Thursday, 10 June 2021

Thor, Oak & Jupiter

Was so tired last night.  
Massive sense of humour fail.. Had to wait up for delivery and I don't like not sleeping!
Just jumped to the hunter room and crashed...

Lol not even Inka dared speak to me.   Just patted me and told me to sleep they didn't bug me till gone 4...


Temporal?  Temporal?  Temples?   They were showing me skull again that place where the pain was the night before. 

Was to do with how time is experienced from a human/brain perspective but It was lol in the skull
'Come here Lazy'    


Inside out time??   Oh is this the only real life passes threw the middle of it's temples?   You told me humanity travels round??   It was confusing what I was seeing. 


I was outside of time... 'Or in your case mouse me'  ????? Errrr I'm seeing skull again..  Mmm I'm confused.. 

'Dream now'

Hazy dream I was I had errr 4 babies...
I don't remember giving birth to them but was feeding them. 
I was tired I couldn't stand up as was feeding one and needed someone to swap one of the others,   I'd feed 2 but one was asleep and I couldn't reach the next one.   It'was hyper real, could feel milk letdown and everything. 
lol I recall thinking why don't I have 4 boobs!   This is why humans only usually have twins 😆😝

In another part of the dream I'd been chatting on a .. I suppose it was like an early internet chat room...  But not anything familiar. 

There was a 'tornadoes threads'  Page for active chats.. And many people were messaging me at once with the name of gods!  Lol   It was like comparative mythology or something and more people were helping me  untangle His Story and make connections.

It was to much to keep up with and reply too and I'd realised why I prefer Her Dreaming 😏

Malico and Leon had arrived in the room too we were all going to dream share.   The bed wasn't really big enough for 4 of us so I'd just jumped inside and merged with Inka.   
Inka's still stuck on the left of the bed refusing to move from there 😆

I think Leon was in the middle but that bits Hazy...  Oh they'd asked me before the dream if I wanted to dryad.
Chilling as a tree always makes me happy so I'd been well up for it! 


I wake later they had been showing me tree archetypes, They were helping me explore Ash, Chestnut and Oak.

I'd had a dream as a tree too...   
It was long a large meeting in an unfamiliar city there was something that would happen that hadn't happened before.  People were all about to plug into something.   I wasn't going to, I was just their for observation.

I was with people... I think family.  They had left me dreaming and started without me.  I'd woken and followed we go to a café, but they'd already eaten without me.
I ordered tea and a toasted cheese and ham wrap and then watches them all get their phones out.

They were talking about how this was to be the biggest plugged in meet.... The café own was odd too he hung around me as I was eating...  Lol watching me watching them!   
I was surprised they had all eaten without bothering waiting.

There were all excited about being plugged in to this experimental network....

I'd told them if there in a rush to go on ahead.  I'd maybe catch up with them some time later.

They had all registered....   I was only observing, we were like trees in a courtyard.

Oh...  The Ash tree was grey, the bark.... Oh yeh Leon was dreaming as Ash.   Malico was Oak...   Me and Inka had been told to play as horse chestnut!

Then lots of symbols...   So many dl'ed  haha there was a cartoon pig Rambo!   Had a machine gun and a thingy on it full of bullets.
 'We are past language Squeaky' 

A Bald Eagle ?   Or was it a vulture?  Is a bald eagle a thing?  It was grey what I was seeing.
The word was bald eagle but it looked more like a vulture! 
Amazing grey feathery cloak :D     I think that was Leon too!!

They were showing me animals too as archetypal gods.    The vulture was wise Wizard, Hermit and Ash tree....
lol there was a frog!  Haha like the one made of flower petals  - this time the flower petals were golden, like the first Elohim picture...
2 huge wild horses!   They were spirit...  That was the Horse chestnut tree with me and Inka... 
The Bird and Ash tree Wisdom.
Frog was primordial something older... 

Thor's Day... Thursday?   Is this also Jupiter?  Thunder... Oak Tree??

We seemed to be dreaming in a space with no human.  No words or language lots in nature, patterns and symbols.


Ah yeh!  Just checked ...... The trees too the week days and planets! 

💜  The systems architecture understanding.

Weekdays!    - 


So trees must have a day too  😄

This is the darkmoon shift from May Tree to Oak!! 💚  So Loci is Mercury / Pluto 'Least your not fighing us this Solsdice Ren ;)'  Hahaha   I wasn't fighting ... also give it time :P This is just dark moon! 


 Oh   Last year.... this time!!!     Did I give birth to Purple me 😆💜

I need to make a new one of them tree things..   Colours or... Hummm ......   need help 'We Show mouse, you just don't remember'  Hahah  Yup..

Errrr Inka.....

Beltain last year??  CV19   - You told me I could stop  the???

Errrrrrrrrrrr   'Just behave Ren, and listen we help'   😜  I'll try!

Wow!!!   I did make a crazy vessel 😆  'Yeh Ren, and you can't fucking drive so plx??'  😆

Oh  Vess El   more El?   So this the Cauldron   -  lol Cauldren?? 

A blister on creations ass??  😂 

Vesica Pieces ??   Is that the stupid Fish this Bird is protecting....   Pffff  
'DW bitch, just dream it'    Haha good plan!

Ka & Ren...  Who's who then???   😆

I thought this was yday.   This kicked of something didn't it.....  You told me last year!!

Ooooff my head!! 👀   Visible Far north... like in Greenland where we made the flame purple??  

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