Wednesday, 9 June 2021

Half Baked Snakes

To much sun 'Your half baked'

lol, I know... 'Stupid, read tomorrow mouse' 

Is it Sunny?  'Mmmmm'  Ok....

'Check and I'll bite you'  lol that would make us even..

'You haven't bitten me yet'

Threat's as good as a promise. 

What we up to?

'Malico too tonight' and Loci? 

'Yeh Ren it's getting fun'  Where to then? 

Back to Atlantic?

'That direction Ren, let Inka sleep a bit... we will take you'  lol can I bring another picnic? :P

'Bring what you like we are going diving'


I've not seen Leon is days... 

'Check in with Inka then jump house Ren?  Come play with us Yeh?' 


Should I ask Darth Dad to my dream space?

'Meet him half way Ren?'   Oh!!  I?

'Could yes Ren, Your responsibility as always but I made the guest house for you to use and learn in' 

wow  TY.

I just remember the messy states my main area can get in.....

'and we've pulled you out of'    Oh Malico?  The Jupiter?  You and Nills? Was there a crazy queen with the dancing Red foos??
lol mad shit going down....   Was it 2014ish?  Ah 2015-16 as Zak was toddler. 



'Read now Ren'   The Re-Ed?  

 'Yeh solidify your boundaries'  mmmm ok.



Ooo it's only 11.  Been in so many dreams already.

I'd jumped to Inka and got comfy -
Asked him about Darth Dad and Inka confirmed that open invite to Malicos house was best idea but to leave till later.... Then dreams but recall not so clear yet.

Wake at 2323 pain over the right ear it's that odd one I get laying sometimes.  

 'Follow it Ren, you are with me now recall?'


Oh yeh I'd jumped from Inka to the house... 

Malico asking why I keep knocking the front door....  I'd just laughed and told him habit.

I'd quickly started dreaming with Leon who was by the fire in the Library.

Blugh that was horrible....  'Sorry Ren, we are showing' 


I could see heads and mantels, worlds, skulls, crusts, rivers and scars and landmass, bone sutras and growth plates???  Hummmm???   👀👀

I'd followed the pain.. but the dream was in my heart and lung space. 

I was layer in layer...

A few levels here, like false awakenings or low astral here.
I was following sensations in and out of body
and then one in my heart space.

I'd woken in a room identical to here.
Yet I'm having a bad asthma attack unable to breath air...

It was like I had a collapsed trachea.  (Sheesh another dog thing 😆)

I'd struggled for breath, then woke up again here with the recall of that sensation but also of a dream.


The pain was from a day, so long ago...

I was 18 in Darlington with 2 aunts.  
It was cold we were shopping for my furry coat.... 
The recall is so vivid I'm crying with love writing this. 

One aunt now dead the other lost to dementia.   Only me and the furry coat remaining.  💚💚

We were outside the store a cold day.....

Oh it was remembrance or armistice?  It was a time and the whole street stopped walking....   

Everyone stood still for a few mins.  

Was oddly creepy like time had stood still there...

Hummm   11.11.11




Wake again 131 the pain is now really server. 
Recalls this time of a family that aren't mine! 


I'd been hugging someone else's aunt she was small and soft didn't smell familiar.

She had shown me round her home with eclectic furniture. 

A green chesterfield sofa and lots of mid-century modern.
And old rocking chair that I'd sat to play in, I'd told her it would make a nice swing!

Loci and Malico had come to collect me told me we were starting the dark moon transmute. 

A very early games console possibly a dev kit.  

Was round the size of an old super Nintendo... It was neon yellow - had been popular.
Yet it was a logo and brand that I'd never herd of.
The box was also very modern, the owner was contemplating selling it on, as despite its older version it had kept good value.

An old style monitor big and square, the case is grey with a logo in red.  
Again no brand I'd herd of...  Very unfamiliar it was like I was dreaming in someone else's time line.

A small girl, bright blond hair... A pink dress.  

