Started off the night. I was chatting to someone one was going to show the other something they had seen so then they both understood it was real.
Once they both knew they could decide what to do about it??
Wake again at 333. We'd mapped an issue onto my body... in between nodes were energy flows.
It would make it easier to sort out.
'Bk Ren' I duno where you are my dreams lack the normal visual tells.
Wake next at 404 - Hummm my writing :P ?// is when we ??? the ?????? 👀
I know the issue had been mapped down my right side between Binah(Saturn) & Hod (Mercury) included Gehburah (Mars) Paths Charriot and hanged man??
Wake again at 414
I'd had a really long dream in them 10 mins and a massive conversation.
- Oh the convo was looped back to the start of the night with the thing we wanted to show...then when we were putting something into my energy to sort out...

The dream was crazy! Main dream area I'd gone for a run, but then was in a car driving north... Only my destination was the next place south.
The road was a motorway and busy as heck and I'm utterly disorientated as I'd just appeared there from my run.
My trainers and running stuff were in the other footwell on the floor... and the vehicle a 4x4 that I'd not driven before.
Then there is a fire spread right across the road, spilt fuel burning but the traffic still flows. I drive through it there are people too on fire ... all the traffic keeps going.
I'd arrived in a bonkers colourful city and my Dad seemed to own the car - he wanted me to sign insurance papers before I moved on.
The print was small and blue.. I was struggling to write as I was so disorientated - he was getting annoyed pointing at the line. lol
He was complaining I'd clipped a mirror... I'm thinking mate I just blacked out and appeared in a car, driving through fire... just take it fucking back 😆
The city was very cool... people from all over the world old painted caravans like the ones from holiday camps but they are covered in amazing vibrant art.
Cushions and rugs on sunny streets... lots of people high and dancing.
A family by a painted bus where one group I was to meet.
They looked hmmm, Inuit perhaps. I'd met Em there too we'd had a drop off in a shop to do.
Eh?? DJ...Judge Jules? 'Take away the judge?' He's Jules? Electricity? Flow? Power?
'Currency' Eh? 🤔
Joule =
Then another massive dream with Em, I'm telling her about the rest of the night and she's asking me about re-usable nappies.... lol was odd given that we are on a massive deserted purple beach.
The sky is pale purple, that persistent dusk-like light... the sea looked amazing the sand like glowing pearls.
We talked about an Arc and a different star and sun... when the sky had looked like this we had travelled far.
Then we walked till and talked till the sky was blue.. again looping back through the rest of the night.... our sun had gone away.
The place we were in now had a bright blue sky and a different kind of day. There is a large stone courtyard or plaza and it's windy as hell.
Small beach hut shaped shelters, where the people were hiding from the wind and blowing sand and leaves.
Made from smooth white stone blocks thicker than bricks.
We'd gone in together all over the floor are small purple flowers blown by the breeze.
We talked more I sat on a window ledge watching the petals dance and drawing what I'd seen.
The planets mapped into my energy nodes and the connections that needed improved flow.. Then drawing orbits for planets moons and stars. 😵
Oh.. and I was HUGE!!!! 'And?' playing on a planet? 'Mmmmmm, so plx behave 😏' lol 😆
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