Thursday, 1 April 2021

String Hare & Hydrocarbon Webs

Come here...  Where?  'There on the stair, mouse in a windmill, making a noise'  
I'm feeling tired, 'you keep gaming with the gods' Help?
'Magic word bitch?' lol plx. 
'Credit witch?'
Yeh whatever you need 😜 'Stupid'  What you got me up too?  
'Don't put this shit on me, your fucking dream, your reality'
When I up the game? 'So will they, you are all connected as you play'
What kind of space? 'Come here to me Ren, we need to balance a bit with more of the team'

I feel like I've been asleep for ages, you were talking to me, 'We still are.  Hut Ren, come back here for a bit'
wtf dream..
First school starts from the spot in this dream where I found the joker card face down in the rain.. on the path beside the graves. 

Card on floor

The school is a church and a wedding venue too.  
It's one main big classroom hall, with a kitchen up back.
A path around the outside in the dark....
In the middle is an access space this bit is odd out of place dimly lit with odd stuff going on.... way more modern had a feel of backstage.
A lesson had been going on the kids had been fed, then they are expected to sleep with their heads on their desks??
They're all in rows face to face. 
I'm trying to clear after lunch.
The route to the kitchen was controlled so I'd tried to go around on the path in the dark.
At the front at a brick gate, more people are arriving, they have made a que in the dark, wind and rain.
I've got a pile of plates and cups - trying to get threw...

Then it's a church gate - I get told to shut it, I realise it's a wedding party waiting to come in.
I'd shoved through the wedding folks so would likely cop some crap but eventually, find the kitchen where I'm greeted by an aunt! 😆 Aunty Ann.
She tells me about the wedding group - they came from further south.  Kent & Surrey and some from Rochester?

My concern was for the kids more, sleeping on hard desks..and confused by the wedding as the place was in a mess.
Dom was with the wedding group waiting to come in.  I was going to empty the dishwasher there was odd stuff in the room between.

It's not even 11 😮  'It is now, come here, then we go to house'

Jack frost fought the sandman? 'No Ren, sandman went to sleep 😉.... he argued with the bunny but they were working as a team'   Oh yeh, the dreams were going from good to bad?  
The sad dude wanted all the happy? 'Yeh Ren, the kids had to believe again to make stuff much more fun'  Oh! I remember it now... It made me cry 😀
'Good, come here!'  lol yeh.

lol next bit I was splitting but my writing is so shit.. I know were talking so much stuff but couldn't bring it waking 'Ren come'  I can't bring the convo bk?  'Come here fully then... we jump then dream again'

That was one fuck of a dream in a dream in a dream! 👀  'IKR... write here then get up a bit.' lol

I'd been dreaming there, then dreaming here, there was a room like my room, but outside the door were giant grass stone stairs in places shallow, in places deep.
I was waking to write a crazy dream.
I'd had a mission I didn't know how to do, I had a bunch of kids that I had to rescue.
I'd had an idea in a dream of a sad but magic setting,
misty and grey in a liminal space..
There were ghosts and ghost dogs and a white spectral dancing hare.
It was really a woman and the kids were all dead.
It was their souls that needed moving, they had died in a war and were stuck in a space that they couldn't get out from.
I'd dreamed the solution, this dancing hare... that is actually a woman there is a portal there.
I'd jumped with the children who danced to the hare... threw the portal then they would be safe in her care.
As the kids head through the woman runs to me,
we are both crying I say - I made you in a dream.
We hug as she thanks me for bringing the kids, she doesn't understand how I made it....
Nore did I really, but it didn't matter either way.
The mission was compleated and the young souls now safe.
She gives me a small thing, yet another cassette tape?
It's smaller than normal, transparent and grey.

I woke into the dream, dream... and had it still in my hand.
She looked like that game unravelled.  A Hare mummy, made from white glowing string.. - with a lift up mask where I touched her face beneath.

In the dream, dream I'm in my bed like bed... but things keep catching alight.
I'm putting them out and writing notes, about a train and a train line?
I was splitting into another dream about a journey and a team.  One member refused to use the train and the reason was to do with me.
I'm told in the dream, dream to wake a layer up...
So was heading down the stone grass steps to DL stuff so far.
'Ripples mouse! Up and have a brew 😏 You've been dreaming for hrs and the night is far from threw!'  
lol ok.
We were going to dream share too?   You'd asked me 4 or 5, I'd decided 5. 
We didn't get to that part yet, just back at Malicos house... Oh, we arrived at the front door?  'DL Ren, then bk to sleep'

Ok... head to bed for 212 😜

Next up  Lego city! Me and Malico play fighting.  We kept pulling bits of buildings off and chucking them at each other.

