Thursday, 22 April 2021

Rats, Mice and Wrens

'Ren apologies and Regret is meaningless and self defeating, you are what you are'


A reckless idiot? 'More or less just own it, you may stay on chaos for now Ren.   Just accept there is no where to hide or run from us' 


I like a challenge 😏  'Good hold that attitude please'


Why Leon?

'Look outside Ren, what season are you in?'


I love spring... 'It loves you to, we are in your space Ren, you need to dream!'  Ikr🤨


'Better?'  Yeh thanks Inka, its helping.... 


'Credits mounting bitch 😏'   kk let me dump it? 


'Mmmmm, OK, I'll have a sniff about and get bk to you'  ty.


'😈 you might not like it...'  I have unusual taste....


'Ren I'm staring to think you are a lost cause'  Haha sorry Leon, I need Inka hard for grounding.

'Ren you know what I am... Why aim for me?'  Your the thing that makes me feel ok..


I can't stand being awake to long...  'Mouse?'  You must feel me?

'FFS Ren, you don't make shit easy'  
I just need to be close ...


'Ren, you turned into a flaming bird, the doors of your cage are open and your free to go'


I don't want to go anywhere...  I want to stay close.  

It's when I feel ok.  I kinda have fun as a  popcorn slave.


I'd gone back a main dreamspace dream into as soon as I was back asleep, North Sunderland past the school now, it's like it is in many other dream with the large portal crazy churches and odd statues, the stables with the horses were there again and there was an exchange of more contracts and agreements.

I was still with Malico and Leon, they were working with the flow in my body... Something between right back shoulder and back heart space wasn't flowing and an increasingly large knot was forming.

Sleep then was very light, I was in so many spaces and things - no way to bring it back as it was to much at once.

I was fractured all-over, in thousands of conversations... Radio Broadcasts and the static between the stations.
I don't recall before being this conscious but fractured.
I was splitting too another me downstairs...
I think the door clicking in the breeze was keeping me more aware.

'Stay here Ren, your energy flow is increasing... We are bringing you back up again so keep dreaming'

The something of Nhim?  The secret of NIMH??   An old film?  Oh she was a mouse??

Mrs. Frisby discovers the rats nave a literate and mechanized society. They nave technology such as elevators, nave tapped 
the electricity grid to provide lighting and heating and nave acquired other human skills, such as storing food tor the winter. 
Their leader, Nicodemus, tells Mrs. Frisöy ot the rats' capture by scientists working tor a laboratory located at the National 
Institute ot Mental Health (NIMH) and the subsequent experiments that the humans performed on the rats, which increased the 
rats' intelligence to the point ot being able to read, write and operate complicated machines, as well as enhancing their 
longevity and strength. This increased intelligence and strength allowed them to escape trom the NIMH laboratories and 
migrate to their present location. Jonathan Frisöy and Mr. Ages were the only b,vo survivors ot a group ot eight mice who had 
been part ot the experiments at NIMH and made the rats' escape possible. Out ot their respect and unending gratitude tor 
Jonathan, the rats agree to move Mrs. Frisöy's house to a location sate trom the plow


Plough??  The Rat Tarot Cards?  Tar Rat, you told me a Rat in the Tarot and a mouse in the kitchen??  Hummmm  Harvest too, what's on the Menu?? Mental & Health???

My shoulder was so sore... 'Yeh Ren, that next - enter the entanglement and dream, let me dream with you'   Yeh sure..


Totally unfamiliar city.

6 female friends.. A full moon party and a birthday celebration would be soon.
I'd got separated and had no clue were to go I was wandering around the city in the dark it was strange and old fashioned. 
I'd recalled we were to meet at 'The cottage' so I'd headed to a central plaza to ask about it.
There had been a fishing boat too and a formal meal.

My writings not clear for next bit.. Was about the symbols, Beltane Full moon soon??


313 I'm hot and cold 'You are many things Ren, just lay still'

Something about elohim earwigs..  I was also seeing my dream book an image of a small sideways knife of dagger with drops from it pointing hilt left point right and there was also an arrow...   So I just redrew it.  

It's 414 Inka  arrives back 
'I've found a job for you Mouse' 
I think I jumped with him or he... Humm I don't recall but 2 very long dreams. 

Very  busy train, wasn't quite standing but would be soon. 
I was laying across 2 seats drifting in and out of dream,
I had on my chest a small blue blanket.
The people in the seats around me knew eachother and were talking loudly,
The guys were pretty toxic but I found them amusing.

There was standing room behind my seat and one guy was saying sarcastically 'Great, humans next to me soon'  I was aware I'd need to sit up too.

It felt like the East Coast mainline south into Kings Cross???

Outside the window was the strangest thing... A plane with what looked like small propellers all-over it. 


It was so low over the track it looked like it would hit the train... But it could move in all directions.

I watched it stop turn hover then enter a hanger.

Oh.... Before hat some kind of disclosure.
Main dream area again,
I was aware Malico was with me for aspects of this too, but I'm not certain the way that it fits.

There was a talk show called 11 
It was dripping disclosure style stories every day.

