Sunday, 21 February 2021

Shapes and Rodents.

'See the shapes Ren? The energy flow in 3d?' 
  Yeh cones,Vortex like the cross shape X and cones. 
'Good, keep in mind and come here'  

Odd dream, I was in a version of London.  
I was with Inka and Leon (They'd agreed I was shit at giving stuff up so could dream with Inka so long as not just us as we were too much of a liability atm)  We were sitting in a room manifesting shapes from light and talking.  Someone had wanted to know about what prison or jail would be used for royal family??
We seemed to know, I knew the locations but not the names and didn't care as I'd just wanted to play with the energy and form shapes.

Next dream was really long.  Another of them massive nylon tents from that strange refuges dream the other night.

This one was various shades of brown, big tunnel-like  (Odd as I've never been in tents like these before!)  We had been in it for ages, but were moving stuff out to dry it out and pack it down.

We had a rodent infestation and as I was clearing the mice were running up my sleeves and up my trouser legs.    They bit me if I tried to pull them out but seemed quite happy in my clothing where it was dark and warm so I let them be.   Though there were lots of them!   

At one point I was considering it was kinda hard to help pack down when my pants were full of mice 😆 So I'd wandered off to find somewhere to put them.  I'd found an outdoor market with a stool and some old bags and fabric, it looked dark so I started to shake and scoop them out.  

Mice, rats and odd chipmunk type things too.  I'd gone back to where the tents was with Kelly and Em, we were talking about getting food as we would need to eat to make milk for babies.  ?

I'd been with Leon and Inak again, zoomed way out to see stuff.  Next, I was in a really busy city, people pushing in all directions...

Then looking at a book.
The text is brown, it's a book of shapes made from smaller shapes the ratios marked down the sides.    I was learning about shapes.... eyes floating in pyramids again.

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