Sunday, 7 February 2021

Ripples, Wiggles and Worms

Amazing first part of the night. 

I'd jumped with Malico from his house to main dream area.
Roundhouse first it was cold dark and deserted and I was going to collect wood and light fires but he just manifested them all alight at once and asked what I wanted to do.

I'd not remembered being in my main dream house with him so wanted to go there, last time I was there was Imbolc With Leon & Inka when were driving a car downstairs. 

We decided to walk there rather than jump, he made me all white and tall again... and we walked there chatting.. Once there we went to my room and joined tantric but but not sex as neither of us where human was like astral yoga when I woke we had been energy lots and lots of it a massive vortext.

It reminded me of my cat's whizzy coloured ball toy.

I could see the music inside a shell 😁

All the layers of cords woven so well. 

This was awesome πŸ’œ

We had after that gone back to the roundhouse then to the hunter's room, we found Leon at the roundhouse I knew I'd given him free access to my space we had jumped below and I kept waking there between dreams.

One of them nights that just seems to go on forever which is odd as I was listening to a live set till gone 1am. 'You want it to end?' Nah.....I'm good

Leon sighs 'Really?' Hahaha.

Leon was in the room now too and I invited him to the dream-sharing too.

Prior to that Malico and I had been sharing in a it was rippled we were in another space, so the dream is like splitting in another version of reality.

A wooden loft space, where we were doing the same dream share.

There is a rave and a game. Coming and going, but I'd wanted to dream.

The others were noisy and I wanted more sleep...

We ordered baby equipment the logo was Inkas name??

Wake at 616 Inka? He shows me images straight away. 'Taking back some time Ren' πŸ’œ OMG that loft room!!
That space.. I know where it was my parents had lived there before I was born!

I'd been there a month as a newborn before moving into our house.

'Yep Ren it was' Wow.... I errrrrr??  

The images he's showing me are fractal branching but 3D, shapes embedded too - Line form colour very beautiful. 


'As I said last night, I find your lack of faith disturbing' Hahaha πŸ’œ Leon!! πŸ‘€

I'd woken again in the hunter's room and I'd been facing and sharing with Leon I'd woken with him staring at me knowingly... I'd said something about gods and he raises an eyebrow and tells me sarcastically 'Talk to me about gods Ren?' and shoves my awareness instantly into a dream.

Pffff the dream, long detailed and layered.

I'm collecting stationery (Solstices) again... Zak had been leaving it all over.  

Then plants, so many plants but they are small, ferns, mosses, air plants bugs and insects too. They are small and beautiful so detailed. They had been neglected and handed into my care. I was creating biomes, propagating, water too and various moisture levels creating tiny but flourishing spaces the insects were amazing colourful some were like underwater ladybirds. The ferns, mosses so green, plants Sundew and other carnivorous unusual bog plants that consume bugs.πŸ˜†

The moon was amazing, the light kept changing... an old friend Rachel 'Sheep' lol 'Yeh' she was showing me a male with red hair 'Rog' lol yeh, He was in an adjacent building the buildings were like wooden chalets the living are on the upper floor, large glass windows and verandas.
He was with his children and his wife who looked unhappy, he was observing me and Rachel threw the window... We wanted to talk but we are both observed.

Then the last bit a live interview with a GP and politician or presenter she had wanted to talk about vaccinating but kept getting shut down she was posing some really good questions 'She askes him pointedly 'You got your role from a Christian did you not? But then the volume is getting manipulated and the then the broadcast quickly pulled with a 'sorry that section is unavailable at the moment'

'Behave, bitch!' lol Oooooo...πŸ‘€πŸ˜―

'Yes, Ren, who has perspective?' 

(As I'm typing this the tiny fly that has been here all winter is walking over the words in the dream diary and the sun comes out on the monitor from an all grey sky! 'We are watching you bitch😈' lol IKR πŸ˜†)

So I'm back in the Hunters room again Inak is there too now or his awareness is and he's still laughing.
Leon then comments casually 'I'm still going to beat the crap out of you Ren'
I'd grinned at him laughing and he'd added and no Malico will not stop me.. Malico replies 'No, but Ren could' Leon sitting up tells him 'Even Ren has more sense than that' 

Which makes me laugh and tell them both I think how much sense I have is up for debate tbf... and I'd rolled over to dream with Malico.... as I do that Leon adds more recall from the previous dream!! 😲

Where I'd been talking about my credit with him and how I'd pay him bk 😜 I'd agreed I was open to burning and destroying stuff .....πŸ’©πŸ˜† ...

Stop laughing Inka!! 'Your funny bitch, I did fucking warn you to avoid him for a while!' Yeh IKR but Meh πŸ˜† It's amusing!!



Hahahah Leon gives me even more recall!!

While I'd been making the bug-eating plant biomes I recall I was also overhearing a call of Josh talking to a friend James, James had been complaining that he was in Christian Daycare!!!

lol Josh had commented oh yeh 'Your Mom's working, Right?'  πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†

 'You can't wiggle out of this worm' Hahah I know, it's still fun though.

I jump bk again Leon had warned me the longer I avoid fighting with him the more he will hurt me and I tell him sure, I wanted to dream with Malico again first.
I was dreaming again fast of coffee and warm raisin and custard pastries and there is a knock on my awareness πŸ˜† I open the mental door to Malico who plays me the WHAM last Christmas song?? 'Yes' I'd already swapped hearts with Inak end of the summer. 

Oh the dream from Solstice 2019 was about a twin I didn't get on with πŸ˜› Ohh, then me and Malico skipped lockdown.. then Christmas was with Benny, and another detention space for unhinged bruised bananas... Not to mention the utter insanity of Christmas just passed πŸ˜‚

'Ren, you are my betrothed again, I told you to look it up yesterday but you didn't bother, I'm staying with you for a bit'  .. Oh yeh Inak had wanted to hand bind us for a time when we were playing with blood again the night before last. 

Oh.... This symbolic, Narrative, Astrology reality is wyrd.    'You could always study it?'  

Hahah yeh right 😜  'I assumed as much Ren'  

Haha, IMA get up and make bread, I'll fight you tonight Leon 😏


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