Monday, 1 February 2021

Birthday Road Trip

Pinocchio, Mortimer road, long nose, drugs like molecular structure. 

Round pregnant tums, Mice, Rats and Cats.

 I was in an odd space a pot of medication or supplements I but I'm looking at chemistry skelly shapes.  they were like errr It was a Hydro Carbon I know that.  

Possibly Ethane I can't recall if there were 2 or 3 H 

2 women with round pregnant tums they didn't think they were pregnant though.

I'm in my brain the 2 halves, balancing then wash down to the heart. 

A large quartz Crystal, strange lawn art, a royal parade.

This was odd a park, like a city park art, in the grass though, not art, it was a kind of path.

Was to be used for a ceremony or parade It felt like it might be Alnwick the castle hunting grounds... or the gardens there.
It seemed to be linked to the red old fashioned soldiers uniform from last night.  

I'd jumped to Inka as I wanted to fight, Leon came to watch 'and hold onto your toe!'     I'm a 6 pointed star I see in 3D, 'lol Ren, your our car/Ka remember brum brum, beep beep!'   ๐Ÿ˜†... sooo stupid!!

Atman again part of the soul, together we are whole, it hurts to be apart not connected from our hearts. 'Still stalking you Ren'  lol IKR ๐Ÿ˜


As I'd gone to find Inka to fight I was surprised he was in the main street of my main dream area again ๐Ÿ˜›
Leon there too we started fighting there but quickly jumped sandbox were we were formless just energy, polarity, flow or friction only manifesting forms now and then.
Featureless shapes that glowed... contrasting flows like fractal plasma.

Long dream too... Leon & Inka were still with me and we were in my main dream house but we were in a car upstairs going on a journey. ๐Ÿ˜

The car was big, 3 rows of seats again like the one where Inka set a bomb in a hospital. I was crawling around over and under the seats... which was tricky as we were driving downstairs and it was steep!๐Ÿ˜† 

I remember wondering how we were driving a car round in the house but everything was lucidly flexible.
I was collecting storybooks that were all over the floor of the vehicle.  

It felt like a family car as there were kids toys and bits of crisps half-eaten bicys and then all these storybooks I was collecting. They had amazing art covers. We took them to a school.. 

This was odd as apart from Inka and Leon the other person in the car was another me.
I was hybrid/Grey me from the Re-Ed story, then the other female me was a corvid shaman long black robes covered in black feathers, long black tatty hair over her face.
She didn't speak much... only dance till exhausted then fall asleep again. We had landed in the school, it's
Oh... It's the same school I was in a few nights ago?.. need to find that.

Anyhoo this time Inka and Leon are going in and possessing random teachers, changing the lessons up.
The crow me was dancing in the hallway.
In one room was a table laid out like a kids birthday table with party food.
I was in this class sitting on the end of the party table eating a sandwich watching Inka in the bod of a teacher - teach a bunch of people lol he was manifesting clouds then zapping them with lightning and electric - showing energy with dust flows.. condensation, convection...  Magiced up planets stars and systems. 

It was fascinating. oh.. lol it's my bday 'I'm teaching you too'   Hahaha in between attacking me! 
'Fun hu Bitch? anyhow you wanted to fight!'  Hahaha

'We showing you what you are Ren, and Leons not letting go of your toe!'  lol ๐Ÿ˜†'You're dumb Ren, we're smarter and faster'  Haha FU ๐Ÿ˜œ๐Ÿ’œ

Another child me had been in the school...
Oh Yeh she'd had a blue and white check uniform, blue cardigan, brown hair in bunches must have been about 7-8years old... she was like I was as a kid but different too.. we had gone to see her. Oh! ๐Ÿ‘€

Haha yeh, she was out of class watching crow me dance, she was in the corridor as she was in trouble for fighting๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜† lol the blue hanky '๐Ÿ˜ˆ lol Ren, Yeh!' 

Hahah OMG..... the cubes, cross squares, tesseract!

Red & Blue too 

'You're lucky you met her going that way'   ๐Ÿ˜ฒ๐Ÿ˜† GG Guys!!....We had had a chat with her and introduced her to the others n gone with her.  'Told you you're slow ๐Ÿ˜'  Haha 

'Find the other Pinocchio stuff too'  Blugh, need more hrs in the day... 'Sleep less ๐Ÿ˜ˆ'  ๐Ÿ˜‚ 

Errrr the other Pinocchio stuff!!!   'Silly Ren..'  I don't even have time to read it atm  It's so freaking anoying not being able to remeber this at the same time!

The blue box eating a red box?  ๐Ÿ˜ฎ  'It's only taken you all fucking Day Ren?'  Yeh... life too :P

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