Monday, 17 May 2021

Community Giants & Dirty Pirates

First dream
I was with loci again dreaming... The first dream we approached from above like a map of a city I was seeing the layout and our destination was a building that had been a church... 

I'd been asked earlier if I would like to care for it or oversee a restoration but I'd declined cause.. It looked like to much hard work πŸ˜‹

I wasn't sure I'd not just bodge it up... 

We were heading there to attend a demonstration or a class.  

I was pleased I'd declined the restoration as who ever had done it had made it really nice. 

No natural lighting and the room was wide and low in the centre is a square of black and white checked marble flagstones like a giant chess board. 

All around is soft dark polished wood The square floor area was echoed above with a square raised celling and this was inlayed with warm modern lighting.

The person who met us reminded me a little of the vicar of dibbley ... She was jolly and cuddly and instantly likable.

She was making a wreath or flower arrangement - lots of green leaves and dark red flowers. 
We were supposed to assist but she  wouldn't let us !🀣
elling us to just watch as we'd only mess it up then she's have to start over.

The second dream...

Community centre in main dream space... There is a child's playgroup.  I was in the store cupboard and the kitchen,  The kids would be doing painting and a lady came wearing a red old fashioned tabard.  She was looking for the good paintbrushes for one child in particular. 
She was asking me if I knew them..... Lol the good set of pirate brushes.  
She seemed to find what she was looking for and we walk out together.

At the table is kids - I remember the day I was there perhaps 4. 
We had paper plates and were making suns with hats on🌞
I didn't visit child me...
There was a toaster on a table, the bread in it had caught on fire.
I'd flicked it out with a butter knife and blow out the flames....

I pick up the blackened smoking bread that's making a smell. 
I tell the others I'll take it outside,
When I get to the door though the place is very different
There is a modern pushbutton and a dual door entrance,
Outside is an ambulance bay and on my left a clinical waste bin????

Between the dreams I was with Loci and Inka... Oh Malico too all in the hunters room.

I was upset but I don't recall why I was crying and Malico was complaining that everything was getting snotty!  πŸ˜†
Inka was sill out of it and then Loci suggested I should bite him! 
As that would make me feel better 🀨

Not having any better ideas - and Inka didn't look like he'd mind anyway I bit his finger again.  

Then Loci mixed my tears with Inka's blood and we all had a taste of it!  πŸ˜†

lol I'd asked what he was doing and he told me this.  

'It's taken us ages to find eachother, we don't want to get lost again'

On waking I recalled Leon did the same when he told me he was teaching me Alchemy and Magic  -  Oh Salt??   DNA?  Multidimensional Memory recall is in DNA?  
'Find tomorrow Ren' 

Oh Hahaha the dream from exactly 1 year ago, when I didn't recognise you all so much yet!! 😏

---- Run, Chat...

This is like burning of the library at Alexandria?

Time now Squeaky'  Now its Her Dreams chasing  His story? 


Kk..  I need to revisit some stuff.   'Then sleep early and with a clear head Ren, let me help'


Giants, Archimedes...  loci can you jump me to that Sophia temple plx? 
I'd like to dream there..  also bk to an overseer plx.

Where were we last night?  Why the wreath?   'Etymology Ren'... oh Heya Leon.

The art too? 


'Run Ren, your juggling many balls'  nuts too. 


'The Hagia Sophia Ren, any particular time period....'   Errrrr    600  lol 606 for shits in giggles 😏 


'Me too Ren,  oh lol yeh Malico, Jupiter Zeus...'  lol you might come in useful 🀣


'Do not push it Ren I'm offering help'  πŸ˜‰


I know TY.    Also Janus & Peter...  keys?  Eyes, twist?


Community centre...   that's the first place I was a giant? 
'Told you your a big bitch Ren' lol and lil mouse 🐁  Hu, that giant dream had paint brushes too... now close to hunters room!!!

Woooo..... The burning the books, that was the Leon Salt too!!  GG guys, can Leon come too tonight?? 

Oh... Bend!!.... 
Bend & Twist...   we dancing again 😏

Haha when I asked??   'Yes mouse'


Twist and Bend??  Keys and Wyrd ... Very diffrent thing's in terms of spellin....   Back to a dance

Twisty DNA and magic keys!!!  Oh the piano DNA spiral??  The octaves??  'To much mouse, one thing at a time... 606 wise dome tonight'   Oh πŸ‘€

Wise and Wyrd and bk to the Wizards...  

Tasting Blood Tasting Oil!!   Solstice, ripple time recalls....

'Taste next Ren'  Oh Heya Leon, you coming tonight too??  'Would not miss it Ren, for the World'  lol  Ok... no pressure then 🀣  'That Mouse is up to you'  Errrr my failsafe is kinda sleepy... 'We have enough Ego here Ren'  lol 

Discrimination?  'Bad or Wyrd taste in your mouth mouse 😈'  Haha Inka, either wake bk up or shhhhhhhh πŸ˜‹

'Blessed to be possessed, Witch?'   Hahaha πŸ’œ πŸ˜†

Haha  Back to Bend again!!   Just another magic monday

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