Friday, 30 April 2021

What's Cooking??

Inka?? 'Be specific Ren, we are deep in game'
I'm so fucking tired mate... energetically.  

'No surprise mouse you are constantly pinging' 

I need Sun and garden.   'That Ren is Leon, not yet though Squeaky'  

I could go with you?  'You want warmth?'  

Mmmm I need home, can we meet by my fire?

The dream is hazy, I was with Inak...

I had friends but we couldn't acknowledge each other yet.

A tent in a desert was a sort of school.

Unusual in style and the only thing around, 

It was vague but cool, intreasting and amusing,
we were wasting time playing and learning with each other.

Then a strange long dream....

Another school a fair or fate.

I was to help with the BBQ.

The woman running it was a control freak psycho! 

I'd tried to help a couple of times, she got rapidly annoyed.

Glaring at me she'd shouted 

'Do you think I've not done this before?!'

I'd shrugged and told her 

'Whatever, I'm here to help,  just tell me what you want here'

After a while, I'd realised.
She was the kind that there was no pleasing, so decided my best approach was teasing. 

So I'd kept poking her and then hiding,
seeing what her tolerance level for crap like mine was.

She was interesting too, and after a while, we had a convo.

An older guy had also told me stuff about her,
He'd had to work with her for a while and had assumed she was military.

I'd taken a quote she's spoken and pinned it on a wall,

along with a bunch of other artwork.

Noticing it, she'd called me over asking what my game was, 

I told her I was interested in where her quote came from,

She looked at me shrewdly and gave me the name of a book she'd been reading.


Main dream area had been nice and sunny. 

I'd arrived back for the weekend so was heading to the beach, but looking out to sea on the south beach the mist was rolling in.

I was thinking I could walk north, 

but it's the wrong direction from home.

I'd pondered calling my Dad for a lift bk from Bamburgh, but realised I would likely be told,

Lazy bitch.. you got your self there so can get yourself back again.

Inka dragged my awareness into him as we decode the other dreams...

A bunch of kids are screwed up from having a missing parent?

He wakes me with a sensation, left side adrenal..

Very physical.

'Tag, you're it bitch.... DL incoming'    

Hahahaha.... the DL to blue earlier too? 'Yep'

That one was scratchy...

??///?/??? with egg head, egg crack...

Yoke dropped into heart to warm and cook.

Inka?? 'I WILL come and get you Ren, Astral recall, left along to long you make to much fucking trouble 😈' Hahaha

Was reminded of the sensation of being dragged bk like this dream here.

Hu?? Not to declare is war on life itself??


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