Monday, 19 April 2021

Costumes of His Story stored in a Confusing Wadrobe

I'm sorry 'Keep that intention and I'll make sure of it 😈.....Sort it and come here' Ok Why? 'Cause you're stupid?'
lol suppose 😆

Dreams.. but so jumbled Inka was with me lol me and Fay were in bonkers fancy dress a chicken and a banana 😛

Time is hurting and my toe.... 'Were stretching you between us Ren' lol 

I was back in that dream, I need to sort out the Unicorn?
Dot's Rainbow blanket that's coming unravelled & undone...

The first Elohim dream, Kek the frog... Was the hotel the St Aidens? This is linked to the Monks?? Nephilim / Elohim Branch??

The dream of the wife as a chief? That was also old Northumberland?? 

Stags, Deer and Unicorn? The one that attacked me when I was with Rog... I'd hidden the Transcription device I'd put it inside layers of time?

I was dreaming with Inka, Malico and Leon again.. but I was just re-entering connected dreams, We'd jumped to my main dream space to walk on the beach but I wanted a bigger piccy so we'd unformed and jumped wide.

I'm in WW2 and with Aunty Sheila??
She had loads of amazing plants but had lost her memory.

She's forgotten their names, I was watering them and cleaning the leaves.

Also an armed soldier in WW2. He'd gone missing then appeared sometime later again.

He wouldn't shoot two POW, They were defenceless and he couldn't do it.... Got in trouble then cleared off.

2 Bananas & ?????? ???

Oh, I was dreaming on another layer too... In a dark room.

I was looking at a very old book about the Tarot archetypes astrology and the way they are linked.

So much stuff?? 

'Split Ren & write'  

The Judgment Card from the Rat Deck? Rat and Tarot lol

There is a Rat in the tarot? 'And a mouse in the kitchen 😈'  

It was inside too the card and the scales. Between the hips and adrenals is the right place.
No Judgment in the Thoth, Just Aeon...

Back in Sheila and Eric's house... but also in the card..

The scales, the 2 towers that rise in me??

The Chaytor's and John of Gaunt.. Croft to Berwick, meetings taking place at night.... like a card hand in a very long game.

Astral style being played to win.

Oh and on another layer, cats in rodent cages... 

A godmother god's mother.. I was with Inka too, lol it was like a living tapestry??    People made of fabric.

Got up for a couple of hrs

Wake 606.. Long dream... 

A port on the sea we had a little rowboat we were going to take out, Zak and me. 

It was beached on the soft sand where the tide wouldn't reach but the sun was setting fast and we'd left it too late, we would need to sail the following day.

I'd been cooking a large meal again and doing stuff for others the kitchen was large industrial style and cluttered,

A kitten had knocked food from the benches making everything slippy and messy.

I was confused as Zak's hair was also too blond so I was wondering where I'd jumped or if I'd moved back.

We were known at the harbour so could come and go,

but the port had a small customs and as we'd passed threw, Zak took the toy tiara from a small pretty girl.

Her eyes were dark brown and her hair curly, she was dressed in white and ran after us to get it back.

I made Zak return it and tell her sorry, she hugged him and then introduced herself in a different language,

She pointed at her self and told us Eeva and smiled and told her Zak & my's names.


Abstract dream of VR sets, 

I was reviewing them to see what worked better.

There were some brands I'd never heard off and the Vio and vive were two of the others.

I was to go to a trade show and quiz the makers.

A Cakeshop too, like the Inka dream. Zak and me were buying a different selection each day.

Learning which ones we liked the best.

More of the recycling and sorting? I duno what any of this means?

'What you mean to say Ren is please.  Come back here'  lol kk.

Leon wtf was that??

'Split here Ren and write... you learn unconventionally but when you remember you learn fast' 

Octo Paracites? Toxo Plasmosis? 

I'd been splitting again as asked...

A loft space with dark red walls.

They are covered with cards, Images, Symbols and historic art. one was like the Bayeux Tapestry...
Linking bk to earlier in the night. It had Arcs and creatures and heraldry and further along it said in red letters 'It's all about religions'


Oh, a box had old school books.

I was looking at Maths 😜 Pages full of equations, that I'd forgotten learning.

My Teacher and I were having discourse in 2 different coloured pens..

They had asked me to make a tick list of what I had learnt....

And I'd I was confirming in actuality,

 they wished to ascertain what it was that I knew and recalled. 😜

'Sarcastic Witch, as usual Ren' 

I just normally fuck about for years then learn enough to scrape a pass at the end! Shit Memory 😛

What is the Wardrobe?? 



'Yeh Ren!'  lol How am I dreaming space weather now!!  That's the night Leon 😑
CME allover M Arse....

And you'd told me night before Mars in the way!!


I need and want you Leon 'good it may make you marginally less difficult to work with' 


I Want to fight with you too though..   'Bitch?'

Why is it a  stupid idea Inka??


'Symbols Ren a planet fighting with its Star is never smart ....  even if it sees that star as alien and abusive'


Where is my star?  Was Saturn and Neptune Binary?


'Keep asking Ren we show' you will fight me too? 

'As you wish Ren, you know you can't win'


Meby? 'Crazy, but don't worry Ren, we didn't make you to back down or give in'


Tics are the Octo parasites? They can transmit Toxo too?


What is October named for??



'What if I told you the virus is you responsibility too?'  I'd take that I dream it all b4 and see it and stuff is tangled..  ' thought so'   What happened with Inka in that bus depot?


'We go back again Ren, help you find out'  kk ty.


Linked to the Oprah dream 'yes queen' Don't you start that queen shit too.



In the Story....The mouse freed the Lion from the hunters Net????....   'and your our mouse hunter who has us tangled in her webs 😉'


Lol pfffff 🙄 that was the same night as the bus station????  'It was'   Night after Inka first attacked me?   'I don't have to remind you Ren, you were the one who kept shitting on our doorstep!'  
Hahahah  kk point taken

The first time I met Leon, he asked me 'What you go make a reality like this for?'  I told him.... I duno I want out of here.... 'I told you I was working on it' blug ....  😵 

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