Saturday, 15 May 2021

Highway Prose that leads an Aquarimouse's Nose

I'm tired and I don't understand Leon...'Nice sun, grumpy sun Ren... dualistic aspects of the same thing.  
Here I'm a wizard, hermit archetype, In Malicos space I am a harsher teacher.  Yet both aspects of an archetypal father/ Sol/Lion.  The architect.  Your Sol aspect And often an aquarimouses detriment & opponent.' 
'You belong to non of us Ren, we have made that clear you chose to stay, learn and play as is your hearts desire'

Inka?  'A balance you currently need most Ren'  Seems so... 'It works both ways Mouse, he needs you to grow'  kk
'Then if you let me I will help'   Thanks...  'Come then Ren, I know what you need too'  

I don't recall where I'd jumped...we  were chatting on his Island and I was in a dream fast.

Wake at 2332 

Gameworld races, Haha some even had starting gates like greyhounds!!  Fast n fun 😛

We were looking for stuff and putting it back together,  
This was being rendered as a sticky paper collage.
I was with a father type and we didn't have a glue pot
So my dad was using my mouth instead....  filled with PVA!!!

I was getting pissed off!!  It was taking to long as my mouth was sticking together and tasted rank! 😆

Leon!!!  A car journey too, but the car was so full.... me and Dogo had to squish in the boot!
That's like the dream b4 I integrated you?  You were laughing at me stuck again?
My mouth was wired shut with parasites??   Hummm...

Next wake at 123
Crazy dream that gets more cartoon as it goes on.

Main dream area but I'm living outside with pets,
Cat's dogs n stuff.
We are smuggling and dealing in illegal things,
tiny patterned broaches and earrings.
There were all one of a kind items and collectables.
We were trading and swapping to find what we needed.

I'd moved outdoors to be closer to nature.

The estate had these crazy puddles,
dirty but full of life that I would walk through.
A guy was watching me asks 'isn't that dirty?'
I'd just shrugged and told him it's ok I'm feral.

Oh in the white square spaces!!

Kyau & Albert - Sleeping lions  - lol Leo/Leon 😆  Haha
Never heard this, it's playing now on an hrs old set.....


As we are standing he tells me about all the stuff in the water,
my feet are bare I don't care...
Then I shove him out of the way onto the grass.
He asks me what I'm doing and I point at the ground,
there is a strange moving mycelium and a pair of starfish below where his boots were.

We then move to a massive glass tank that connects to a pool... by ali's house.
Inside is a cartoon-like puffer fish looking out.  

I wave one hand and it waves that fin,
We stop wave the other playing a game.
The guy is amused and leaves me too it,
Tells me he's off work to go.
As he's leaving he chucks something bk,
accidentally smashing the glass.

The dream then gets kinda Rick and Morty.
Turns out the estate is on an active volcano.
We decided given the situation we will flood the estate into a massive water playpark. 😂

The first person who goes into the smashed tank to start the reaction,
Comes bk out a kind of crazy cartoon hybrid!  
There is a type of radiation too,  
and stuff will get wyrd but everyone's on-board with this crazy idea!

DL plx Ren, it's early much to dream still.

Why crash 212?? 'Hydrate Ren a herb tea, DL then back to me'   Wormwood??  'If you are game'

Head bk to sleep...  The white squares again?  Where we would play as kids?  White squares n black cubes?  The black cube??

Mmmm I've seen red checks n blue checks - that make cube / cross... I've seen tesseract grids in hyperspace.

The only black cube that pops to mind is the device in the hospital that Inak placed & I triggered??
I was to defuse it?  'Should you chose too?'  
lol I duno what it is??  Is it linked to the mass NDE in Dec 1999?

Can you show plx??

Hummmm   Odd dream,   An explosion... no potential explosion ... our boiler like yday the rads kept getting hotter..

This was in my main dream house though, I'd gone up to look, Ian was there unaware of the boiler going crazy flashing up explosion imminent!   
Everything was well hot!
I'd gone in and close it all off.

Kids karate teacher?  His archetypal energy??  
I forget his name... it's unusual??

'It will come, Ren, much like Dawn, some things are inevitable'

Dawn... my friend I met the other day? The energy worker she wanted me to take a stand with her?   'Message her Ren'  
Oh I was wondering about the vaccine and if my kids would want it?? Is this a dream I will need to loop back too?   
'Your learning mouse, listen plx'  
Ok.. I'll sleep again.

Corrin Corin.. the karate teachers name.   'Tomorrow mouse, now here'   kk Oh the Same ambulance going the other way... it went down the lane blue light at start of the dream.
   A gene Or a

Oh yeh... I'd forgotten I'd asked about the black cube in the hospital and the mass NDE??
'Yes Ren'
I want Inka Leon...  He'd looked me in the eyes and winked at me, while taking my arm in his grip.

'I know you do Ren, and he needs you to listen....
You know right now that at least one of you is safe'

He jumps me to Darth Dad who sees my rising temper...
He tells me..
'If you want to fight Ren, it will cost you credit here'
I'd replyed - I decline then thanks... I know people who will fight for me for their pleasure... Dream with me??

'As you wish, sit'  

Leon helped...With his awareness, the dream share was clearer.
The dream I was back in Croft from years ago bk when an Uncle was a landlord in the pub opposite the church over the river.
I could see the many kids, cousins and children.... child after child leaving christened.
I was christened there I was watching that me from over the river.
'But not your infants'    Show more plx??

