Saturday, 22 May 2021

Dog Racing

Wake at 212. I'd been dreaming of chases.  

Loads of fun 😁

There was like a dog catcher van full of cages and we were on the run!!

It was built-up areas but I was running like an animal, I wasn't in a dog form but was running & climbing on all 4s.

Leon had told me to jump bk to them I'd been dreaming him & Inka. Inka was still out of it but he was still able to dream share.

It was wyrd he felt like a random number generator spitting out parameters!  

👀 Stuff was changing fast and it was great fun.

Haha I'd decided to kiss Inka see if it would wake him! 

He'd opened one eye and said 'fuck off Ren, I'm not sleeping beauty'   😆😂 Then gone straight back to sleep again.

I'd had a really long dream again, lots and lots of family both dead and alive... same as last night.

I was in Irean's house...  

(Last time was when I was collected from there for a battle)

This time I'm cooking and serving a meal   

I plate up food for 12 people and serve them.

I was the 13th but there was no food or plates left.

Again it was a mix of live and dead relatives. Others were arriving all on a journey they would be staying in a version of my main dream house.  

They arrived back and my mother was there...

She was having a go at me about not warming peoples beds up!!  

I quickly flipped out said 

'Look bitch, I know you've been calling me... but I've kinda had my hands full here!  

I duno where the key is... warm your own beds up!' 

I was tired and hungry and ken was there too telling my mam I'd been busy! :P

Then I was with a cousin also dead... he'd made an album I was giving it a listen and dancing.

He'd gone to a bar and was waiting on his change but he didn't know if he'd paid with a 10 or a 20.

I didn't care either way I'd asked for fizzy water and it was free.

Then something I hear but my writing is wyrd.

'To let them move ?? and took their sorrow'   There was more that I forgot.


Then I was clearing up, but on the run again... this time it was Leon chasing... he was fast! Lol with his bitch Van 😆

But I was falling fast out of the gaps fracturing and shattering.... 

Not easy to capture or pin down, I was happy to fight him but enjoying the chase game!

Haha a bitch van 😝 'Come Ren, dream more'  

Next up wow.... more of the same this time it was Inka and me on the run.  

I'd been in this crazy abstract metal corrugated system... there were really thin tunnels with resistance that we had to squeeze through.   

Dark too, lights occasionally flickering and dying.

The bit I recall with Inka we were being chased through a city he'd grab my left shoulder and pushed me hard through an opening before vanishing!

An astral type lesson on geography and geometry there is a floating holographic map of the UK.

We can enter at any location, we were being asked about rock formations and types and times of their creation.

I'd entered into the holographic map in a zone in Scotland.

Approaching from above I was looking at some ruins there scrolling time bk n forth.  

I'd scrolled way bk till the buildings had been inhabited and then land to find people.

It was 2 dwarfs that I needed to speak they are in the building fighting.

An older challenging a younger I'd have to wait till they were finished duelling.

The building was above an entrance to a large underground system and I needed to ask them about directions.

In another dream, I'd made a summer fruit porridge I was leaving it for people to eat when they woke up.

I'd made an orange and passion fruit smoothie too but a guy was telling me he didn't like it.

The glass had shattered and bits of it were stuck in my finger.

I was picked them out while we chatted.

Leon jumped me from the hunter's room bk to Darth Dad hub.

This time we are in dark corridors they are shaped like rounded triangles... 

Reminded me of the sand-coloured ones I was in with Inak.

Leon left me with a guard them vanished again and the guard walks with me to Darth dad 😛

Again he approaches and puts his thumb on my forehead.

He shows me the winter solstice 2019 where I'd skipped out of lockdown.

Then the other chase dreams from earlier and other occasions.

The boggart one too with dimension jumping.
The overseers with exoskelly armour and the swapped serial numbers... he shared lots of recall fast!

He'd asked 'Your Fast Ren, are you fast enough?'

I'd just shrugged recalling the dart game.

He tells me 'I'm tempted to attack you for your insubordination, but I realise that you would likely enjoy that so I will target them you care about'

Like Leon told story Ren, her love allows manipulation then??  'Yes child'  

I'd nodded as he showed me Inka and I knew he would be his target.

'So Ren.  Do I have your co-operation?'  

That depends on what it is you want of me.

'I thought so much'   While he was talking to me I was getting DL's through both hips.

The knots and pain there were melting and energy flow increasing.

He'd passed me to a guard and told me 'Inka will share your suffering Ren'   

I'd replied it won't be for the first time..... he tells the guard 'Cage her here, I want to know where she is for a time'   

Knew I was heading for one of them Isopods with a field round that you cant astrally jump or interact threw!! 🙄 

I apologise to Inka telepathically on the way to be isolated and he tells me 'Ren, We are each other, we share as we suffer... when one of us is safe so is the other.   

I'm safe here, play as you need to.

Do not let your love of me allow your manipulation 😏'

Thanks, Inak, I thought you'd say that 😜 'NP bitch, GL see you soon... Leon will negotiate your release back to our crew again'


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