I was discussing this with Emma as we walked the main street. 
We'd stopped at the newsagent to share what we were thinking. 
We decided they were likely future us and something in the disclosure was obfuscated.


She'd given me a giant bag of popcorn! 
Sometime before...I'd been hugging it on a coach journey home.  
The popped bits were massive, it tasted good.
I was returning what was left and thanking her. 

I'd not eaten it since we were both small, but I'd dropped the bag spilling it on the floor. 

I told her I would get her more...
The bits were warm from where I'd hugged it so long.

'Back mouse......You said you'd stay my popcorn slave!'  😆 I know.... 

Is that the Stockholm syndrome? 🤔 
'I told you Bitch, cage bars are open but you don't fuck off'   

 He'd shown me a golden birdcage with an open door.

What was that plane???


'Come back here'  Oh the Sunkist is that.. Inti again from last night.

Had been more too. 
A strange kind of organ with really long keys??  
It played by it's self wyrd creepy tunes :P    
I had an errrr Key???   There were things to twist?   
I was trying to make it stop for a bit


'Church Organ Mouse'  lol like the mouse organ wasn't that Bagpuss? 



'Come here......   Look at me Ren'  .....   'Look at my eyes and don't look away it's ok to cry' 
Like the Dwarf dream? 

'You know what I am Ren'  Mmmmmmm
'You're a stupid fucking mess 😈 But your heart and intention is pure'
I can hunt and attack?
'But your payload is love'

So is yours...
. 'Yes Ren, but you know the things that I'm capable of'  
I still see the love as the deeper motive

'Ok Bitch, I can't make you go.  Your cage bars are open, you may do as you please. 
If you
ARE staying then its safer for us both is you are SEEN to submit to me and be under my control' 

'Don't answer yet, come here first there is more I will show you'


St peters Sword, the crosses keys, Eva's art and The Key my Bro keeps returning to me???


'Even when you think your not playing, you are squeaky... Check the dreams' 


You Showed me 303 and 313 
Hahah  As insects in 3d :D  313 was the Butterfly I was seeing the Monarch but it's body was the cross....  303 was a bee!  :D  

The 0 in the middle is a mirror....  'All mirrors mouse, just depends on the angle your looking from it at'  


Lol Stupid reality!  'Dreamer' 
The bee and the butterfly reminds me of something...

'Here plx Ren, one last thing'


TY &  for the popcorn💜







Haha just looked up the meaning of Emma!   Lol Whole / and an Androgynous Shell and then we have Mary/Mag as middle us!!  😆  More Corn in the NIHM...  Sheesh...     'You won't quit Ren 😈'   IKR 😜



Odd I didn't dream much last night. I know me and Inka were chasing each other threw stuff. This morning I was shown other dreams this one in particular.

Inka and Leon both attacked me then threw me in the fire outside the roundhouse.... when I'd burnt I turned into a tiny Wren bird but on fire.
I'd fluttered out of the fire and onto Inka's leg.. but it was like poles of a magnet and I was sitting on the magnetic push about 10 cm above his leg.

While showing me the dream above he told me. The Original Bass Hunter..... Rock Bottom, then the word Inti


No description available.


Maya Cosmology 
13 Caan (Sky) Levels 
Each With its Own God with Hunab'Ku at 
the top. The sky was represented by 
ltzamna. as a two-headed plumed 
serpentjdragon incorporating elements Of 
serpent, bird. lizard & deer. 
Mu'uk Kab (The Upper World) 
Chumu'uk Kab (The Middle World) 
Seen as a crocodile upon Whose back grew the vegetation Of the earth. 
Xibalba I Mitnal (The Under World) 
9 Levels below the Earth 
Each With its own God puch. 
the God of Death 
Houses of Torments 
The House Of Bats, The House Of Spears (Razor), The 
Dark House. The House of Jaguars, The Hause of Fire, & 
The Houæ of Shivers (Cold)



 I don't know what happened last night

'You don't need to know more that what you have this morning'


Why was Inka repelling me?  ..'polarity' 


Which of us changed?  'You did Ren, to a small flaming bird'


Why?   'Read yesterday to help your recall'


The feathered serpent 'Quetzalcoatl'


The shaman men who took me into the Jungle?


The flaming totem?   Or was it carved... 'I told you Ren, one of you is shaman'


What's going on?   'You need some time alone with us'   Yes....


Everything things so different how long was I gone 'Time now Ren, and long enough, we will move you bk soon'


You guys were chasing me? 'Hunting threw time Ren, you know how to hide and you know where to run'  


I remember the catch and you two beating me up...   and then being thrown into my own fire.


The guillotine, the French revolution..  heads in bowls... is that why Jack & Aggy had no recall?


And why my bro had to be born? 


The one and only 2 heads     there was only there necks? 


The queen of hearts too... off with their heads. ..I feel so emotional.


'It is a lot you wish to recall'


The blood rituals...  the lost boys, 


Templars Latin...bass hunter my direction is down?  Bass. 


I don't know anything about French history. Only my dreams.  'Its all you need Ren, who has perspective?' Lol


Oh you told me yday to take it easy... I didn't listen 'same as always'   srry, 'to later for that Ren'


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