Friday, 5 February 2021

Lithium Dream Loops

'Ren, you're in trouble now bitch' lol..... yeh what's new?

'Reality rendering since you've been fucking with it hard, seen as you ask... Go to Malico and stay with him OK?'

Why? 'Leon has it in for you and he's pissed ok? Just do as I say till he chills out' Mmmm

I'd been dreaming of Lithium again.
I'd gone to check in on my Dad. It was a wyrd. An astral take on his house at night... layout normal but that perpetual dark sky that some spaces have.

He wasn't making any sense taking in riddles almost paranoid most unlike him, his partner told me it was Lithium he was taking for epilepsy? mixed with alcohol that made him like that. I was cooking in their oven too, cubes and rings 😏....

'Jump Malico Ren please.. dream there'  

When I next wake I'd woken into the room with Malico... oh we are in that small room in his house, he was sitting in a chair I was on the bed sleeping and waking and looking into the small fire there I feel Inka may have been coming or going but my recall there is vague the dreams much clearer. 

The dream had been of a dark concrete area, I was clearing some cushions and blankets as rain was due, a storm and lots of water/flooding.
While clearing I'd been considering the periodic table Lithium again I was focused on the first column the Alkali metals. 
 'Find the other dreams Squeak'  Ok.

Had been another dream too a huge strange building.. again I was focusing on chemistry. I had a room in the building it was a type of dream hub too, I shared the room with a very unfamiliar male but we'd been paired to dream & data share. Atomic structure was a thing.. looking at soft silvery liquid metals too.. recall of the explosion all over that male where I was awareness in the space. 

Then another long dream.  

This is a strange arena with many hubs, aspects I was visiting it was almost like a desert space but on different layers too.

A carpet store and tile shop, this was to do with reality/fabric weaving and the times were geometric and coloured - reality construct stuff.

The school, tiles, fabric rugs, standing on my head by a map. while 2 men did some complex maths.

Fires, Explosions, some dogs I'd had to kill.  

An angry mother I wouldn't talk with,

Children playing barefoot on ice,

Teachers and Vaccinations,

I was not playing nice.

A birthday, A garden, so many things.

'You've been dreaming the night backwards you ended to begin' 

I was with Malico? 'Mostly yeh, Leons annoyed with you.  Don't go there 😈' 

lol 😆 I duno why? 'You will in time, for now just avoid him, keep dreaming it's fine'  

Oh a stolen something too, a small trailer/generator/vehicle. It had been connected to a larger vehicle coupled like a train locked too but now removed and gone.... I was washing glass lab equipment and polishing it too.  

So many things all muddled up and lots of people angry about what I'd done.  

The map with red lines on? South Africa? A curve a line, there was an important arc some complex equations, a line and flow.
Some energy like a pendulum it was building up quite slow.

Fauci in the dream arena too, he was a cause of friction with the matriarch .. I didn't want to speak to Mama we stayed well apart.  

Fauci in the dream space, he was with the Matriarch Mum, long blond straight hair again like this one... 

Who told me about a jumper dress.. Jump address! Oh the upside-down shoes too - again I was standing on my head like I often seem to do.

She was also my Mama this time though we were very much estranged neither liking each other but playing a similar game. 

It wasn't until the morning I'd recalled the half-asleep convo's the night before with Inka. 'You ask you get Ren 😏' lol so it seems 😜


From the night before... 

Inka? 'Bitch?' 💜

'Come here... you've said and done enough in that layer'

Mmmmm ok, where we play? 'Your call Ren you get more naughty by the day 😈' 🙄🤣


Could you take me somewhere fun?  

'Do you care what you do?' Tonight I just wana feel close to you. 

'Squeak?' Sorry, I just feel not empty when you're close.

Can I go home to the space where I'm blue, where I'm telepathic and whole and not split in two?

and if not, bring it here. 

If we can't go back then what I want is to be like that.

'Intention Ren, Then me... We go, crazy. You wana see what I can be?' 

Yeh.. I still love. You keep trying to scare me away.

Whatever my mind says, my heart wants to play.

'Come to me then Ren, yeh I'm like your bro to you I know. I'm the black to your white, the surrender to your fight' 

You feel like the thumb on my hand, the sea to my land.

'I know Mouse, like I told you we gamed this tight, what's wrong is tricky it's not left or right 😈' lol tricky?  😆

'Come here Squeaky...just let me show you FFS'
OK... 'Now' oh? 'Yeh, now, here' lol Ouch... 'Here, Now Ren, get out of your stupid head and follow your heart to me fast'  

OK... omw... 'Page to Ren, and get some decent pens FFS' lol yeh...

Oh, just checked the other Lithium dreams, Woooo we do game this tight  👀😲 'Stupid Ren 😈'  HAHahha

When I'd realised that Lughnasadh (Harvest/Corn/Saturn) was the opposite festival to Imbolc -Bday.! I'd wondered about the loaf house dream but couldn't find it! 'Magic'  Hahaha

1st With explosions and nicking it..

Then the clones.. more of the same looking blond female.. Oh, I'd forgotten that was Germany too like last night 👀

We also jumped Germany last summer hu?  and the other times..

Then this time was to do with my ship n free energy.

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