Wednesday, 14 April 2021

His Story & Her Dream

I don't like it when you're quiet.. 👀'You know I'm close...'  

I know I suppose I like you bugging me too, 'Wyrdo'  

lol Mmm when your quiet your often up to something 😜

'Decide what you want Ren'  Errr I wana to know more about the playing cards I suppose, also old gods.. history and I dunno fun 😆  ' 😏 'Not much then?'  💜

Happy to do stuff to get credit bk, happy to do anything tbh.

'Stupid' lol likely. 😁

First dream was just wtf odd... Big DL Inka reminded me I'm dreaming with Leon....  

Him and Malico had arrived again - They had all asked me something??

Next dream... A ship? Off-world control... also hazy like conversation too and fro I was being used as terms?? I was a.....

'Come here mouse, you dream and learn'

WOW!! 👀😲😮

I'd tucked in a child who was asleep inside a teddy,

His consciousness only, As the small bear was tiny.

Bed was in a loft space overlooking a street,

A puppy on the quilt.. the bear/child could sleep here.
and he would be safe....

'Before that?'  Edgy 😏

I'd signed a contract,
Or been given one.
There was an unusual meeting inside my main dream house.

Many people arriving that I didn't know.

I was in the hallway listening at first.

It was like a shift change...
some nurses and staff came back.

All had fish and chips that had been delivered - I was deciding between cod and soul.

But the main thing was a convo about me,
between 2 male entities.

One was just a voice though I could feel his energy...
it was something strange and big. 

The other was Leon like,
he's talking to the other guy about a female he had that could dream and write.

The second entity listened.... that the female could dream the future, 

It was all very surreal and kinda confusing..

Then there was a contract??

And strange rules,

I was under their protection but the terms were bizarre,

I could see them on a laptop monitor.

Written in green, a script that was all symbols -
but I knew them from my other dreams,
And they
were all familiar.

It seemed I'd already signed
in a time b4 now,

To the dreams being recorded?
and shared open source??


The male entity that I didn't meet,
was part of a larger group..

He didn't need to like me,
his energy was spikey,
The Leon like guy would keep me on his leash??? 
Out of his sight.. and
We would work as team.

Errrr guys wtf?  🙄

'Come back mouse, told you we'd help you understand'

lol kk.... that was a creepy gritty vibe, & one guy coming onto me too...

A rule about what to wear during communication,
Only a white top and a plain backdrop.

There were codes and protocols if certain things occurred.

A young child with me too, possibly a daughter.
I was making sure she stayed with me,
as I could keep her safe??

Oh the boy inside  the teddy awareness,
he had been given to me in a jar,
I'd had to get it to the loft bedroom, 

before it ran out of air.

This is linked to the stasis overseer in a teddy??
And the loft space the other night with head tanks??

'Here Squeaky, bk and dream' kk

A civilisation, long gone...It's buildings now in ruins.

But it was built upon the one before...

I was reading recall inside the repurposed stone.

Greece? Etruscan and something long ago.


Ian wakes me with a funny snore lol 121.

Oh yeh, we are mapping inside my bod again.

Inka left head to shoulder... Leon and Malico down the other side Right.

Trapped something lower left.

'Go into that mouse' kk coming bk.

Left adrenal to heart space back,
That's where most of my flow is at.

Right heart front and lol right big toe!! Leon ffs!! Let go!

'Right side next Ren, lay down again'  I will if Leon stops pulling my toe! 
.... 'Ok Ren, just lay still bit more'

Wake again at 222, you asked me the same question from the start of the night??
About dreaming reality and it rippling out?

I dream at NOW.. and what's the opposite of His story.. ..Hers?? 

His story - the opposite is... Her dream.....???

'303 mouse, write that dream then get up, your dreaming too deep'

Oh lol, I thought I had!

'Nop you wrote your dreams in the dream' lol yeh oops 😆

I was at a school

It was a follow on from the start of the night,
I was employed to dream and write.

I'd been given a laptop and a space to dance,

But then I was put onto
an education course.

There were 2 residential blocks,
one Jupiter one Saturn,

Yet I was mainly in the kitchen dancing.

I'm not sure what I was cooking it was taking so long,

Only one pan.
The white kitchens owners had gone out,

and I was alone dancing in the dark,

Cooking and cleaning
and singing and then,

The other students had returned again.

1 blond female, Helen..
She knew what I was dreaming,

I was supposed to be paranoid,
but I just had no scared feeling.

She was concerned about a bloke who started watching me??

She pointed him out,
So I watched him too.

He did seem to observe me,
And so I kept him close...

He had short ginger hair, specs,
and somewhere else a twin.

He was a part of the school admin.

One day I'd watched him copying me, 

So I followed,
Sat beside him and grabbed his notebook to read,

It made me smile, he was a dreamer like me.

He knew visions and poetry,
and the stuff in-between.

I stayed beside him.
Which the blond Helen didn't like???

As I was supposed to be paranoid,
but I just didn't care,
and he seemed allright 😆

I'd dream shared instead,
with the ginger guy.

In the dream, dream a friend was lost in remorse.

Oh she'd aborted a baby,
that was the cause...
Then she was lost in deep pain,

She had red hair too,
and had lost lots of weight.

Her mom was worried,

She'd not eat or wake...
just cry or sleep lost in her shame.

Me and the ginger guy were trying to help,

She was shutting her heart.. to close out her grief.

Yet she was too full of love and to full of life,

And her heart wouldn't shut,
and so her mind was on fire.

I'd held her head, and he heled her hand, 

I showed her a future
where it was all sorted out.

It gave her a direction, a trajectory aim.

