Thursday, 18 February 2021

Tangles Webs and Wires.

We have told you Ren, you are Elohim

I duno what that means... And I why should I care?
When I can't even remember why I came here?

I know you don't get this Ren, but you're our car'

From the back seat blindfold? It's a miracle I'm alive!

'Accurate Assumption,
crazy mouse,
reckless and suggestable
we dreamed into your house'

So what's up then?
Why are you here?
I'm always on thin ice,
With a flea in my ear 😆

'We are showing if you'd let us Ren,
You are not easy, to possess.

Jumping, slipping, 
space and time,
you reject even your self'

Cause nothing here makes any sense,

It never ever has?
It's like I'm living backwards,
Upside down and inside out :P

Hand cuffs Ren?  I don't need them, I'm yours. 'You would be surprised. You're tricky as you know'

Why the tension?

Astrology Feb 17-23 2021 Saturn sq Uranus | Sun Pisces | Merc Direct | 1st Qrt Moon Venus sq Mars

'Just watch it'
I want Inka... Can I see him?
'Prison Visit?'
lol, yeh anything😆
'Ok Ren, you come to us we get Inka to visit you ok?'
Yes plx
'Come then Ren, Come here Quarantine... 4 & teen.. 40 days, lent giving up something you love and wandering'

Definition of quarantine (Entry 1 of 2) 
: a period of 40 days 
: a term during which a ship arriving in port and 
suspected of carrying contagious disease is held in 
isolation from the shore 
: a regulation placing a ship in quarantine 
: a place where a ship is detained during quarantine 
: a restraint upon the activities or communication of 
persons or the transport of goods designed to 
prevent the spread of disease or pests 
: a place in which those under quarantine are kept 
: a state of enforced isolation

The planets too?  'Yes'  Errr I've managed less than 2 days??

'Ren, you want to see Inka, we are not mean, we just don't want to mess this up again.
You don't get to keep or eat the candy, just a hug and sniff ok?'

lol suppose, 'OK, Come' 

I see Inka briefly with Loci & Malico in the dinning space of the house.   😁 Was nice, recall hazy as I was already falling into other dreams. 

He'd left and I must have gone upstairs again as I woke knowing I'd been dream sharing with Loci.... Oh I'd spent a time just looking at Inka he was like he is on the station and in many dreams I was staring at his dark eyes, dark brown not Black like Loci or Malico.

A really fascinating dream Asia.

I was watching a coopetition and a learning, lots of students with a sensei. 

One on one, we were observing but also learning and getting messages too... And a part of it.   It was a martial art or that and a ribbon dance.  A long whip, but it's made of light and long and light like a thin ribbon. 

There was an older teacher (Leon Like)  With a younger female I was with Loci I think, but we were not ourselves as such.  I was with another anyway.   I was passing messages to the girls Sensei, but she did not like this.... She was worried it would spoil something and angry at me but the older teacher was leaving my replies on bits of folded paper symbols in black painted ink that I knew how to read.


For the assessment me and the other observers were required to stand on points.   This was a square area, lines are on the floor like a multi game ball court but way more complicated, looks more like tree of life geometry. 

I was supposed to be standing on a pink dot... One of three in the row in front of me but they were taken so I'd taken a blue dot that was free behind.

Another dream I'm in a river, it's shallow it goes threw a small cave tunnel and can go in and threw or up and round.
Another long dream, a church, I was there for a funeral I'd turned up at the last moment, my Aunty Sheila was there.  Inside the church it's not a funeral  though...more like a ruined monastery and I'm there to check plants.  

I'm annoyed with someone who'd moved lots of moss covered rocks.. They are almost dehydrated, yellow not green and I was watering them and changing the humidity, it was very green.. I was making shelves for the Moses and ferns from  crumbled stone.

Then a very very messy room... A box of homegrown veg had been delivered I was trying to make space to put it down.

Strings, and Shapes??...  'Here Bug Ball, ;) I'm Helping.. It's symbolic'    I kept jumping back to Loci to dream with him...I was content as a big woodlouse too just chilling on the bed 😆  Loci was floating cross legged in the room.   
I was seeing bright white glowing spiders Webs, then black nets like the dream from the stuff in the sky that was tattered...

Just before I type this I find these images....😲

Next up I was seeing old school milk, the little bottles... Pre-fab buildings. 

More of the bright white lines, then the black ones too......

I'd been caught and loved, thrown away, lost into games... Free to play...

Advise for all, big or small... Fall your own way! 😆

My dream dust between all these was amazing.

Next another really long dream

Waiting on a boat crossing a journey the port was green costal with an amazing single Georgian hotel.  Then a field of abandoned tents.

The hotel was in daylight it was ren-dered in plaster and painted a sunny Yellow. Inside was beautiful, shuttered windows and fine rooms look over a calm blue sea....

From the window I see sheep and tents, and am told that spring is in the air.

The Tents were big, the field windy and cold, them that had sheltered first had long since moved on.

The tents remained still, ever in use.. Ruck sacks and back packs and piles of refuse.

I'd known the first... The first refugees, Monkey was among them and he had given me his keys. 

The keys all on a silver ring... Small and rusty for pad-locked things.
One unlocked a dwelling, the rest were for the stores. 
Piles of white rusty containers, pilled outside the dwellings door.

So many, and the keys were a muddle, I'd never know what lock was what and I had a feeling what was stored within may cause a lot of trouble.

I'd got on the ferry that was low and painted white... The paint was stained with rust run,  orange blood running bright. 
The air tastes salty and the wind is so cold and my fairy god mum is there too I'm just looking on.

A small girl runs across the deck, she slips on some seaweed and falls on her bum,

Her mother is livid she got in a mess but my Aunt picks her up and carries her on.

I grin at the girl I'd slipped there too the deck is so smooth and the seaweed real wet.

The girl had been riding,  on the ferry too is a small group of unicorn. 
Fuck knows where they are going.. They are rainbow too.
I also had 2 watches,  both read in numerals.

I keep getting called back to this same white room,
sequence and glyphs are different so recalls weren't in tune.

Oh, my brothers hair too... Shaved below,
I was Brading a small bit on the top, weaving metal and leather as we go.

A huge library with a swimming pool, a massive desk with a pressure operated lamp,
A city with less restrictions and no one in a mask,

Oh it was Bailiffgate.. Hummm prison too, the fear here was less though and people more Intune.

I kept on forgetting things so going back and forth
Tying to collect and round them up, then going back for more. 

Then I'm back in the room with Loci, He can see the nets too the white lines like webs but these black connections too we are sharing perspectives.... Oh there was a collage dorm room?

I kept getting lost?  'I keep finding you' 
Don't want you too 😜  'lol Ren, ONE, anyway it's more fun, you like being lost'

Next up 😆 a door on a church... Wings don't fit... To freaking huge!! 
'It's why Ren we dream apart in 2,
an in and an out and echo and a shout..
Love to come back to a direction feels right,
We can fall into darkness with no need for light.

Love is the answer, the way back to us,
The trajectory to follow a below or above,
Light bringer, the spark in the dark,
Plenty of fuel in your crazy bug heart!'

Hahahah  me finding them images today on that random page!!  GG Loci! 💜💜
I'm very impressed 😛 Off for a run now, dream DL is done! 

'Won't be for long Ren, games still on and we like to play hard so don't be too long' 

 Links Later... I wana see Sun! 

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