Sunday, 23 May 2021

Dog Star Catchers! Wild Bitchs and Sneeky Mouses.

Fly eggs? Marie (Middle me mary/Mag)

Oh yeh!!... Haha was the end of the world and we had a device that counted bugs! 😛

We had hidden the new world in Marie's tummy so she was pregnant 😆

And we were waiting on her Mama coming so we could tell her.  

Marie had gone to bed and I was in the house in the dark messing with heating controls.

We were inside Alison's home... It's where we flooded the area the other night.

The fly counter was a modern device it had this symbol as a window on the lid of it... a bit StarTrack like.

I know about the eggs and the planetary symbols??


Oh yeh!

So I knew one me was with Darth Dad on route to be caged... Inka told me to go bk just before I was caged split and jump most of my awareness to him.

He's still asleep in my space...  


I can hide in my heart in him and dream with him from there. lol 😆

Seemed like a plan so I split before entering bk to Inka.

Was dark & quite inside him.

I wake 00.00 Inka was showing me fractal worlds... Me inside my heart inside Inka, who was in my dreamspace..

The Uranus planetary symbol.. 

I see it as mirrors... Fractalising light and birthing systems.

It's hard to make sense awake......

'Come back here then I show' lol

The holy grenade and then the mirrors that made Uranus symbol, It's reflecting and bouncing the realities... this was the cause of the multiple timelines??

016 'Here squeaky, I'm explaining' I think in pictures...

'I know mouse' 

I miss my astral body...  'I know what Darth dad is capable of doing mouse... I want your awareness here with me for now'

Oh the keys to the kingdom?? The Pluto symbol I see with a crown??
Now it's 019   

Peter & Janus again. The symbols on the keys too....  Eyes!

I get up a bit to wake my mind.  


Next dreams were all odd take on The Olde Ship Inn. 'Vessle - reff' 

I knew other dreams there but it's different this time... the old ship & boat tat is all over and it was several stories high.

I was in there working, I had a very modern laptop-like screen and a pile of papers...    

Em arrives she looks different and she's calling around people telling me 'Its Saturday night, if I don't chase people they won't come out'   


I'd tried on her coat not my style lol or hers! It was a wyrd leather thing in pale lilac/grey - I wanted to know how it felt.

I take it off and open my eyes, and the inn is really crowded and noisy now... some of my family have taken the small table where I was sitting.  


I'd wanted to leave so stuff my work under a seat, everyone recognised me but It was so long since I'd been there they were only vaguely familiar.

wake at 0440 hummmmm I duno... Inka? Can you help recall?


Oh...I'd been working on gates and portals - trying to get some space.  

I was back in that inn again too this time there is an abstract cat & mouse chase.
I'd turned into a mouse so everything was bigger,
then gone to explore the upper areas and was sitting under a bench thinking.  

In another space, I was swimming in some water... I was trying to avoid a croc/alligator...   

This one was more of a swimming maze.   

I'd gone to collect a small vial of O2 for a friend.

They needed it to breathe.

I'd kept jumping bk to Inka between dreams but it's just warm darkness as he's sleeping,

I could communicate with him a little Leon arrived and joined Inka in dreaming.

I was only aware of Leon as Sol.

After Leon arrived the imagery was different they were showing me similar cycles patterns and weavings,

Weekdays, Seasons, years and cycles....

I'm seeing them visually as overlapping geometry. 

Can you help plx? 'Come bk Mouse'

Oh... Leon had joined as 

Sol... Sun day.

Saturn Day.. Saturday??   

This is are why dreams hop about.. Linking to eachother at diffrent times.

Numbers 1-10 then reset......

Oofffff my forehead!! 'Srry Ren, DL will be quick 😏'

Wow... then just more fractal stuff...

Bubbles in coffee, pebbles on the beach..

Patterns repeating...I'm shown where I'd gone to vacuum sand.

Clouds next lol but I'm in them at a molecular level almost watching them form and consense...
Oh yeh I was splitting for this one as was in like a false awakening close to earth astral layer here. 

Inka and Leon are with me they were telling me about a handing of power to Israel but the word was a puzzle? wordplay symbol...  

Is Rael - Who is Rael?? 

Ra & El?? Oh Saturn and Sol??  

Also messanger of the Elohim?    Isis?  Or I sis...  Sister. 


Oh you guys said 10 and Reset... So what were the Egyptian week days??

Luna   calander and Sirius??   Dog star??   'Bitch?' lol Inka....  errrr will juggle 😆 Dog - God 😏

Oh Leon was playing Dog catcher!! Hahaahahah



Hummmm   Dog star and Dragons... Tell more please 💜 

Blugh....  Reality catches up way faster than me..   Need to draw again....

To much comparative mythology and religion shit... need to stick with easy symbols plx.

'Yes Squeaky... we help you... Just make again one for you'

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