Monday, 5 April 2021


'Let's fix your sleep patterns?'

I'd like that thanks.  'Good squeaky, here to us 4 at your house' My main dream space?? 'Yep come...'  Can you show me more about bugs? 'What do you think Ren?? Wana watch shit online or dream and see?'  😆

'You said I could land on your back!' lol I know... it tickles.. You're coming here?  'Mirrors Ren, Symbols we meet in the middle'  Hu?  'Lay still'

Inka? 'Ren, you made a deal'  No shit Man, I was teaching geometry?.. but also rude as hell with the others didn't get it.. I was calling them mindless plebs 😳 'Yeh mouse come back 😈' 

Next dream lots of females, Fay & Elsie and her Mum, a crazy kitchen, orange-yellow and red., lol like 70's sindy style. Check tiles 


The Mum had made Chinese food but it had gone a wee bit wrong she'd used loads of whole lemons and tuna and pasta too.

It didn't taste good n Fay was being rude.  

We talked about the difference between speaking your mind and just being a dickhead and sounding unkind.

I also had a bunk bed there were lots of other females and women. The vibe was odd. Hummmm? Manipulation? Power, I'm not sure. My bunk was small a top one bare and plain only a white sheet.

Large q's for bathroom... a vibe of school/lesson or meby prison.

In another layer, I'm with Inak and he's showing me shapes again...

Been dreaming geometry and the tree of life. 

Was shown last night how you can map stuff onto your hands/fingers points.

Then the mudras people use meditating, or on DTM - ti chi dancing. Can be used for portals, incantations opening and closing stuff.

Was like the points joints and bones...

Guess like people draw symbols but this is using the body 

Deliberately weaving archetypes and architecture with hand gesture 😆

Next dream again with Fay, she had very long hair. A strange guy had adopted her. She had an art project.

I was trying to find the paper size and weight. I was going to go get it from paperchase.

I needed scalpel blades and a strange wide brush.

It needed to be black or very dark brown.

This older guy was also the principal or patron of the school, he was trying to help me find out too.

In another dream I was sitting in a room with a German Dr, talking about an experiment we would do. Needles and syringes the old fashioned glass, reusable. 

I was strangely lucid and watching the guy taking in his face.  

I knew him from another place/time was he crew?

I'd wondered if it was Inka and asked 'Why are YOU here?' but he'd only looked confused and continued to tell me what to do.

I was part of the experiment rather than a subject.  


Another study too, a colouring additive in food... an excessive amount, was giving people the shits. :D

An odd female singer who hated Men, she also played rugby she was like a butch opera singer. 

Then a discussion, on an out of date talk show.  

Talking on money & finance and its role. 

How it fits into society - as a method of exchange but had become borked and needed an update.

I was at Malicos house after a while, Inak jumped me there left me at the door... I'd found Kaylo and was looking for Leon but I just kept falling into more dreams.

'The other part of the night Ren, when we told you your energy bod was a mess?' Hummm with the mudras? 'Were looping bk there, just stay still'  

Hu, the upgraded telegraph pole? 'Symbols, still playing...Lay down and watch'  

I see the pole and new wires, like a web.. More geometry.

Non-selective epistasis then something capitalisation??

3 way split again, I'd split to try things 3 separate ways.  

At once the phone wires were crazy twisted like big DNA some parts had capsule coapting bits of the way.

I was in the dream from the other night with the nephrology astrology.  

Someone gives me a heads up about coming arrests 

Plants in plastic bubble isolation to prevent cross-pollination.  

Then this crazy dream... Jack and Richard with me. Richard had fallen asleep in my arms he was heavy and I put him down.

Then the arrests I'd been told about happened and it was thousands of journalists - Then this strange interview and I was on the panel.  

It was like a pantomime, the costumes were surreal like powdered wigs and shit! 

A spread of food too... oh and stage lights again too in an elliptical lighting ring.  

Disabled kids, they saw the DNA wires. There were more in the sky, distant and higher.  

Fay had taken stuff away, 2 forms of storage,

I needed them back again. 

The wires??

Oh yeah, the person below had had intel about the arrests several days before... it was a shock to most but a few knew the score.

Posh accents then Prononceed annunciation? Hu?

Jonathan Dimbleby.. but he was like a fucked up prince charming.  

I was all in white again, long flowing shit - I didn't have a clue why! 

The food was good, cold chicken and cheese, the table up had crusty bread.  

The ring of lights was sort of above and behind us, we sat underneath.  

The interview was like a trial all very odd though... tbh I was more interested in the cheese :D  'Stupid mouse 😈' lol Inak  😆

Linked to the phone wire from last night too?? 

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