Friday, 12 February 2021

New moon, Elemental... fun?

👀 Just WTF?? Inka?? 'lol Ren, Chill'  😲 just Hu?? How, Where, What Why?!?!?!

WTF was that? 🤔

I  'Lay down'  So many, so much I have..... Only it had happened 3 times already ??

Is 151 we keep 😮 Rolling back/Jumping, looping the same thing to get it to work.

It was like my reality onion but roasted or friend lol the layers are now transparent and very very wobbly 😵

Crazy even by my standards.

Malico? 'Here, Ren I'll help'  

333.... Next...Seeesh! 

👀 Liquid Titanium.. that was crazy and fun.

We were in trouble, had walked into a trap, but it was also funny where we were at! 'Story of your life Squeaky'  Heya Inka! 

Started off watching someone (Dan) do hide and seek treasure hunt.
Co-ordinates then like a pass the parcel layer off.

Each layer had a bit of that poppy molecule science stuff, made a thing when done.

Also a plane dragon that an entity can sit and ride on.

A cockerel crows it's 7 am.

Then 😆 I'm in my old 1st school Gym? Or the Library may be? Still with Dan.

We have walked into a trap 2 men with gold heads they are both the same we are to do as they say, but I don't want to.

They keep burning things with laser eyes I have a thing?

Like a prize, but it's also my brother in disguise 😛 ...

They want to burn it up...

I'm playing hard too and won't give it up.

Me & Dan kind of escape, 

but the game is still on and it's part of a chase.

lol.. The liquid titanium man is bad,
also funny and a little sad,
he knows he must chase us,
but we are kind of the same and it's all deeply part of a game.

One guy spends a night in the zoo,
a country at war divided in 2.

Mental patients, escaped refugees, illness and suffering and lots of diseases.

We are trying to hide, but I'm a bit shit,

We end up recaptured on a plane transport thing.

Once we have landed a new board is set.

I've lost some dreams and credit, a kind of forfeit.

We are to stay out of his way for the next 10 days....all stuck on an island where the next round is played.

Hu??? ...This is wyrd!

'You too Ren' 

They were like kids action toys? We were in Africa then Japan or something?? Time was fluid as fuck? The people kind of real and familiar but my rendering of what was going on was bonkers! 

The plane, was like one of them big auditoriums again like this dream.

The Zoo prison had a giraffe in again.  
The lazer eyes guys room was strange was a ring of people again like the archetypes.... they wanted me to put the thing I had in the middle but I was refusing, and they couldn't make me.

When we'd been released I'd refused to go with the others and had gone back threw a learning facility to tag someone... but it had meant me getting followed. 

We had 4 people captured/watched, an Asian general was the one observing us.. we were well watched!  'Mmmmmmm'   lol ear ringing much!! 😲
'Get up a bit squeaky'  

My hands are freezing!! I'd jumped to the Re-Ed station start of the night!... 

I'd forgotten that Kaylo was there and the others.

Oh, I was dream-sharing with Kaylo?!! 👀 He has liquid gold eyes.

'Yes' lol finish typing at 414 😋

Him and Leon the gold-headed action toys? WTF?? This is so odd.  

There were all in a ring in this place trying to get me to give something up!! - Aggy there too..... Oh he was silver! Ag!!   'Yes 😏'   

Pfffffff...... 'Come back to sleep....'

Mmmm I'm freezing here. 

I go back and chill a bit..

Oh Kaylo, I jumped to him again seen as the other dreams had been with him asked him if he wanted to jump back to my dream space, he agreed to the hunters' room as it's less muddy 😆

We dream share same position, my back pressed to his front... I was hybrid here...

We had dreamshared like this on the station too... his suggestion but then  he'd been complaining that her grey skin and bald head was freaky! 😆😜

What we see is first really visual.

Seeing a heart made of silver it's filled with dark blood the chambers of glass and it's like a round ball with 6 symmetrical lumpy bits.. It was floating like living art.

The vessel I see separately... all laid long like polished pipes or ductwork on a craft.... Oh a little like the 'Repair stronger than the original'... also timeloops.

Inka came back to dream share too 'Mainly Ren to laugh at you!' Number 34?? 'Mmmmm' You told me that at 505!?!

'Sleep Ren'

A glass bottle or tube it's got an unusual fractal pyramid pattern it wouldn't stand 'Blast tube' Hu?? 'Dream squeaky... role over'  He'd shoved me across the bed into where Kaylo was laying.   

Oh a blast tube is an actual thing 'OFC!' lol 

Next another strange dream, I felt formless for this one, or split awareness.

I don't recall having a role more just watching from above but I do that anyway too.

This place is swampy/wetland... tufty grass and channels of water. There is a large duck nest and a small boy with his Mama and a Guy.

They are taking the boy to the nest where some eggs have hatched but not all. There are a mix of eggs.. all kinds of birds so they are hatching at different rates.  

They take the child to see the nest but as they do it slips and falls into the water channel the guy pulls it out and the kid freaks landing on the nest flailing around.

They pick him up... the eggs and chicks seem ok, but the parents have been disturbed. 

'Ren, 606.. dream more'

.. 'Know why you were singled out Ren?' The dreams hazy, I was so distracted by the amazing pink sky and clouds that the dream had gone...'Lay down close eyes, I show why' 

Dream re-entry I'd been looking for the errrr reed? Is that the term it was for a flute or pipe? I was looking in a box and they were all strange and old, they looked more like were made from tooth or bone or ebony... yellowed. Different shapes too some like sharks teeth.  

Very old too, I kept going to the box but I didn't know the right one I needed for the pipe.... 'That's why you need help!' lol singled out.. Oh, ahah they had runes and shapes on them too. One was the one that wizards use for One! Single 😆 'Hahah Ren!' 😛💜

Both the symbols that Leon has burnt into me are there too.

Next up, I see a matt black tuby worm thing crawling in and out of my skin. I wasn't sure whether to pull it out or let it crawl back in. 'You left it' Hahah, yeh.... used to being bugged now I guess 😆

My skin was pale like it now at the end of the winter in contrast to the very matt black worm.  

The James Mother Gold song? 'yup' Gold heads from earlier?  dolls box inboxes? The locket too... OH.... I'd seen a heart of sliver, lol Lyrics Heart of gold O.o ??  'Keep the elemental Dreams in 1note Squeak... Search borked here 😏'   Ah TY in my mind too 😂

Wow....  Wow....   Yeh Asshole!  You are opposing us crazy 😈 mouse!! Phahahaha 😝

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