Thursday, 25 February 2021

Head Glue

Who was the giant? 'Who do you think?'   Errrr Malico?

'Ask him Ren, come house first?'  His?  'Yeh'  OK
TY for earlier 'YW trouble'
Dose fighting with you help me recall? 'You tell me mouse?'
Seems too, well hummm. I'm not sure.

I'd like to know more about the Control vs Chaos fun and the genetic stuff plx.

'Come play then Ren'

Falling out of daytime,
Jumping into night,
dancing threw the dreaming time,

Lost in inner sight.

Meeting with the magic,
Singing with the air,
Swallowed by the darkness,
To weave and dream with care.

Tying in the endings,
plucking strings to come,
Dying lucid colours,
of the tunes yet unsung.

Scattered on the stream of the sky in the clouds,
Caught up in the breeze where a star fell to ground,
Blinking and sniffing to find a way round,
Then back in the morning confused what to be,
Wondering what happened to the rest of we.

'Come see then Ren, you'd be less shit if you kip in the day' 
You calling me shit?  'Yeh wana fight about it?'  lol may be, ask me later ;)

Dreaming with Leon.... I'd jumped there... Busy, I'd seen everyone and asked if we could all dream together but the room was so full.   I wasn't sure who to sit next to and Leon told me he wanted to dream next to me. 

It was big, more shapes a Jesus/saviour character archetype. Algebra and Yoga, Rowena there too... Leon hadn't enjoyed my sarcasm, 'Really Ren, what a surprise that is'  lol Leon <3 

Next wake at 141 I'd been dreaming shapes again, this time with Malico 'And bickering Ren, don't forget the bickering'  Oh... Vaguely? About? Recall?? Oh yeh... Boys, young boys in green school uniforms.  It was about oh someone was saying they needed to be in plastic overalls on tope and I was telling them the kids were not Ompaloompas! More too lots more... I just can't recall.  'You were being rude and sarcastic ;)'  Putting kids in plastic was a stupid idea! 'There would have been politer ways to share your perspective'  

Malico and me had jumped back to all the others in the big room.  I head for Inka seen as the others are being difficult 'Projection?'  lol no I'm being sarcastic 😝

'It's half way threw the night Bitch, I'd watch it if I were you'
  Haha Inka I'm the freaking eye....    'Yeh, so we can poke you :P'  Haha😆


Anyhoo I'd jump back and join with Inka for dreams...but we make a shape, at first I thought I was a ball and he was a pyramid then I realise I'm an eye.  He'd told me to shhhhhh as eyes don't talk either and just to watch.

'Arguing with me next'  I KNOW!  'You don't know enough to know when to shut up though, hu?' 

Haha it's 202! & Nop💜

'Come back Mouse'  Can you help my recall please? 'Can you help your smart mouth?'  lol I duno 😜 'Just come Ren'  

333 next wake.. Different this time?  'Don't talk TIME to me squeaky'  lol Inka 💜
The eye had been crying, the dreams are confusing... 'It's ok Ren, your an eyeball just watch 😈'  Hahaha


Haha 414 now... 'Yeh, come here stupid'    There had been a long dream, groups and trampled snow with rubbing and leave in it.  Different groups, kids with strange agendas and ideas.  At one point I'd been sitting about with a pile of food... Well kinda food, there were small cooked octopus that me and another female seemed to love.  We were sharing them and eating them while we talked.  

I fell asleep 44ish


I'd gone back to sleep... big energy buzzz, too noisy, moved... too cold and cat on head :D  Bk to bed...


Then a dream that was the reverse I think of another dream. 


In this dream, my Dad needed heart surgery but it was err waiting or slowed I was told to go to the hospital.... I did.


Then it was odd as a nurse there had this epitaph or death speech... She was going on and on about my Gran who she called Aunty Alice or Great Aunt Alice and I was thinking wow... we had a different perception of this personality.


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