Saturday, 27 February 2021

Flooding Bathroom


Odd and spotty dream dust, like pebbles on a beach after acid 🙂


Dreams are strange... as they are in my main dream house. First up Dom was male me, we are in my bed as it was when I was young and he has a lover. I'm in the bed with them too at the end, I was looking on the floor for something, of the bed or to the side... He leans over his lover and kisses my side, oh where my kidney/adrenal gland is?  'Near Ren' It had a very sweet and gentle feel, the whole dream. Close and friendly.....


There was an odd thing too I'd been watching lol 4 men or like a kids TV show but they all had bike helmets. The 2 I recall best were pepper pig, and the pink panther... lol this is crown chakra again, and lol It's linked to that dream with Zak.. 'Yes' Oh he was in the other dream too. They had a crew van too... painted like a crazy VW van... fun and silly.


Then another dream same house, Dom was there asleep in my bed like the other dream, this time Zak and my Mam are there too.  

I'm taking clothes out of the toilet :P It's not a toilet though it's a dryer, I'm folding them to put away... as I do I notice the bathroom floor is all wet... it's the pink carpet that was there when I was a kid. I stop a leak under the sink... the sink was odd too, small and very old fashioned. the carpet soaking. I'd looked to try and find the reason why it was leaking.... and chucked some towels on the floor to try it up hoping it didn't collapse the ceiling of the kitchen below. 


I'd considered calling my Dad... who was in his normal house there. While I was trying to sort it there was a sudden woosh of lots of water. I'd grabbed a bowl to catch the water... but my Mam was saying 'leave it or not to bother... I don't recall what exactly, just she was just watching'


Then Zak had grabbed the bowl I was using and pulled it off me so more water was going onto the floor and annoyed I'd bit his finger O.o ....'Bity mouse ;)' Zak had cried and I'd felt guilty I'd grabbed the clean washing chucking it on the floor in the pool of water pushing past my Mam who was just watching and telling her 'Your fucking useless as I went to apologise to Zak. 


I was annoyed that she was less than helpful :P No help was fine, it was the fact that Zak had pulled the bowl away at her suggestion that had bugged me. 


Oh... I'd been dreaming inside Inak!.. I don't recall how or when Leon had gone or Inak had arrived. I'd wanted to go inside him and just joined my being into him. I think Loci may have been there like yday. We were in the roundhouse and it was daytime. At some point, 2 guys had come to the field to the gate wanting to see 'The Witch' :P


Inka has asked what they wanted they wanted the witch and he'd told them he was the same we were the same thing and they could talk to him... they didn't want to... was funny looking out from inside him :D  

The Mama dream I have a feeling is to do with the full moon in Virgo...   The biting though?? 
'Symbols Ren 😉' 

First time I bite.. that I recall.. 

Then the more recent time.. 'Ren, you're bity!'

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