Tuesday, 23 March 2021

Lost in Time

What is small can fall, 

It can fit threw gaps.

It can hide and slide,

and watch time pass.

Away in a thought,

Swallowed by a mind.

Blowing away.

I got lost from MY.

Edges Blurring,

Corners meet,

Floating deep,

Upside in,

Downside ut,

Did something stop,

Or turn around.

'Equinox mouse, the worlds that wobble' Hahah

First dream...

Teflon. Was my name in the dream, as I was slippy... nothing stuck.

I was homeless, my friend a beautiful dark/grey GSD with Hazle eyes.
Not unlike the unfamiliar breeds from this dream.

I had a wheeled suitcase with my belongings in but it was full so I would wear 2 layers of clothes to so I didn't have to carry them.

I'm in a odd city, meby USA not like any city I've been in the UK.... I was looking for a place to sleep, it's bright and sunny but cold.
I was happy in 2 layers of clothing, it made the street softer to lay on too. I kept dog treats in my socks! 😆

I had a strange relationship with the police too. I wasn't an informant as such but I was in their employment, they had come to collect me again. It felt like one of the dreams were I was just watching....

They liked my Dogo too, though I was odd to them.
I didn't mind there was respect more than friendship, ever so often 2 different officers would find me and me and dogo would go with them. Ian woke me before I found out where we were going.

Could have been the odd call centre I suppose.

I'd been dreaming with Illeth for a change,  and Kaylo was around too. My recall with her is not so sharp.. the next dream I was in an abandoned pub, dark almost burnt out.

It's a meeting place for an RP game... 

 I was calling the world we were in completely insane.

So many people playing at a life they felt was plastic and fake, 

and then others who were playing roles in a massive game.

The pub was a hub, we were taking rolls.  

Cross, shapes.. the cross shape we are using. It's a tesseract too, we are using it to jump and shift, change and split stuff.  

Someone was offering help to do with the cross geometry....

Felt like when Leon wanted to be an errrrr what was it??
Oh he wanted to intercede I think the word was... it was this with the cross too - yet we were using it differently as a hypercube.... my recall was woolly and it was annoying as interesting.

Ian is snoring... and ouch my toe!! 'Come here then Ren, dream with me' Leon... 'Yes' Help Recall, please... 'Come fast then wake a bit' 

Oh.. cross again but now the male and female energy the 2 different shapes, like the Celtic cross. 'Yes Mouse, balance.. get up a little' 

Oh it's like the axis too the wobbling world.   

the wobbling top... The Celtic cross.   

'You're not Flat' Ah should I be??? The event horizon?  

Oh... are the Equinox's midway between the solstices ..... it's easier to be centred at certain times?? 2am, I get up...

Head bk to bed at 4am.. Inka had arrived at the house and we all dream shared after Kaylo kicked me onto the floor 😝

I woke suddenly I'd been inside stuff again, it all makes sense from there - Planets as archetypes, the tree in 3D,

The kabala the eye that can see..

Points, lines geometreis 

World trees, Real I trees...

Why Eye? I? All aware  

2 - 5 point pyramids... base to base. I've seen before

It made so much sense being in it with the others... lines of symmetry connecting the archetypal mind aspects and how the different bits joined. The I / Eye observing the structure.  

'Come here stupid' 😏


Hu? Wtf?  'Your cool Ren, go with it'  My brain?? 

What the hell was that! 😆

Errr, the dream had been crazy. I was with Em, Inka, Jack, a few more people round a table. 

An old piano off to my left. It's ideas, info, sorting. We had cards with images too that we are using to share concepts.

I kept sleeping threw more and more layers.. then I'm formless seeing so many shapes my brain, lol was like it was shaking in my head a noise too lol like... It was a bit like when I was chilling by the fire and here Malico did something to blue Ray and it felt like a drill in my throat.

This was the same but in my head! Along with the sensation of reformatting, some bits connecting to other bits.. Also moving I was sleeping from space to place.

Next dream lol... Was a very odd version of Northumberland, Ian's sister... 

A meeting on the cliffs, very windy I wanted a kite to fly .. Oh that's the same shape too!

I had my head poking out of a sunroof and was cutting bits of my hair and watch it blowing away.  

I'd gone to collect a bike... Ian's sister was there too and we had something we needed to collect - We had to use our footprint / Soul print to unlock it.  

Her daughter was there too... but so was Inka and he was telling me stuff/decoding the dream as I was in it. 'Stopping you scattering again Ren' lol TY.

The hair was to go bk to the land there, DNA - I was floating above this strange version of Craster too.

He told me to hover over where the waterworks had been placed, I could see the outlines of a star fort buried by time.

We were heading to a meeting place too LSD & psychedelics there.. I'd accessed the menu mentally on entry and had already tripped - was called a sand speeder.. but it's nickname was the duster. It was fast and strong. 

Clowns or Morriss dancers a bit like them plague dr penguins from the other coastal dream with Inka. They are lining the clifftops.

I come down and the others want to look at the menu... this is huge, more like an art portfolio the offerings represented on cards like old rave or festival flyers. I was asking what was strongest and what lasted longest.

Next wake I hear this track.... Lost in time 'Mmmm Ren'

My dream dust was like sky, I was folding it though to get to...

Were the gas giants dwarf stars?? They put out more energy than they get from Sol??  

Anyhooo I was folding the sky fabric.. A key box, Inak was going to take me to the key box store?
😆 lol 'Kick you there Ren, or drag you depending on if your falling in or out!' Haha oh, is that my birth chart train. Hahah 

People were heading to red spaces, I was with them as I knew the way and was keeping them together... I like Red

'You ate the rainbow' Yummy... dose that mean I can poop rainbows? 'I could fire you in an arc?' 

Oh.. Ian's sis hubby is from Northumberland? Or his family is only I was looking into the ground...

Into the past and future where the rainbow is round

'Fuck of back to Leon now Ren, then wake up lazy'  

Oh last year was just as odd..

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