Sunday, 7 March 2021

More Bakers & Christmas

Inak, I don't get the prison and eyeballs stuff but I dream it...'You don't want to get it Ren'  lol

'Yeh, Like I told you... Were fucking wicked 😈'  Hahahahah
'Were you mind wiped?'  Nop, well not totally but my recalls dogshit....
'Ren, as a kid you knew earth was a have years of dream recalls and are chatting to planetary archetypal aspects in your head, who teach and help you'  TY

'YW, now come here stupid' 

Am I in prison?  'Often, come here'  lol ok... We made prisons in prisons 'And ripples in ripples'  lol 'You're a pain in the ass Ren'  I'm nice! 'No, to most your just odd and don't make sense' 

Was Saturn a star?  'Are you a car?'  lol  OK...

I should have written dreams earlier... Hazy now.

I'd jumped to the house... Was dreaming with Leon and Malico.. Cat's, planets archetypes.  Vague, hazy, gentle they were making fun of me but not unkindly. 

A dream at Irean's again... More archetypes and narratives I was me too.   The whole night of dreams I seemed to be watching/Helping a side participant rather than a main character...  Lol I'm an NPC in my own dreams :D 'You're a muppet/Puppet Ren' :P

Next dream was a building... No construct. 

Platforms with huge stairwells, the platforms are like dream worlds or scenarios.  The platforms huge with rooms/worlds scenarios and the stairwells and gangways are the construct that connects them.

The first I recall is a series of small children's birthday parties, the kind were the parents are obliged to still hang about.  I'd checked in on a fe, I had no children with was a go between. 

I'd found a younger infant that had crawled of on it's own.  A baby boy happy healthy and robust but heading for a stairwell so I'd made friends and picked him up on my hip to try and find a parent. 

Outside one of the party rooms I see a small group of Dad's the infant recognises his father and the Dad's are looking for something.... I call them and wave and a father comes to collect the infant, unfamiliar but he had a heavy birthmark on his face the port wine type covering one eye... Father and son are happy to be reunited. 

I kept moving and the next group I find have 2 autistic children they are all arguing about Netflix, I'd checked down a stairwell too at the bottom of one was police and puppies the dogs would be trained to police dogs.   Was like a cheep gym too, guys working out.  I'd wanted to go play with the pups but it wouldn't have been welcomed as they were being hardened for enforcement.

Dream jumps and I'm in a flood... Swimming threw it...but it's a built up area and the layout is puzzling.

Next up all the charity shops were closing... I'm still running and fetching, a go between.

I'd had a gamer friend and an older child to meet next, I'd found them at an illegal café as more and more things were being closed down.

Next up is Bender Bending Rodriguez ?? The robot??  HU??
Also 12 disciples/apostles??

Brain was fuzzy and I was feeling contained.... I'd been dreaming with Leon and Malico at the house and wanted to be outside so we all jumped to roundhouse and I was wandering off Inka followed me. 

I lay in the burn again to scatter... And was thinking about the penguin dream and then it all went odd as I was like a smooth grey fractal balloon...  a rounded grey cauliflower flowing to the sea and air and all but getting bigger and bigger endless grey balloons on balloons, filling and expanding until then Inka or Malico was inside too and we shattered / fragmented / burst ... It was like they added a brittleness to the soft stretching expansion then our joint awareness fractured into the east.

I'd also been in a dream with a pool a strong plastic pool
 ...Cats, oh and a big AI box.  Then Clair from collage.. She had a baby boy, we were at a festival. 
All kinds of music, then there is Em and her Mama again.  So mirror and middle me the mary/mag - They are making a Christmas meal - but they won't both be present and there is a tension.... I was again observing.  I was going home via the bakers.

Bakers and Christmas meals again?? Hu??


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