Friday, 7 May 2021

Morphing Clones

'3 Days no gps bitch?   I'm stalking, no fighting'


Why?   'just listen Ren yeh?... last night not pretty?'




You just asked me if I wanted to hunt Sol? 

'How angry can you get Ren? '


Is that a rhetorical question?


'Ofc...  '  why? 'You already smashed a cat skull why not attack the lion'


Errrr weaponised emotions much, aren't you the failsafe? 


I wanted to see him not eat him


'😏'  fuck off....  ' I give it 30mins till you warm to my idea'  


Wtf is that supposed to mean??? 


'What was ripped apart?'   A  deer... the Hind,   not Stag..


'What half did you find..  '

head and torso with guts n heart consumed.


'Yet you are not afraid'  nop....  confused, interested puzzled and amused


'So.....  mouse would you contract on a Lion?'

I suppose but only if he requests directly.


'Good call Ren, we will let you know'

Sure... don't mind me 🙄


Wait up isn't this a moon to sol transition


'Yes Ren'  Malico?   Why are you showing me Leon's blue eyes?

Why can't I speak to him?    Kaylo? 


'Growing ego aspects Ren, if you won't shed she'ed a shadow then you're next target is Sol'


Hummm....  my call?  'OFC Ren'

I'm just confused 😕


'Ren' Leon?  'I welcome your challenge  if that makes your decision easier'

Kk it dose..   then I suppose game on 🤯


'Pfff Bitch you are nuts, gg and gl'  sheesh....   'S&R witch  I'll come scrap you up'


Your assuming I'll lose 'No Ren, just that you have not a clue wtf your doing'


😆 🤣 😂

Why are you bating me into hunting Leon??
'Come here Ren, remember this is all symbolic.. were were is the pain now?

Right shin...little at back 'Good'  lol no.... not really it hurts 😛
'Bait Ren'  Like fishing Bait??  seals... Fish... The fish parasites they entered right Calf/Calf.... Leon/Lion Heads... Heads... The field of sunflowers....  Golden retriever dogs??  ... Oh is that why I bit him in the first place 😕  Hu??

Inka... I'm not in the mood for any more crunching skulls thanks.  'Loop Ren?'  Mmmm From the mice 6d  oh mirror???

6d x 2 = 12d  Huuuuu
'You n me mouse'   ??? Hu?   'Don't think bitch, just come hunt'   Eh, with you?? 'I won't ask twice, here now'   Eh... the live DJ just said tagteaming as I typed this 😆lol

Red & Blue?? 

'Give the blue the power plx... you follow after, then shut up and do as I ask you'.... errrr pffff ok

2345....  Wow, big ego little ego tag, that was a bonkers fun story and game.!!!   Was my main dream space but so much going on.. was really good fun.

Next wake after a crazy dream!  Way to detailed and long to bring all back....

So long, I knew I'd been cloned.... I'd known who from I think too though they looked nothing like me. 
It was a sample extracted and manipulated.  
We were many in an errrrr was a ground floor newsagents shop.... with many stories above and below.  I was connected to some odd guy who'd been quietly grooming peeps but was also known about. 
I could observe him, he liked to 'hang' around... odd stuff, I duno what I was rendering was like a strange white thing he liked to put his head in???/ 

He was also a clone, was confusing as most of the people there didn't have pale skin, was just the odd one or 2 pale people like me. 
I wasn't sure how I was cloned, so I'd been looking through various piles of genome and coding papers..
I'd also been checking that we could move
this was another astral layer here...  a blockade at the entrance to the woods...
but I knew all the locals and they'd let me through the gardens.   (Jo, I was asking and he'd told me he'd keep a way open)

lol.... my back pain, lol I had a lobster style tail!  😁  from my sacrum like an exoskelly... 'Bugs Ren, hard outside squishy in the middle!'  lol 😆

That was nuts!!  Wow.... 👀 Another massive dream

An unfamiliar futuristic massive city, way to much backstory to this... I'd lived there for years, lower basment flats I worked some shit cafe job but I'd learnt how to float 😛

We were on a journey not sure of the I was feeling the calling as something internal.

Eva was in a big blue van in front and I was following in a car behind.. male me was possibly Ian.

We had been given a location, but then notice increasing amounts very strange modern tanks and other stuff. 

The GPS wasn't up to date as a massive new motorway was now through the centre of this city and many of the smaller roads were just blocked off or had been re-routed.

We can't seem to get to the target location then the militarised traffic keeps increasing. 
I notice I'm wearing a blue camo overall... though I had a large coat over the top.

We come to a massive glass and metal structure.
Eva gets out first she's stumbling around... people in uniform wrap her in a blanket and take her indoors.  

