Tuesday, 25 May 2021

Floating Cubes and Vaulted Ceilings

Acts??  Hu??

and wow that dream was odd...

Early crazy dream.   Main dream space but something odd had appeared/landed in the old first school field.

Like a glowing energetic tubey worm thing.. Had a spiral of light inside it glowed white/blue.


I'd gone to see it and take samples, where the fire station was is a religious sect or group they all wear the same colour they are hiding behind the wall looking over at it occasionally but don't want to get close.

 An ambulance too and a woman possibly pregnant....

I seemed to be the person who knew what was going on.

I could speak a language the others didn't?? 

'Ren, come here other form bk here soon'  Did I jump to you?

'Your here still' errr ok.. 'Loci come too, Leon & Malico  you can jump soon as you wish' 

What was that??

'Will show, might need to get up a bit and wake mind'   kk   oh it's only 11.11

Next dream was odd too...   Very detailed a nail/claw with DNA in it again and flower and plant arrangements so many flowers at night they looked amazing.. I needed to stop a frost from destroying some blooms.


A kitchen home too... One room was all white with white and green flower arrangments.. then I was floating taking images of the space to show someone.


It was nice a blue-grey handmade kitchen then a dining room painted more green.  I'd cleaned it as I was leaving on a journey but I knew would be a mess on return as the others there would look after stuff.


The excuses song πŸ˜†That was from last night too!


I'm pretty sure hell won't let me in πŸ˜›  'You Try Ren 😈'



Head bk to bed... 
I'd fallen asleep fast and then Inka told me others were back I could reform and jump again.
I was comfy formless in the warm dark of me in him.....  and he had to kick me out πŸ˜‚

Loci, Malico and Leon were back and it was odd to be in a form again.......


'50 species watched that'   

Hu?? πŸ‘€ 'Don't worry πŸ’™  It was ok?'

lol 😢....yeh just a bit... crazy energy.   

'Inka asked me to Ren. 

It's not just hurt and suffering he shares'


I don't get this!!   😲
It was dark in a lovely way, so much energy I could see a gold cross like the one from here

This one was made of gold people holding each other in the cross formation.

I was seeing golden mosaics, patterns and reflecting.


'Jump with us now Ren.  Give Inka a hug and come'  


Haha I wake at 414 😁


We'd jumped back to the Hagie Sophia again, this time it was busy!!


All kinds of people.
That cross made of people shapes was there again and also a sentient black cube it was floating around almost listening and observing.


Oh a dream too, I'd slept there again.... hum what can I recall.  

Oh lol!!   Haha the dream 'Yeh Ren, I said let me help!'


Sorry Loci, πŸ’œ I'd forgotten I was with you....


Had started of at Sheila's in the kitchen I was making raspberry milkshakes and bacon sandwiches was sooo good πŸ˜‹


Then I'm heading north to the main dream space but we pass through this bonkers place....


Oh Hahah it was at Christon Bank! πŸ‘€

It's like a bonkers arms trade fair stuff like I've never seen, ultra-modern weaponry.. drones, army recruitment and vehicles and then in the midst of that a bunch of evangelical Christians and my friend Rachel... I was telling them I'm just passing through heading north but they had been telling me stuff. 

Armageddon but it would start at 34hertz they were asking me

'How low can you go' 

I was thinking it starts at a vibration??

I had a parcel I needed to post.

I was calling my Dad he was happy to drop it off on his way threw to work.

Some of the Christians had offered me a lift home further north I didn't know them but had been chatting with their daughter.

The weather was changing I'd accepted outside there was a big saltwater swimming pool instead of Beadnell.

The arms dealers had been showing me stuff also police recruitment.


Hawk or an Egyptian thing with a head like a bird was a hawk though.

I had dirty laundry and a picture frame it was A3....... but more like A2 Or A1 as it was much much bigger.  (The roads?)


I'd broken it myself when I was annoyed and now I had to fix it.

The washing was white/lights and mainly bedding.

I needed to clean myself up too as I had stuff I needed to tell.

Also, mend the glass as it was obfuscating the image.

I needed to repair it so other peeps could see clearer.


A hawk confession.... no it wasn't that word a hawk??

'Split if you want recall Ren, we are DLing fast n hard'  lol so I see!!


The Egyptian gods with the heads like frogs, and other things...


The A1, A2 & A3 all roads with tunnels...   Oh the devil's Punchbowl.. the dream of the Nephilim portal?  The bugs wanted leaving alone??


A1 was South to North...


I want you to hurt me Inka... 'Ren We've hurt each other enough to last an eternity of lifetimes'

I know I'm sorry, makes me feel awake... 'It's ok mouse, I understand... I'll fight with you Ren.  Still weak right now just stay beside me ok?'  Mmmm

Wake 555

Inka and me in a vaulted ceiling building.... the thing is collapsing and everything is shaking.

We ignored the calls and offers for assistance and he was to heavy for me to move now the bricks are falling.

So I lay down beside him we will be buried together.


I see a grey sky with silvery stars - Malico gave me a blue one of folded fabric?  Then I went with him??

Now I die with Inka.. I'm the sky to his fall??

We are crushed together as a temple falls.


Track Id even when the sky is falling down..

Floods & Falling sky we are in a world that dies...   

But we'd hidden another one in middle me's tummy??


'Come here Squeaky we need to fix you up a bit...'  To much symbol soup again?  

I lay between them... energy flow into me... lots in totems, sky and sea... collapsing timelines and birthing worlds... find stuff from 1006-10??

An Inka scapegoat and Loves little sister... The night to your crews days... playing planets in a system.

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