Saturday, 24 April 2021

Stars and Balance


I'm so disorientated, 'Sleep Ren, straight to me'


'Don't keep upping shit on a whim???'  

kk OMW.... Rodent-tastic in the loft space! 

'You'll' fit right in'


It's quite dark 'As your heart, your eyes will adjust.. Just come back to us'

Can I come bk inside you?
'Yes Ren you are welcome'

Jump to the Island we merge once again...



The Keys in the eyes... The train to kings cross...


KingsCross to Sheperds Bush?? The train was heading into kings cross... the bush you showed me was on fire?

'We showed you much Ren, you wanted to keep dreaming....'

I like dreaming 😆

'Good, do it here with me. I've got more things I'd like you to see'


More dreams... The keys to kingdom lay within.
Another way too.  I see the keys...then flipping and moving....
'Stubbornly you are trying to dream!'  

It's how I learn Leon
'It's also why we team👿 Stubborn and persistent eventually things get threw' ... 

Haha 'Come back'  

Show me in dream plx??



Halifax?? ??? Of the Deepened?


I was seeing a relationship ending and a parting... One out one in.

The house was being cleared and a party would be starting..

A guy was being kicked out for an incoming replacement,

Laying out paper cups and plates,

I didn't seem to be any of the people just watching the layers of history like old paint layers pealing.

A kitchen was being uncovered and the piled of stuff was being packed to move on.


Then I'm back in the same thing... Keys, Lock Keys... Lock Knees, Loch Ness... In the body too??


Someone on knees..   

Inka you crawled down the road on knees... or was it me in you?? Can I find you?

'Yeh mouse come, hunt away'


A long dream following from the first.  

It was the house with person being evicted... 

But then they asked to stay but play a slightly different game.


An energy was needed... A kind of spell, but it needed strong flow over miles of land.


There were castles or buildings... like North, South, East, West. Each one needed an energy held.


The first house I'd been in the Male was capable of this, 

but he'd kind of forgotten and needed teaching again.


I was in this space on several layers, it's fractal too and symbolic.

A castle with turrets then a land with castles..

Ramparts or walls, roads, nodes connections.


The spot with my Mama's ashes that Inka took me too....

5 visible castles where the battleship was?


Holy Island, Walkworth, Alnwick, Bamburgh and Dunstanburgh. 

Yet also Houses and one castle in another layer.

I was travelling the routes in-between.

Checking the nodes had the aspects they would need?


I could see it from above as well as the various perspectives?  

This is similar to the nodes also in the body?


'Up & Weave Mouse' lol Inka... It's almost 3am O.o  

'Yep Ren, enough to DL for now then up and dream again' kk


Head bk to sleep 4 ish.

At first just energy flow.... Mainly left lower... Hip & Back Orange.

Slight variations in Mudras changes the flow and fizzy feelings.

Oh the ancient star forts?

That's what I'd been seeing from earlier on in the night above... the towers and layouts served an energetic purpose too.

'Sleep Ren' ok... wana play astral here... 'Suppose, close now anyhow' 

Haha that was fun, the co-joined bug thing was funny 🤣


We'd played out over the hills and downs... changing forms into various things at one point Inka made massive wings - not that we need them to fly but he offered to carry me then we kinda merged into one big flying bug with lots of legs :D


'Dream again now Ren'


Ouch... you just chucked me a hot spud! 'Didn't hold it for long!' Hahaha nop.


'Come here again.....' Hu?? 'Hot spuds Ren, they're going to keep on coming - eat one fast or chuck it on!' lol ok....


Also 2 very detailed dreams... one in a large stable, 

An old fashioned wooden carriage.

I'd been supposed to be getting it ready but had dozed off in the straw beside an old fashioned wooden mallet.

I was in trouble for dozing off and I was also slightly sabotaging something. 


Then on another layer a room with a convo about archetypes. The conversation is fast and the energy dense.

When a guy walks in with 2 massive black mastiffs, their ears are clipped in the US-style. 


'Come bk again..' 


Wow what a dream.... O.o Errrrr wtf! That was errrrrr. 'Write it Squeaky' kk on it.


The first recall is a school with Sandra. 

I was a student in a very large classroom,

The lesson was dull... kids of all ages.

Someone was asking what I thought of education.


The system was borked, not for benefit,

Class size to large reliant on memory.

Wondering and reasoning were not being imparted,

Research, play fun and discovery were all discouraged.


As I looked about many kids looked odd,

The one eye thing again or just blank eyeballs.

A tank in the classroom had held a fish,

It's now on it's side gasping for air.


I'd had sympathy with the teachers of who many did care.

But were propping up a system not fit for purpose.


Dream skips and I'm in an ocean, this time around me are many kinds of soldiers.

One person is explaining they are floating artillery,

I'd asked 'oh is that cannons and shit?'


We were approaching a version of my main dream space

I recall an invasion is about to take place.

This was bonkers! Details so vivid.

Yet my dreamscape version was barely familiar.


It was very built up, The houses and coastline.

We were looking out to sea where an enemy was approaching. 

Behind the houses were rows of tanks machines and stuff.

Ultra-modern cannons, being close to the shore my home was on the frontline.


