Thursday, 11 February 2021

Black Rabbits Watching

'Labels bug ball & curly shell you came here to remember well' 

Doesn't feel that way sometimes 'Bitch, own it own you' Inka...'I know fucking well you don't want to...

I'm not asking you to change it or fix it, just watch it, feel it think it your dreams ripple big' 

'Like the spirals from your sun.. you are to stubborn to rise alone, you understand your one'

I'm one drop in an ocean... 'and the crest of a wave, it's ok crazy mouse there is only you to save 😈'

Leon's mirror maze, 'Ren you're lost in Inkas love when your dreaming as a planet your below is your above'  

Don't overthink shit, watch and have a brew... your well possessed and bugged now we are close to you.

Earlier on I'd stupidly been convinsed Watership Down film was a good idea!

'Sad Ren?' Mmmmm No one ever knew I wasn't mad.. 'Not True Ren, not true' They won't listen though... 'Never do bitch, nor do you 😏' lol

Why then?? 'For you and us' Hu?? 'Teaching Ren, all the time..

you've made your hell, could make your heaven..  '

What's the point in manifesting if I want nothing for me?? 'Service crazy mouse 😏'

'You sad cause you wanna die Ren or want to stay? .........'

'Squeaky? Pain to Malico plx. I find you later when I need you ok?'

I guess...All the same ??? ??? remember?? Even them who don't know...'OFC Squeak service to intelligent Infinity, you're just a tricky tool'

Sleep and am woken...

111 'See bitch?!' lol😆 how is it only 111. 'You've seen the way I play'
Hahah the dream... I'd been at a card table 👀
It was busy and noisy.... everyone but me seemed really good at it. 'Then shhhh, and watch'  

Malico askes me if I want him to watch over my sleeping... I ask him if he needs to??
He tells me he asked first if I wanted him too! lol So I said yes, please.

Crazy dream 

2 faction... I was watching at first seeing the proceeds of crime but it was building and industrial stuff. Vehicles mainly lots of them... they were being bundled onto lorries and transports to be reused/repurposed. The guy who the crimes were against handed the stuff over to be reused.

I was following and observing. Was like a convoy.

At once point I'd been on an old open bus there is a steam train on the bus too small it keeps letting off steam into the people on the bus... I'd jumped there to try and help as I understood the train. 

At the same time each day the people on the bus/town city world were gassed/drugged the air to make them sleep. It didn't work on me.

I would wake and see the 2 sides battle... violent and zombie-like. shooting each other in the face.

I'd learnt how to pretend I was sleeping. Others around me are waking and I'm showing them how I pretend to sleep too, so avoid getting pulled into the fighting while can observe what's taking place.

I'd just wanted out of the warzone.

I'd suddenly found myself having to drive a vehicle 😋 others are on it.
They are asking me stuff, like don't I care/have emotions am I not like them, many questions... why I won't side or fight.

I CBA to explain and they won't understand it's cause I know all the reasons, rhymes and outcomes... 

The driving is not going well and just makes me seem even crazier as I dunno how the vehicle works .. it's a bus... I'd ended up off the road and on the train tracks but I'm in a bus with others and I need to get it off the train tracks before we all get squished!


I thought I'd gone to Inka to watch??
'You are out of control Ren!'
but I'm with Malico... 'Yeh Ren, it's ok, you're WITH control instead' lol Hahaha 😆😆😆

The 2 factions like in the other singularity dream? The same sleepy stuff.  

'Yep... come back to sleep and dream again... well done waking' NP... nice to be up and night I feel the realities swivel again 💜💜


Was about 4 when I'd gone back to bed and I wake up suddenly again check time and it's 505 'Admit it it's funny, Bitch!' Haha 💜 yes it is 😆

I'd been in a big fizzy flow before I'd slept then dreams were busy many layers. In one I was watching a dog pin down a cat and lick it clean the cat was ginning contentedly 😊

I was chatting with an old friend (Vicki) I'd not seen or heard from in years since we were children. She was in her late 20's I don't recall our convo but in her bathroom, I'd found one of my silver gate bracelets down the toilet on some loo roll. I'd fished it out and washed it wondering what it was doing down there. I had also cleaned her floor with an errr steam mop thing not that I've ever used one of these waking! 

A portal or gate to it's made of stone the middle shimmers and we are messing around with it floating cartoon stickers/emojis all over in and out of it 😆😂

I'd found myself dream-sharing with Inak again we are in the hunter's room and I'd turned to apologise to Malico as I was supposed to be dreaming with him but he just laughed - told me I can't help dreaming with Inak and it's cute... people don't usually like Inka and he likes having a mouse pet to feed icing too 😆 lol ffs!!

Next dream was bonkers too.
I'm in a massive tower it's very busy outside is a new-stand were I was hanging about. Inside they are doing medi/body checks these are happening in strange seats that look like white wheels.. they scanned and read people there info coming up on a screen. Body composition, also blood data, immune and mineral bone status.

I'd gone into the building / tower and lol it wanted to hurt me! 

I wasn't bothered by this, I had to be careful though as rocks kept falling down stairwells and just missing me. I was asking if anyone else experienced the same thing and nobody does. I can also hear the building too... the sounds too that I'm the only one that can hear.

A friend gives me a cream egg to eat her father had sent them for easter... I eat it then after eating it I notice a little message stuck on the wrapper.  

It's about a GM cell line that has been included in the egg ingredients,.. haloid cells, or were they diploid.. I don't recall I just know they had no business in a sweety choc egg.  

At one point a kitten falls and people are yelling at me as it landed on its head ... the kitten tells me it's fine.... People didn't believe this either 😆

I go up to the top story and I can float here, I'm bobbing about and people are very confused now staring at me. I knew the building was annoyed too as I hover over the stairwell my legs suddenly start getting bigger and bigger dragging me down, I laugh and hold onto the bannister rails, climb over and sit down looking at my legs which were tattooed in the dream. As I watch they shrink back to my leg size... People found me a bit terrifying 😛

In another dream I'd been a long white stick in Malicos hand (Oh like he used to break the binding with Leon..) Anyhoo it wasn't as long as that Was bright white rectangular and not as long.. the same glowing white though he was stroking it/me and I was curling up into a spiral then when he stopped I'd slowly uncurl to straight again!! like when you tickle the souls of baby feet 😏 It's a grip reflex or something??

As I'd woken more and reformed an avetar he tells me, 'Sorry, It is me they are after' Hu?? 'Don't worry Ren'   

Haha the last bit was funny... I'm in the hunter's room alone now sitting on the edge of bed and I was playing with a large eyeball... It's alive and it watching me as I throw it up and down like a tennis ball catching it again. Haha it was warm and pleasantly squidgy.  

I hear Inka mentally tell me 'Just don't poke it' Seconds later, knowing I'm tempted he manifests catches mid-air throws it up vanishing it and then  then glares at me shaking his head before also vanishing. 

Haha well don't put stupid ideas in my head!! 

I'd also hear an announcement again I felt like it was my voice

It says very clearly 'Global ??? in progress' but it pronounced progress O rather than o as I would.   'Up Squeek, lovely morning much to do!'

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