'Return here'
  lol that was nuts!!  🤯

I'd jumped back to Darth Dad who watched me face him.
He told me 'I am uncertain if you are brave or simply foolish'
Then we were in a dream playing catch with a dart!! lol 😂

He's chucking it at my head fucking fast!! 👀  I was catching it and throwing it back.
He'd asked me 'Can you keep up?'  lol  I duno?? Do I want too??

Oh before that...Leon had asked me how much I was willing to take the shit for?? 

lol the injections, needles?? Darts?? He was aiming for my eye! 😜
'Come again crazy mouse'    pfffffff   ok, why not 515 sheesh.

He put his hand on my head this time, with his thumb over my forehead and probes and inquires mentally 'What has your sibling done to you?'

I didn't really have any answers but he seemed content as he told me,
'Continue to amuse me and I will agree to fight you'
Then I woke up again!

My Toe??  'If you ask me nicely Ren I'll let it go'  lol plx!!, 😆 I wana go home b4 dawn.
'Go Ren, I will not be far'

Oh!!  Wow, this is tangled!  'Yes Mouse it is'  

I'd gone to the hunter's room, Inka is out of it....  I'd laid on the bed there and crashed out too.

When I wake my forehead is pressing to his arm.  lol I could feel his awareness looking out of the arm back at me 😁

The Eye in the arm that Les drew last Autumn?   That projective from yesterday the Harp Project... Telemetry and telomeres Tellos and Tellios?  - RNA??
'Find in the morning Witch, come bk here... Malico here too'

Oh that's the same night my mouth was stuck shut too!!!!

619 bloody hell... that was horrible!  Inka why?? 😬😢
'Haha sorry mouse, preditors 😈'  

FFS  a dream with me walking my Dog.
Unfamiliar countryside,
My dog heads down to a duck pond!
'I'm yelling LEAVE IT LEAVE IT'  no response...

When I head down
Scribble our Tom is in the mix too and they are both attacking something else.
I'd kicked the dog n grabbed the cat.
To rescue what they were teaming on
not a duck another mog..

A slim grey cat with bright green eyes.
Thankfully it's still alive.  
I hold it upset looking for it's owners.
Then my dog is with another.... both B&W collies.

The place I'm at seems like a farmstead so I'm wandering about calling out looking for an owner.

I'd found an owner and apologised while crying and then I realised the dog had bitten a foreleg clean off 😳

It reminded me of Pheonix, I knew the cat would be fine in time... but I was seriously upset with me n my dogo!!

Blugh... that was too graphic... joints and flesh and
'Sorry mouse, come back'
'Symbols let me help, fighting duality Ren's stupid as you know'

Jump bk to Inka where I'm crying on his arm and I'm in another dream really fast.... he was telling me stuff as I walked bare foot on skeleton holly leaves,
They were sticking in my soul.

He told me my tears were salty and nice...   lol is that the flood from earlier in the night??

'Come back, More... will help'

Track id...
I'm Wide-open, but too often
Life shows me the darkside
And puts me down
.It's not over, can't wait longer...

'Come, I'm helping you unpack' While making me cry..  'Poky Holly in your eye'  lol yeh... that dream 🙄

'Come here Squeaky... '  

Then cave, no Dragon lair.. 'Yeh been a while since you were in one'  
I remember the others...??   I'm dreaming deep... 'Yes, showed you something twice but you keep dreaming'

Hummm lol Oh... Hahah you were telling me the Highwayman poem but all with different words, the Innkeeper was Inka's daughter and deep dark water..
I was seeing lots and lots 'To much Mouse'  Hahaha

'You got enough crumbs to chew' 
lol I like dreaming 😆

Hahah other crazy stuff too Star had had an extra kitten 4 days younger this one was small hairless and different from the others.
In my main dreamhouse Fay was opening tinned potatoes,
To feed the new kitten??
HAha and the shelves were filled with multi-coloured cat heads all singing! lol

A canary in a coal mine, a new dragons lair 'And a crazy mouse in a team of cat players'  Hahahah 😜   ---

I go up to collect laundry and waiting for my barefoot is a holly leaf on the carpet........

Popped it under the mouse on my Alter/Altar with the lattice one that a kid found that had been kicking around in the kitchen. 

lol I just looked at the lyrics to that Lion Song...... Pahahaha
I allready added the holly leaves to my alter altar - On my mantle.

You get stuck with the pins and the needles in their sight.
We know, while they're sleeping
Lions dream that you
Can outrun them

Because, while they were sleeping

We were dreaming too

You've outrun them

They bang the fish on the table,
brownies in a paper bag

Old green leaves growing on the mantel piece
look sad
Vultures dance until they're ready to fly,
rabbing at everything they might like

Took a lifetime living in the jungle to find your pride.

We know, while they're sleeping
Lions dream that you Can outrun them Because,
while they were sleeping
We were dreaming too
You've outrun them
We know, while they're sleeping Lions dream that you
Can outrun them
Because, while they were sleeping
We were dreaming too
Can outrun them..."


These months gave me an instant headache and I was told serves me right for filling my mantle with bonkers stuff!  Hahah I'd forgot I'd popped my odd collection of cat teeth there...  lol vet nurse thing 😆😂 

'Going to use your DL now....'

Yup....  KK     PVA???

'Screen Grab Witch plx, shit is flipping, now F OFF bk to Leon n work this'



'Now Mouse....  What did you pick up today?'   Wow!!   Lichen....  For my Alter Altar!! 

'Good.... Now, Ren, Parchment the Skin your confession was written on'  O.o


'Update Ren then we play again'  kk



  Spider Holly Web bedroom hiding

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