The invading ship was like nothing I've imagined,

Black and smokey insubstantial,

trans temporal and not attackable.

It was in between layers of reality...

This wasn't something most could perceive..

Perhaps to them, it looked like a ghost ship.


I'd asked sarcastically if they were likely to be hungry,

Knowing full well what was onboard was unstoppable and all-consuming.


My instinct was to bugger off and get well out of there,

pointless as from something like this there is no escape. 


I was told an hr and a half till it made land, I was going to wait and watch already knowing what would happen.


.... lol well thanks! That was nice and reassuring 😆😆

'Come here Squeaky, one more sleep before morning'


We both jump to Leon who looks amused.... 

'Come here Ren, we need to heal you a little'

'I suggest this time you hold onto me'


This time the flow increases all down the right.  

Foot to head and crossing the spine.

Leon holds her arm as she drifts in and out of his being.

Asking telepathically

'You know why you know what that ship is?'.

The increased flow of tears is only answer.

They increase the energy again in her body..


Was that the only way to save that probably reality?

'Hopefully not Ren... but you understand balance'


'Dream deeper mouse, you need filled up with Love before you get up'

Too much, Light, Growth Expansion and mind...

'Needs offsetting with darkness, love, consumption and void' 


That why it's memory recall that needs improving??

'Yeh Ren, fighting dark in a duality system is fucking stupid'

How to improve recall, while respecting free will?? Ok, I'm awake.. 

'Get up enjoy the sun'    


She was going home to meditate as to why who is this guy is... so I'll look it up who she saw sitting on my garden sofa next to me


In the Bible Melchizedek (, Hebrew: מַלְכִּי־צֶדֶֿק‎, malkī-ṣeḏeq, "king of righteousness"; Amharic: መልከ ጼዴቅ, malkī-ṣeḏeq; Armenian: Մելքիսեդեք, Melkisetek) also transliterated Melchisedech or Malki Tzedek, was the king of Salem and priest of El Elyon (often translated as "most high God"). He is first mentioned in Genesis 14:18–20 where he bring...

Oh the guy came with bread and wine... that's cool. I share sofa they can chill a bit in the sun

I don't do religion........ Meby one of the missing kings from the card deck.... Oh.... My dream... Kings Cross, to Shepherds Bush.

The bush was on fire.... Now I wasn't sure if this was a reference to a hot female or the bible.... Either way Shepherds bush is a London Station - as is Kings Cross. The other place was Halifax... another place with a Guillotine... like the red queen & French Revolution.... Peeps wanna keep their heads with their bodies... Ah... Cause with no head you lose the upside-down cross inside with connection to the heart!!

Mind with no love is as aimless as a fart.

This dude came with Tithe??  

Confused... Tithe, what is that. I was asked last year in a dream if I came to give one.

Oh... this time last year.... Trippy shit this!!

Crumbling Church

Ooooo that dream mentions the colours of the playing cards too.... Why is the king cross?? 


lol Lion king..... also in my dream. 

This shit's so trippy!! What a crazy game

Go to look up the trippy Alice, Card game...

Kings cross and the oh... Phahahah QUEEN sang bohemian rhapsody anyhoo this is then on my feed!! Meep


The British monarchy has a succession problem

While the queen is popular, a series of scandals has tarnished the rest of the royal family.

The Lion... I've been there before...It's inside too  It's a stupid costume in the Archetype Wardrobe...


'Your still gaming with God's Ren....'   I'm pretty sure I went all in 🤣


'If you want to unwrap this you focus us here'



'Archetype pingpong??'  Yup... It's ok though.... Pattern re-cog hu???

Leon....  Lion/Crown/Christ 

Also you told me the Op System??  'Not me Mouse'  kk

Since when did Linux have a freaking duality penguin??  'Xmas.... '  Pahahahahah 😂


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 
This article ts about the family of operating systems. For the kernel, see Linux kernel. For other uses, 
Linux (disambiguation). 
Linux (l' linuks/ (0 listen) LEEN-uuks or llnuks/ L/N-uuks[91) is a 
family ot open-source Unix-like operating systems based on the 
Linux an operating system kernel first released on 
September 17, 1991, by Linus Linux is typically 
packaged in a Linux distribution. 
Distributions include the Linux kernel and supporting system 
somvare and libraries, many ot which are provided by the GNU 
Project. Many Linux distributions use the word "'Linux" in their 
name, but the Free Somvare Foundation uses the name 
"GNU/Linux" to emphasize the importance ot GNU somvare, 
causing some 
Popular Linux include Debian, Fedora, and 
Ubuntu_ Commercial distributions include Red Hat Enterprise 
Tux the penguin, mascot ofLinux111 
Written in 
Linus Torvalds 
C, Assembly langLK

The other penguins?    'Your Buggy Ren😉' 

So much.....the Linux, Leon's bugs...

The Bash Shell 😋  Hahaha
 'We try too Ren'  🤣 

Bath Toys!! 
'Water pistols Bitch?'    Here again???


Got a bunch of stuff to juggle again.  

'Your well insane now Ren, and weaving well'
    It's cool I'm grounded enough to ride it hard 😁💜


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