Wednesday, 28 April 2021

Harvest Mice & Frogo's

Moon is coming up it looks so pritty, 'And a tower is falling down and it's going to get messy!' lol 

I was inside the archetypes and playing decks Cups? Diamonds, clubs and spades?? I was seeing 2 in 1 the flipped images and how they balance... 

You just poke me?? it's 121 'Mmmm'

I'd been dreaming for ages.

3 dishwashers, some dry clothes..

Out in a field, a table where the places keep getting changed.

But the only food is cheese and Christmas cake?

'Squeek!' lol

There was Chris & Sandra and other family.

Ian there too asking about a novel.

The book was about a boxer? he had a strange pouty face,

He wanted me to try and imitate.

All of the kids' TV programs had been filmed in my next-door garden.

Then something about some theories people had on Saturn.

That it was actually made of plastic and it was covered in strange logos??

It projected these onto the earth??

'Close enough, wake a while Ren' my head still hurts... 'IK, we're not done' lol ok...

I was seeing a crazy blue plastic Saturn with food labels stuck on it 😂

So much flow... Purple front and blue back, Back green too.

Oh I'd got hit by a car!  'Blindsided'  Errrr it hit me from the right it was red 😛

Then the time warp song... a Jump to the left and then a step to the right? Everything when white after the car hit me.

In another dream 

I'd been at a kind of party when there is an announcement of war suddenly started.
As usual, it's the same old story,

So much more going on than what the people are being told.

People are to leave their homes and head to a designated area. 

I knew where it was going and where the road would lead us.

I knew the outcome and motives

the rhymes and the reasons.

Private property would be taken, compounds created, humans further herded.

Rights and liberty increasingly eroded...

Yet all seemed to trust the radio broadcasts,

That was was the reason they should all leave their houses.

Before this was odd, someone catapulting guinea pigs 👀

They were only toy ones but the splats were nasty.

I was more disturbed that this was something enjoyed.

People all moving... but what can you tell them?

The movers have convinced themselves they act in the best interest.

Mover and moved, watcher and seer. 

Another me was in astral here.

A reality close to this were my room door was closed and all my cats were scrapping in the hall.

Oh and another place where I had a giant father! 😆

lol he was a massive wreck-it ralph type of character. 

He was big and made of rubber with 2 silly red plastic gloves, one kept falling off
I'd keep picking it up to put it back on.

I was clearing food away that no one wanted... It was leftover and had started spoiling.  

'Bk Ren' Head 😣 'Yeh follow again' kk

Oh a child gifted me a pencil drawing...

A friend was singing a song for me 

but so many people wanted my thoughts on it that it was drowning it out.

I was trying to listen and dance and feel where it flowed.

Ooooo... 'Just write mouse and come back'

I'm dreaming with Inak following crown,
I keep having to drop down to heart centre to ease off the pressure.

The Skua bird, the parasitic Jaeger.
Its program is to dominate to get what it's needing. Once in a system, it's hard to root out.

It has no awareness of when it should stop??

'Here again' 😯 'Haha Yeh Ren, you know we duno when to quit' lol suppose, my head is gonna pop.


'It's popped lots before, you'll feel better after' 

The Lucid dream  I was the flea in the giant's ear??  Oh...  👀

'You're everything Squeaky, come back here...... See what I'm showing??' Mmmmmm

'You own this in for us??' Ughhh, yeh wtf not. 

'Might hurt a bit' Already did/dose! '😏' It's 444.

'Lay down'  

A daisy? with a pink dot in the middle.

Oh and wtf.... that dream 👀

Planes, small ones like single person, flys they had green glowing fule. It was from a crystal that they used.

They were leaving or arriving, something was up.... the larger vessels could no longer get airborne.  

This was bonkers sci-fi.

Another longer vessel this time vast, like a floating world.

Reminded me of years ago when we crashed a timeline.

This one was softer inside, the walls coloured like sand.
It felt soothing had a feel of egypt.

I'm formless observing a male wandering through it.

Didn't look human as I understand it... was larger, different skin.... awaiting family arriving soon.

It's linked to me playing as popcorn slave?
This is linked to the stories about harvest???
Your playing the combine harvester

'lol Ren, you could say that. You went under it and threw it... now you're on it' 😵???

Rat in the tarot is that like the Tar?? rat/tar The loosh, goo, black blood??/ Wildness and love??

I'm sleepy....

'It's morning and your still curious?' lol seems so.....

'Saturation Squeaky, black and white both contain all the colours, want to come swimming?'    lol sure, Void dive!

Like Halloween moon tower we head to void... this time come out after a chat with Kermit the frog!!!

Kermit? Kek too? Kemet... stupid reality 😆  🐸  
Meme Magic indeed, what's odder is that I'm not even surprised anymore 💜 That page contains the bug In amber I just asked the jeweller to make!!

From the Frog tree......

She was in a dream the other night too...... one of my other potential parents for this incarnation. 


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