A guy at the window askes me 'Are you newly inscripted?'

I'd not replied and watched him walk away.  
After a moment, I'd turned to Ian and told him I'm going in here.  He'd looked confused as I'd got out.  Walk-in alone up then up some wide elevators and to a strange reception.

There are a bunch of people getting hair done??
Or look like they are under old fashioned hair dryers... it was one of them things I kinda knew I was rendering diffrent.   

A woman yells 'You're a new recrute?'  I nod n tell her possibly yeh..

I can tell the psychic exchange here is intense, but I'm keeping a wall in place for now.... As I know how fast it would overwhelm me.   Even threw the wall I can hear the psychic hummm

I get taken to small store room, and ponder the strange blue uniform I'm wearing and the woman hands me a pile of stuff.  

A jumper, a small teddy with a sports team logo and 2 chickens, one raw and one frozen!! 
While the woman was handing stuff to me and another females I'd dropped my walls slightly out of curiosity.

Wow! 😆😂 lol the pressure and sensation was nuts!!...

The female who was handing out stuff turned and raised an eyebrow...
Said to me 'I like your duplicity?... Keep your walls up for now or it will quickly overwhelm you'  I'd nodded and asked I can cook this chicken right??
She smiled and said, 'yeh there are cookers in the dorms'

Oooooo 👀😆

I'd followed out till I was standing in a group of about 8 others from all over the world.
We are all new and looking at each other.  

A tall black guy to the right keeps prodding me physically with his mind, it's funny I laugh and tell him I'd not seen that before... It was a clairerrrrr  I duno like a physical manifestation of thought that could move stuff.... oh telekinesis???

The group were funny and even with walls in place I could tell it was going to be a laugh.... but the background humm of psychic stuff I was keeping out was crazy intense!

We were in a holding space, the others seemed more prepared they had suitcases and bags... 
I just had that pile of random stuff I'd been handed!

Oh... before I'd been in the car....I'd been floating around a modern city avoiding a scanning drone or helicopter.  

It was easier for me to hide as I was just floating 😂  I think it's why I'd landed the psychic inscription.
Was odd... wasn't formal we just felt like going there.....

Wtf Inka???  'Having fun? 😏' lol yeah it's odd but interesting and funny.
'Good, get up or come here your call'  Will get up n DL so much dream already  'Don't take too long, I'll be waiting'

-Jump back and arrange to meet him at his temple portal hub, where we'd sat on the grubby sofa.

Wow that was so much more stuff!!! 'Fun though'  Hahah yeh, very an elephant invasion & squid head face suckers.. in a cartoon style scooby doo adventure 😆😂  Also really long....

Then we'd freed someone in some odd 70's apartment and all had beans on toast while you were sitting telling us more about DNA, Jesus and religion.  

Em's was just a head driving around in a toy red car! 😆
I had to spoon her beans into her mouth cause she had no arms!!!

More purple long purple robes like high up vicars??/ Formal looking things.. that purply pink colour but more old fashioned. 

Oh and an amazing big garden, some people bringing plants others weeding some landscaping.   Everyone was doing something small but it looked amazing.

I'd jumped back to Inka again I'd met him at his temple ruins hub & go bk inside his head 😆

He shows me more stuff lol it's like being formless inside a skull having a telepathic chat!
It was the bible archetypes this time and how we both knew all the roles... like the pantheon dream we could all play anyone. 

More of the strange pink/purple robe.

Morpheus and Morph & Sweedish house party maffia. -- Oh Morphius guy was in a dream too... the night you guys were in lower astral in my room and looked like morph plasticine people 😁

Oh dose fit with this night form May last year!! :D


The hinds head??


That teacher thing yday   mc me king?  I made him cry??


Chad Greyson... the hunter in the story ...the ghost of lady Grey??  The Gray lady? 


Hummmm horns ivory... Gates... elephants have Ivory?   The elephant invasion??


An elephant never forgets 'unlike you'  lol FU, unless you got anything helpful? You can shut up 'make me lol' 😆


The dream with the elephant...  'you attacked me' i needed your attention...


'Was fast and effective'  the boarding pass? I had an elephant in that dream..


The magic needs to be believed in to stay in the arena....  'grey, wizard/hermit archetypes'



Aye,   Yea,   Eye,  Yey....



The elephant!!  Elephants never forget....

Scoobydoo   The bad guy is always the who/you in the mirror :P 

The elephant!!   Elephants never forget....

Oh, that's when you took me bk Inka to me being Kaylo .... brain pop!!!  

That was the night before the dead deer....👀

Is this how people normaly write fiction....With a bunch of toons in there head scrapping for attention 😆

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