I was holding her by her hands.  She was swinging and wiggling round.
A cub scout group but it was filled with mainly toddlers there was an appeal for more experienced members to return to balance things out....  I was seeing kids in the scout uniform.

A toy puppet Zak had made, a hand stitched one.  An old fashioned black dress with a white pin on apron.

Perhaps like a religious medical matron.  

The puppet had been pulled apart to make a new one....  I'd felt a sadness at the loss of the original.


Also windy cliff side gardens.  Errrr like west coast Cornwall or isles of Scilly. 
Flower beds and small stone paths teired to a shoreline.  
Colourful Mediterranean plants and fresh salty air.

 - Get up for an hr.

Bk to bed 2ish
Jump bk again to the south west coast garden. 
Succulents and pink flowers,
I'm with Malico and Loci and we head into the Ocean.

We turn into long twisty dragons to move below the water.
Malico is the deepest black, Loci a deep electric blue,

I'd taken a shade between Inka and me's usual hue.

We twist in the water like we play in the air...

I'd asked about the ocean currents and wanted to scatter to explore them.

Not sure how best to achieve this,
I decided I'd just drop form and become the water.
Loci would recall me when we reached our destination.

The Atlantic was amazing!  Swirling playing currents.

The pull of the moons gravity and the motion of the planet.

Different to stream & lake or the cold North Sea.
This was so deep and alive in a different way.


The waters awareness of what is in it, was freaking beautiful! 

I could feel sound and the distance it carries. 

I was splitting for lucidity and my body energy was bonkers!!
Dream dust awareness.
The illuminated knot with gilded twisting serpents.
The platted knotwork of boy scouts and boats....

Old twisted ships hemp ropes.

Loci had recalled me as we reached North East Coast of South America.

And my dream dust merges seamlessly into the patterns of the Inak's! 
The images of their twin gods,
The serpent like patterns and the twisted coloured drawings.

My Energy flow had been mainly back heart space but moving round the 4 closes nodes almost like convection currents.....     Very tickly! 🤣

I'd asked shouldn't we bring Inka? - but there others said there is enough of him in me for what we were up too.

Wake again at 404 - lol SO many images and so much info  way to big to unpack in any useful way.

Mainly visual from currents in the ocean and air to DNA reproducing.

Hahah wtf, wake again at 414 
Was a silly dream

I'd been on a modern harbour wall / breakwater it was made of very smooth rounded concrete.
It was very crowded there was a massive grey and white gull
 With a cartoon octopus!

Yellow faced cartoon bad guys -  like a cross between the Simpsons and Bevies & Butt-Head. 

One is using an old fashioned brass telescope the sort that is collapsible.


It's scanning the crowd till it stops on the massive gull and then a voice announces.

'THAT BIRD IS PROTECTING THE FISH!' in an accusatory tone...  Lol

I'd been back in the space with Malio & Loci.
I'd wanted to jump back to Inka but they wouldn't let me....
🤣 They had both twisted about me dragon / rope style!! 

'Ren stay here for now' they tell me.

Is that GUL the Skuar???  '😏'   lol

SO we were still dreaming under water. 


The 'Fish' in question was a small blue cute cartoon octopus!  💙


Next a sound like sweeping and motion like an old fashioned printing press.
I'm seeing a small hand tied broom like the ogham tree besom.

It is sweeping pages of hand written writing.

The pages are in black ink with decorated borders,

each sweep of the broom creates, destroys or cleans another...

I wasn't sure if the pile was getting bigger or smaller.


Again I see the little seahorse faces and am reminded how the males carry eggs inside them.

I think about the Book of Kell's and the bird like twisty dragons??
Same funny noses and tangy patterns...
Hippocampus in the head another type of seahorse.

Can I go dream with Inka now?  'Haha Ren, yeh we'll all go' 

We jump bk to Inka who wakes when I poke him.

He props himself up starting to smoke again,

Tells me he's dreaming of Holly and Oak king.

Malico offers to Jump me to Darth Dad..

He will confirm that, if I take responsibility,
he will be welcomed to visit his hub guest house.

