Wake at 333 long and crazy dream. I'd split myself into many things to play.
A secret path or tunnel new curtains? Stepping stones.. cartoon-like car patterns and people.
Inka hu?? A toy train, on a plastic track.. It was struggling with the hills. I had to lift it over the bumpy bits and then put it down again. It was picking up dogs, the track was mirrored too. Was I with my Bro??
'Ren we are with you'
I'd swapped out the engine the second one was green.
I can't remember what was getting in and out.
We were all in my dream space chilling around the fire as I was falling into dreams.
A phone with lots of pictures, but no gallery - It was hard to find the image I was after and the pictures weren't just mine.
A talk on nephrology astrology :P It was to do with Renal symbology?? - It wasn't for me, it was happening just up the street. I'd gone to the wrong place or time and wasn't on the list. It was a strange version of this street... a few houses up the lane, but the houses were much taller, and the people not the same.
A paper bag of tablets and I wasn't me? 2 guys a singer, and one with a guitar - making music and games. All the dreams feel wyrd like they aren't quite mine.
'Come back Ren, we share properly this time'
Blugh... that was so stressy and boring!! 'lol Mmmmm... Come'
Very long detailed dream in another type of here. There was a huge sports day type event down the lane on the green. Really crowded with tracks marked in the grass but I'd scored a massive bag of coke, and was cutting lines on the grass 👀
Then I'm inside in a striped circus tent there are lots of fairground rides but hardly any space.
They were all too close together - the chair-o-plane swings were going to hit the people who were standing in the way. lol
I'd gone outside with others but forgotten my bag and when I'd went back my bankcards were gone.
Then I'd spent the rest of the dream trying to stop the cards but it was that dyslexic thing where every number I typed was coming out wrong. lol least the coke was still there >.<
'Easily enchanted' and a-mused?? 😜'Haha Ren and kinda stupid but also fun... come here'
How can we sleep when our beds are burning??
'You like fire, sleep and come back'
707 Hu?? 'Amused and confused?' Haha no shit!!
I'd followed an odd sensation in the top back of my head...
I was with Malico and Loci there was a cage in my head?? I errrrr? 'Come here.'
'Better?' Mmmm, Haha I'd been on fire 💜
Points in a grid then connecting geometry and altering lines of symmetry - like DMT my dream dust and vision is now supper trippy :D
Was just chilling next splitting....
What was that? 'You agreed!' Haha I know! It felt like a drill :P hu?? back at 1943?? Eh?
'Sleep again here with me'
Hu?.. inside a secret box-like cage with a magic lid?? what...?? That was backwards? It ended to start?
'Go back inside it Ren and pull it apart'
Pffff Who dreamed it?? 'Ezekil 23' lol eh?? wth that got to do with me? 'You'll see, go back into the patterns'
A round mirror, like a magnifying mirror.. on a cube square base.. An antenna? Pointing into space.. 818 there is more them different heights and shapes all pointing to the same place? I duno I was dream-sharing with Loci.
'Keep dreaming Ren... pull the shapes out'
Hahaha.. Ooo that was cool, like a person-shaped like an Ankh with a cloak-like red riding hood! 😁 Standing on something.
Were on Charriot? Or what's before Hanged man??
'How soon you wana die?' The Ankh Nose? Hanged Man, then Death... 'Flip it round in your mind'
Oh the Ankh in geometry
I can't see it well when awake.. not the Celtic cross it's a different shape x 4 it's like I saw last night??
Oh.. the different rings? Different symmetry?
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