Tuesday 2 February 2021

Outfits & Shapes

My first dreams are hazy.
My bro, we were smoking and  I was on a version of the green, my bro still with me too... He keeps finding stuff I've lost.

I wake at 141 the snail song😆 

Charriot, wheel, spokes Errr oh the ring with dot Leon is showing me again.  It's the symbol for Sol too.

Dream sharing with Leon, I'd got up a bit to wake my mind.  

This was dream in dream in dream.  I'd jumped to Leon, had been with just him all night at the roundhouse and it was dark.. cold, no fire just one small candle flame.

In the dream, I'd been dreamsharing again it was a crime/puzzle we were solving.  There was a Mary Poppins vibe to it.  
I'd got annoyed at to much stuff falling out of a cupboard and not being able to put it all back, so I'd gone to sleep... I was taking masks and costumes off people, more and more outfits/roles costumes.  One I'd taken of a white rabbit outfit and under that the man was a panda :P  Another person had massive horns.. oh a bit like the Illidan WOW character.
There had also been a ferry in ice and an arranged partner... the don't fear the reaper song then another boat a clipper I think with sales.

'Vessels Ren, come back here please'  All and everything is confusing... something.. A living judas.. 'We are showing, just takes a time to recall and unpack'   I'd collected Malico too and was dreaming with both of them... 'Put the oven on' errr oh it's 0550.. 'Yes, Inka will be here b4 morning too, for now us.... oven fast'  

I was up n down to cook break.. the sky looked Ren... 'We shed Ren'  

Inka had reappeared was good to see him, he wouldn't say where he'd been.. oh we were dreaming with heads in a cross shape, crown energy.  'Now, Bred Go!' lol it's 616.. 'Magic Bitch, scoot' lol    'Brace / Let, The number 4, your tale is mine squeaky, I know the score... bread then bk mouse 😏'   Hummmph  'Quick!'  😆

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