I'd wanted to dream first in the hunters room,

Then I'd accept Malico's offer.

Loci was just floating cross legged watching. 

I lay down next to Inka and and bite his finger.

He laughs and tells me, I still owe him.
He shows me images of the Dark moon Alter / Altar mantel.

🤣 Then he shows me glass marble eyeballs!!
Like the squashy one I played with..

Floaty ones with the symbols. 

lol fish eyes... Lovely fish eyes? WTF?

'Just dream stupid if your staying here'

Lol I'm kinda awake?

'If your lucid jumping head for Darth Dad, Let Malico do the talking' 

 hummmmm?? ok.....

I didn't want to move from where my forhead was pressed to Inka.

But Malico who was behind me rolled me to face him.

He uses his first 2 fingers on his right hand,
to stroke slowly up my forehead,

My eyes close instantly as it's really soothing.

lol not quite as dribbly as a dragon licking my head!!
but dream dust starts changing and my body energy flows increasing.


A robotic voice..  'Jump target Acquired'   Wakes me.... It's 515. 

I'd slept quite fast again yet the dream is not that lucid...

Dream dust totally different too it's Deep Purple and Sand yellow.
Triangular and Jagged.

I was seeing again dark triangle spaceships... 

Then viewing something utterly amazing.

Metal like brass or gold made of tiny hammered patterned panels.

It was almost like a crazy steampunk submarine or spaceship!   Lol


While not so lucid this was visually amazing!!

Like dwemer ruins in Syrim meets lol I duno the time jump crew!

The room we are in has pale turquois light strips.  These are low down almost floor height. 

It's otherwise dim aside from this shiny round metal object.

I'm aware of a conversation that I'm not taking part of. 

Darth Dad asking 'Who let you in here?'
Then I'm aware of him and Malico speaking... And interesting tension.

I'd woken suddenly at the robotic voice 'Jump Target Acquired' 


'Get up Ren, invite extended'  lol yeh it's just gone 515!!  


'It's light, your awake Run early b4 too warm'


Humph... 'We'll keep you company the trees want some attention'  


Hahaha yeh ok.....



Were is Malico's guest house??  'Wait n see mouse, your an apprentice they learn on the job 😉' 🤣🤣💜💙💜


Lol rising Sun?  My rising sign? Or the current one? .


'Plenty clues to occupy your curious mouse mind'




616 ;) the gibbet

Was worth getting up for!  'Just run mouse' 🐁   😎 kk

How high can mice jump?  'Wana have fun with a catapult?'  Hahahah 😛

lol.... wasn't it guinea pigs not mice that were being fired?


From evening before.

You asked me if I wanted to play?  'Didn't tame you for nothing Bitch'  lol your pushing it mate!!


'OFC Ren. You get board too fast'  KK Play what?   'Level up?'  Hahaha  Why?

'Cause were well fucking grounded?'   🤣😂   Yeh...   Kk... 

The Ash & Inka...

The Book for Christmas... The Darth dad story?? 

'Dad Joke Reality?'
Hummm   Alignment?
 'Just set your intention ;)' 
Your a shit Inka...
  'Your Ka bitch... Your responsibility, we just help drive it?'  

Lol  yeh kk 

Oh I needed to ask... 'Mmmmm Ask away' 


Your pushing me?  'To grow Ren Yeh, it's summer' 


Hummmmmmmm   Jupiter   - It was Malico who was with me in Iona!  Oh.... also came to the Hagai Sophia when he asked me if I wanted to what was the word...  Desecrate a Temple. 

'If you need further Illumination or Elucidation Ren, you know where to find me'
    Hahah  nice, TY ;) 


Dose Jupiter start moving bk to Aquarius after the 21st?   'Ren, you gave me an open pass'  Hahah I know, just curious...   'Then I will show'    Hummm...  You were the one....   It's easier to dream this hu? 

'More fun too Bitch'    cool... I'll sleep soon. 

oooo Salt  Salus!!   Was wondering what Salt was!! :D 


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