Saturday, 6 February 2021

Shapes and Time, Dancing a Line.

'You're the grown up Ren?'  Hahaha said who?  
This life is not my dream, I'm just surfing threw.
Many layers of wyrd shit,
waiting to sleep/death to land back where I fit.
'Death Squeak?'  Inka you know well that drive, why bring it bk up of all times tonight.
'Time Mouse? YOU want to talk time to me?'   
Mmmm why not, we are friends... let me see... What's with the time cube? and why the blood?  What's with your Ring? I only offer love?

'Ring around a planet is no bad thing, only the attraction of smaller things :P'  Hahhaha
'Yeh, Ren that's what I'm saying, I'm attractive bitch see how I hold you in sway'
Not good enough... show me, please?
'Mouse, your credit?....'   take what you need ;)
'FFS Ren you're as big as your Dumb!' Uranus lacks reason, we are free to become!
You know what I said, lack of restraint is not what I dread.
I go all in with love and I fuck of fear.  I don't plan ahead it's insight I hear....
'You can't hear sight bitch?'
Are you sure???  
Inka...   can I just fight you?  
'Sure'   💜  'Bitch just come here I'm a wall for your fire'
'Avoid Leon Ren, you're not out of his shit radar, we can only shield you so far'
What did I do?
'We are teaching fast, now though... here bitch you wanted to scrap?'
Hahaha, Yeh, I do.... Astral wild?
'Crazy Ren Mouse... Wind it up and let it go?'

I want you crew, I'm hard I know,
we team as I'm an in or out.
And I'll bite you hard when it's not ok to shout.
Stupid pen... 'I could ram it threw your eye 😈'
Oh, how very Odin 😏
'You want to die?'  
Mmmmm well, a little... enough to say yes.
'Good news then mouse I will gladly oblige'
'Your bounty will arrive soon, in your space and your time, much like Leon you will not want to renege   - This is not just credit bitch you will bleed my life away'  

Errrrrrr   'Just STFU ren & 333... enough over the head shit, for now, come to me'
I errrr just revisited.....

 👀 also a Ren-ege.... allways with the Latin...

'We don't get pissed like you do Bitch 😈 DW, you owned it as usual'  lol!!

Hahah  'Should have DL'ed earlier Ren, I've told you we are on on'
Wish I had...  'Just record the dreams from last night n come here again Ren' OK..

Last night......

Woken at 505.. 'Hey Lazy'    I'd been lost for so long in dreams,  Trains/Tracks/ journeys and prisons

I'd been with Inka we had 👀  Been fighting hard...

Then awake an, I was just back at Malicos space with Inka too in the odd small room, in the dreams

I'd been with Chris's house again odd rainbow dwarfs - I'd shut my dog out all night and he'd been attacked by to Scottie dogs.  

We were shapes too
What's with the shapes???  'TIME WILL TELL' lol Inka..😆

We were manifesting like the void but we were just in the room, So our astral forms in the small space laking coherence as our minds joined to form.

We made shapes... Sphere, a Cone, Cube too, and a pyramid we swapped and changed and played as 3 fitting inside each other to see what we could be.   

'Blood to squeak' Oh yeh... our forms were playing with blood....
At first, we were white light but then we played with blood too, sharing it and seeing it....

Splitting our awareness... Brown, and grey, Black and white we coloured the shapes we made... we were weaving angles with light, colouring them with recall and blood awarness. 😯

I'd fallen back to sleep fast there too.  Into dreams.
What are hormones??

Leon appeared and knocked on the door, 'I know you are harbouring a mouse in your house!'  He had told Malico while watching me looking amused.  I'd waved...and told them to let him in.   
Inka wouldn't let me leave with him?

The dreams I'd had before Leon appeared...

Were the same house..with Chris and oh... they are my other godparents as well as alternative parents for this life??  'Mmmm, Symbolic ren-dering Ren'
We had.. party sandwiches all rainbow.. Oh it was Sandras bday yday..
Fairy god Mum too.. we had a bell tent, the same shape as my roundhouse.  I see it multi D.   

Godmum wanted to put windows into the canvas.. but it was pitched badly.
I was telling them the shape it should be, and the windows needed to work with the structure... the roof would leak, the sides let in light when pitched right... the door was the best place. 

This was the geometry too?  'OFC'

My cousin would put them in.  Oh his also Aquarius birthday soon??

Chris was also telling me of something that had happened with my Dad. 
I know this was all symbolic, someone had come to his home. 
Not happy with his work and a job he was about to start was voided.   Then the person who had fired him left the role.
'We' me and crew were also not popular we were in a supermarket in the freezer aisle.  Chris is with us ranting about us. 
It was to do with 2 counties and their sports clubs... how we are disliked and pissing people off as we would play for either team ... Hahaha 😆

Ok... this is to do with why Leon is annoyed?  'Yes, Ren it is... and you owe me at the moment, I lost a gig because of you'  


Berwick also border.. the sports club, border boundary 'The last dream there Ren, you made tea uninvited'  Ok... Blugh, Malico and Leon need diffrent colours.   'Make Leon more Yellow, I'll keep black'  Haha ok.

I just found the other dream in that house.... 'Rodent teeth Ren??'  Yeh, baby rat bite tonight 😛

'See the loops, you've got stuff to weave Ren.. behave and come in'

Yeh... 'Also Ren....  I find your lack of faith disturbing'  Sheeseh.. 😆

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