Ann & Michel (Oh Anu& El.. 'Mmmm')

In once dream me/em are leaving and clearing out stuff we have had... This is odd as it's stuff like duvets and blankets all kids of stuff we don't really want, but we realis we have a responsibility to take our crap with us.

The toyshop was amazing, like a wood paneld 2nd or 3rd story in an old Victorian building the toys were a mix of ages, from hand made dolls, to modern collectors cards... I'd also ordered some new stuff too.  

It was mine but I intended to leave it as I had to much to carry and it was new so would sell.... I wasn't going to tell them I was leaving it as I'd assumed it would get purchased and wouldn't matter.

It was a very tall hand made wooden toy crane, on the winch was a toy spider... There was also amazingly detailed hand sewn dolls outfits on small cardboard coat hangers that I'd left hanging on the winch of the crane.  

I'd checked with Ann if I could arrange for animal charity's to collect the unwanted bedding and this was fine. 

Oh another very detailed dream I was a errr lol a ring/hoop of light me and another one of us was pink the other blue/green.   We are white with light strips about a meter high - 2 meters diameter identical but for the coloured lights we floated and went up and up was a mission, as the mission as completed we turned back into humanlike shape floating back to earth... this me only had one eye functioning, it was odd but familiar too.

Everything hurts O.o..... 'May I?'   plx  Ahhhh blue centre O.o  'Hahaha, Just still for now your legs muscles are fucked stop moving and let me help'  TY.

Get up and only have one knot left but still hurts like heck.... 'You deserve it Ren, you were warned enough!'   Blughhh  'Remembering the dreams now too??'  Sort off.. So many.  'Mg will help, I'd not advise you try to run'  lol I can barley walk!! 

Row row row your boat gently down the stream,

We are eggs our life's a dream and what have we done!

We all made a mess, we made a big knot..

We made ourselves into something were not!

No way to fight it but flip the script,

Dance it and spread it and DL it.

In an Aquarion space, there is no want for rule

Leaders and bullshit were coming for you,

We are all going crazy to make this world sane!!

and recall who we are and why we came!!

To play on a planet and dance under the sun

He wants us to remember life is for fun!!!

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