Saturday, 20 February 2021


 'Intention Ren, and then, I would like your attention please' 


 Crown..'Yes indeed, make your tea, then come to me' 



 Can I see Inka please? 'Ok, little mouse come to Malico's house'


 'Ren....You asked to see Inka, you are already dreaming... And he is here.. '


 lol.. I'd jumped awake as I'd instantly fallen asleep then someone had squirted me with cold water! 


 'Me Ren, I'm weaving with you now intention and back and try and stay at least a little lucid'


 Wake around 3 after a long dream, I had seen Inka first briefly in the dining room again, he was laughing at how fast I fall asleep.. I don't recall much other than that and giving him a hug... 

 'You fell back into dreams fast Ren, you are awake to long in the day at the moment' 


 A long detailed dream a strange guest house I'd stayed there a while back with a partner... 

 A dog was dying and there was a male singer too possibly Michel Jackson.  


 I'd recommended the place to 2 other people who were going to stay there.


 Next recall I'm in a car on the side of a street. I was going to put an IV line in myself. I had fluid and what I needed. 

I'd been bleeding for a while and had lost a lot of blood, a human nurse is at the window... lol she was bizarrely bitchy.

'That's not the right place, you won't get that in... that catheters cheep, oh they sterilise them IV's in urine' a whole string of random crap..

I was thinking if I can hit a vein on a dehydrated kitten, or a jugular on a fat unshaved cat I can hit the hose pipe in the back of my wrist even if it is collapsed.   

I got it in and was watching my blood drip slowly from the end of it onto my hand as I'd tourniquet to try to raise the vein as my BP was low.. 

The nurse is still making unhelpful comments and I was kinda wondering if I was so shit, why she didn't offer to help, but as she was so freaking toxic I wasn't about to ask :D 

The hardest bit was not having enough hands as I'd forgotten to rip the tape before I'd put the IV in... SO had the IV in then was trying to one-handed using my teeth unroll & cut the tape to stick the canular in place. She'd moved on once she realised the line was in and I'd stuck it enough to sort out the fluids and the other tape. 

I'd also been very close to the moon....... I could see it in detail.. and pealing prawns! people watching were appalled.  

WTF is up with all the prawns!! :P It was all jumbled.. my recall is not great and I recalled I had bread that would be ready to so get up. 

Inka is way more useful for waking me up and timing :D 'You get what your give Ren ;)' 😛

Leon had suggested his Island but I'd got up to sort the dough.. dreams had been tangled and I fancied chilling downstairs sleeping anyhoo.  

Chilled on the sofa around 3ish... crazy energy rushes and a kitten chewing my toes.. I'd asked Leon to come to my main dream space and he took me to the end of the main pier.. we used to run of the high wall breakwater into the harbour mouth as kids... but I think railings had been put up it was wyrd as I could see so many times all breathing in and out.

We picked a modern time then dissolved the metal railings so we could climb to the high breakwater wall where we sat down. I'm the tall purple bald thing with a tail, Leon was like a grey wizard :D People were staring at us. I was showing him how I used to like to lay over the breakwater and look at the islands upside down... but he quickly got bored of that and zoomed us up into the sky fast so we were at the border of Earth's atmosphere. Visually out there I was seeing the sky as a multi-D ball court :D Wowow.. Leon?

'Ren, You could have done as I suggested?'

Will come... I just wanted to go there. 

Next, I'm measuring and recording. 

2 bakers stalls again??  

We were racing to sell out??? Odd carts we could push like wheelbarrows with loves and cakes.

A row of Victorian terraced houses, they had all been mine. Now we only live in the 3 at the end but I had loft access to all.  

I needed to do something in the far end of the terrace. The space we lived in was posh, I was just doing the garden. Leon was with me.

I was doing the garden though.

Sam I Am, but was Will I Am. Will?? William ??

Next dreams of Set, Thoth and Hermes?? I was with them I have a glass jug strange shape I'm measuring volumes we are all taking notes.  

The was odd I have a bright red Dr Coat - I was checking Dr's, I watch them. They don't like me.. I make them feel they are crazy.  

A special cream, errr it's been making me feel sick all day thinking about this. It was french in a can. Rationed, could only get it with a social security/tax code. Everyone was allowed a small amount each week... disgusting. Want to vom thinking about it, I was feeding mine to a black and white cow that was licking my fingers with it's huge cow tongue 

Next some Sikhs, I was with some females we all had turbans and someone thought we were male. A young boy too, who was talking Hindi, but people were saying he was talking in Indian. 

Someone else with a bleeding hand.

A bleeding, melting rainbow tattoo, colours bright and vivid, the ink is new.

The dung beetles rolling the earth round.  

Help Leon?? 'I told you to get up Ren, I jumped you to Malico too. I am helping, if continue to lay here, images and dreams will come' 

Last dream.. main dream house, the garden, I was trying to recall what would rise where. 


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