'Then I woke you up bitch! We're playing a game!!!'

lol Inka 😜 ... was a nice dream nice, 'Yeh Ren, you'd have stayed there all night.... It's 303 wake up and write'  

Hahah 11 pages already.

505... time to sleep again.  

Took me a while to sleep again didn't wake till 616  No recall.. till shut my eyes and went back for more.

Pinnacles Bazaar, a stall outside.
A woven blanket scarf,
It was only £14,
but I didn't have the credit.
I was more entranced by the web and the pattern,
It was soft
I wanted to know the size.

A table.. and oh!
And a game I'd been inside,
I was hanging by my waist on a rope.. dangling around,
While picking and tweaking my own avatar!

It was like being in a box on a bit of string,
the me on the rope didn't look too pleased! 😆
I was a bigger me looking in too,
selecting sliders that could change clothes.
I had on a bonkers outfit - Rainbow and bright,
short matching leggings,

With a ringmaster type overcoat!

A small ultra-modern motorbike it was missing a back wheel, but I'd know how to ride it I was being shown it was for me.

Pheonix was there too, About to die.
Malico was with me,
telling me to palpate his insides.

I'd slid my hand under him and was feeling the movement within his tummy...
Heart and breathing patterns, what I could see coming.

My neighbour here.. her washing line, is instead a string of small union-jacks.
I was looking at old 70's  fablon, Orange, Yellow, Red.
The print is repeating, small flowers and birds.

The Pheonix, (Nyx) It was almost time to burn again.
The last dream this was before the castle passed Monks house?
Oh the Road next to St Peter's is also Monks End Terrace....  The Alice/Lewis Carrol / Nana

The patterns repeating??

'More mouse, back here'

The Pheonix and the queen's husband??

I'm seeing purple.. the blood isn't moving well,
My Cat too the hearts are losing function.

Oh? Inka... killing Inka??
'You killed a queen too, find the dreams with Regicide Ren'
The Solomon one...
The Queen one...  Oh that also had a Key and links to the 1940's WTF???

Then I'd hopped to Japan?  Or hidden there?
Is that were I was,
when I'd made the deal with Inka?
One back in for one back out???

'Dream Weave it squeaky!'  lol

Court cards again, King / Queen of hearts??
You told me your heart as safe as Houses....
But we swapped Hearts

You got mine and I got yours??
You Killed me before I returned to the Templars Dream??

'Re-Call Ren, tangled up in TIME'   Hummm twisty memory in DNA??

Errr the Tellos, Telomere, Telephone? The pole upgrade outside our home... and the dream with DNA in the air..

The www & the wood wide net.

'Enough yet?' 

lol... wait up, I'll jump bk once more 😆

The 'Off with their heads?'  Red Queen??
'Mmmmm check back with Kelly.. You missed her clue.
You noticed the singing flowers but not the headless boy'

The dream from my childhood.... my 2 male best friends, Jack and Ag (Silver)
Headless, Backs against the School wall,
Washing bleeding neck stumps in blue tubs...

This is linked to the French Revolution too??

'Message her mouse'

Neptune the other side of the head to Saturn? The Stasis?
The dream??

Lewis Carrol & C S Lewis

I'm listening to an album Ian made years ago... the other band members released it yday, just for an animal charity..
Anyhoo 2 of the first tracks are An Alice in Wonderland quote and REM sleep...
He just sent me the links while I'm writing up the queen of hearts, off with their heads... It's linked to Nyx - Pheonix, the french revolution and the death of the queens hubby.

 Both the carols seem to be singing from the same Hymn /Hymen sheet

Why does His-Story just keep on Looping??

Oh Kelly Replied It was a missing head on a Sign, the pub was called the 'Lost Boy'  

Oh..... the track, the song too? 
I asked the other day who Wendy was?  Did you say a better friend to sheep than me? 😛 meaning Rachel!

 --- So much of this is looping this night!!   'Mmmmm' 

Pinnacles Bizaar that's where the Crown's Reined Down 2017...
I was keeping track of time O.o

 Linked to this other Tower card? Oooooo!!

'Punny Hu Mouse? ;)'   -
Interesting too 😆

'You're rolling an accumulator atm Bitch 😈'   
Huuu?  'You'll see'  lol 👀😆

An anagram of Werewolf?? 

'You're a Wendy Archetypes Ren... but you ditched your lost boys...'



Oh,  I was caught under the radar of the matriarch!!!


'Yes Ren she called you in... and you bitch abandoned ship'


Fuck Inka.  To many stories.....


DW witch your attached to where you've been.


Pfffff 🥴


Phahaha tune!


Tommy Jayden & Castion - Untouchable


''Few are stupid enough to be the answer to their question and then their answers question'


Hahaha 🤣


I keep turning inside out?



'Yes Ren....   you aren't an ouroboros  your a figure 8'


Kk then..   what, who, where and why is the gate?


'The gate for the key?  The gate for Fate?' 


Keep up with that shit and im just going to bite you!  

'GG Ren,  next round soon'


Round in who's corners? 


'I'll let you pick the angles' Hahaha kk, can I bite your ankles?


'Aquarius bitch or wana game an octave higher?'


Lol in for a penny, in for a pound..   if I'm of an accumulator may as well let it roll 🤣😂🤣

'Ffs Bitch, top draw fool😉'   I'm feeling lucky 🤣😂🤣


'You went for a job in a betting shop?...didn't get it witch cause your shit at maths'


I don't think I need to be...  I get what I need ;)


Like I said..  I fancy my luck...  I'm back all in 💜💙💜

Hahaha..  Sorry Inka, I'm sure it fine,  gonna be fun.

'I'll check in get bk to you 😉 '


Kk ima dance. 🤣

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