Tuesday, 11 May 2021

The Greatest Heist in His Story

Sleep early as head is so crazy... feels bonkers since I altered the Alter/Altar
Wake at 22.33

I'm supper confused??? 'Dw, just come back' 

I was with Inak he's told me to head straight for him, or he'd find me... 

So I'd jumped to his portal hub... he told me Darth dad had agreed to dream share with me...We decided I should DL first wait till later in the night so we stayed at his hub.

HU??  LOL it's 11.11 'Got your attention?'   No SHIT! wtf did you just show me 😲
'You dreamed it!'  Phahahah   

The great escape!?!  Michel Caine?  This  was ... 'I told you yesterday the biggest Heist in His Story 

Yeh... I didn't know but just hu??
Hijacking a timeline??

'You were the muppet who time hopped for a perfect crime!'

LOL... suppose 😏 Just WTF??

'There's a reason so many other you's do astral time!'  Hahahah 😝

Leon was there too... lol all the others!   That was beyond bonkers...   'Come back here'  I'm very awake!

'😈 I don't care come here'  Ok...   wait up........  The prison dream with bill gates crying??  'and the rest bitch, come here we are busy'  lol IMA insane 😂

Just thinking about this gives me a headache.....  'Don't think, your shit at it.... come here and dream'  lol  

My heads going to pop!  'Sleep or get up, your on DL anyway'  
The great train robbery?? Highwaymen?? The gibbet at Hindhead??  The sailors stone too?

'You did geomancy again yesterday mad mouse!'  lol pffffff   wtf?

'Tell me I'm wrong?'  I duno wtf I do?  'That's why it's fun, get up or sleep'  Haha I'll get up a bit my heads nuts....

Shadow kitty jumps on my head purring it's 202  'You're too deep Ren, I couldn't wake you up'  

We'd gone to Darth Dad.. I'd asked Inka yday if I could dream share with him...
Inka had replyed if your crazy... and well... lol that's a bit of a redundant question 😜  and Darth Dad had agreed.  

I'd jumped to Inka's Hub, then to Darth Dad's hub, the room he was in was brighter now, I'd sat on the floor by his feet....We didn't speak - he just pushed his awareness into me.
Inka was sharing to as an ego aspect but even with that, it was crazy!!  

Deep, Purple, Black Green..... Leon's mind at first was like coded custard 😆  This was like an inkblot machine!  I knew there was stuff but I couldn't bring it back.

Next time I try I merge into Inka first entering through his green centre...
Again..  So hazy Nana Hanan?  I knew I'd been in a really long dream with them, target locations, Sky stuff... fall out.

A coast or headland.  Strange sky and land not earth like... another layer.. tunnels, mirror aspects cybernetic inclusions.

George and the dragon...  I'm playing cards??  'Stay Ren, split and write... I help with this'

(Splitting is hard on the sofa not space to write well when also sleeping so writing is odd)

Glass objects on a mirror multiple symmetry and perspectives.

A red powder had coated it all then blown away scattering fast.
So many layers a game with Inka, this time it was him getting arrested..  I'd told him I'd not leave him and held his hand....  A mirror with 2 crystal candle holders... like the funny ones Roz had that we love to laugh at!

The bus the song... 'belive me*??*

Was the thing from this dream here too.....  Only this time was a bus or lorry cartoon-like but it was mowing down kids 👀  I was trying to grab the wheel to shove it back over the other side of the road.

'See why we're stuck together bitch?' 😏
lol yeh... 😶
'Your a hunted animal, I'm a wanted man'

Hahah male & female unhindged mind.....   In another layer

I'd hatched a crocodile from an egg in the sand.
It was small, I'd been keeping it warm.   lol it's 606 'OFC it is bitch, bit more to show'

Track ID  'Even if the sky is falling down, I won't let you go... don't let me down'

After I'd had Zak he wouldn't look me in the eyes for weeks!  'Bitch?  Shitting on the doorstep?'  Hahaha  😆
'You've seen all the realities where we don't stop fighting' lol suppose 😏  💜

Inka is that out of control thing we are in the combine harvester?? 🤔😮😲 

'Might be 😈 ' lol pfffff  

The mouse on the harvester with Pop-Corn!   Shit....  💩

Hu???  The Highway Man Poem is also King George????   'Cards and Symbols Witch, plx behave 😈'  lol

Train Image Credit to https://www.youtube.com/user/peeyavochka and his adventures!!

Oh...... This time last year was that bonkers chase!!    WTF is going on 😂  'A GG Bitch'

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