Next we play at making scenarios in the city, financial mainly.. watching flow of wealth and goods from god-mode up above.
How different introductions and deductions alter stuff.
Then my bro is there too and we are discussing capitalism and at what point it becomes unmanageable to hold back the surge of people when they realise they are getting fucked over.
Was like Godzilla v king kong, the lego movie and the sims all rolled into one.
Funny cause it was still a lego town, we were chatting healthcare, water infrastructure and some guy is yelling I DON'T WANT TO SHARE 😆.... we were running the sim back and forth pointing out the endpoints and asking incredulously 'You wana go there??'

'You both need a good kicking for that, but as it happens Ren will do 😏' 
lol Inka.. fuck you! 😝 'Come little mouse it's time to dream share too, I'll jump you there' 
We all jump beside the fire. I go in inside, then invite the rest to dreamshare in my messyhouse!
Loci enters first hugs me and laughs, Kaylo rolls his eyes muttering idiot as he goes past.
Malico smirks and Leon enters last and grabs my hand... 'beside me dear' .. Inka takes the space on the other side. 'I'm keeping 😏 you near' lol
'Ok heads point in.. lets not let Ren drive this dream....'  😆
lol why?  'You'll see'.

Big dream share

The dream
I'm in main dream area. Opposite the hardware shop at the and roundabout.  A massive meal with all family on the street.
An easter celebration perhaps? There is a turkey bloody big!  With plates of food and stuff
Oh and then lots of snakes??
I'd got there early me and Ken, we were setting up the area with the tables and plates.
Kev was there chatting with his Dad it's a mix of relatives alive and who have passed.  We knew they were dead as we were chatting about what they missed.. and how stuff was different after they were dead.
The spread was huge, but I didn't eat.. I just kept getting bitten, by different coloured snakes! 😆
The first one was white, it bit my leg.  I carried it further away and put it over a fence.
The second one was smaller, grey-black clamped down on my thumb, biting me hard.
Its body twisted round my wrist...I was looking for a guy who knew about snakes, hoping he would take it away from me.
My mam was there too, she'd said something dumb... then I'd been rude while the black snakes biting my left thumb.

It was the same dream space with the pink cake?
When I was a mouse....

Had started here.... Oh that night was 1943 links? Last night was 1941&2?  Hu? 🤔

Then Last night... 2 warships with the same name Tourmaline.   - Tormenting..   Tor - to twist??  'Mmmm'

I dream share with just Inka now but when he takes me back... we are in the dreamscape but not the dream...
I'm deep inside the source code and lost between 0&1
Like hydrocarbon chains   -  All made from lines and O 's the C is half an O?  
'Back here mouse' - It's 0550.
lol  I'd gone back in again ...

Strange hexagon shaps... you're showing me the snake stuff but I don't get it??
Code again   -   the snakes and bites? 'OFC Ren, you ask you get '  

lol I duno... I'm just seeing energy jump and flow.  
'Here again, I can help unpack'  
I'm back in the code...again!
lol I am the snake and the bite, the food on the table, the day and the night, the on and the not / knot.  The knot & the seal?? wft am I dishing up to the folks that I feed??
'lol good question Ren, come to bk again... this time Ren we dream as 3, hold onto Leon & let go of me'  lol OK 😆  I just fell asleep again....

This was odd... totally different in a crowded room with Em/Me and Ali - but one of us was a dwarf and looking at the other's knees!!😆
We were chatting about perspective, the dwarf was telling me the first time they met another dwarf and how good it feels to look at something the same as you and know how they think and feel.   It made me burst into tears as I knew exactly what they ment... I'd said how I get them as it happens in my dreams.... lol when I meet the freaky entities who are crazy like me.   😛

Then Inka is shaking me awake and shoves me I hadn't moved.
So I shuffle round to Leon & Inka swaps too.  I'm back in the code again from the dream from before.. but I'm at the hub of a wheel web. 
It's a symbol I'm inside it's symbolic of a web.  The 1's are lines connecting and the worlds are O like hubs.  There are gaps slightly apart where the energy flows on n off. It creates creates a plasma arc and a little spark.

A museum Edwardian building I'm standing at a closed door.
Rows and rows of windows.
I'm knocking on the door I knew what was inside, I was knocking harder as I wanted to get in.

Last I dream with loci... Haha a massive big red jumper!! Comically large, the arms were so wide.  
Fabric cheap and hard, lol we could all fit inside it.. stretchy like a tent!
We would use the idea... for a new one we would make, a better fabric and a more intreasting shape.
lol a page of text too it was written in German I think as I recognised the word Danke.

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