Wednesday, 5 May 2021

The Answer was Purple

0055 Wake... was agreements again and conversations.

I was in between and writing stuff down.. Gifts were coming.  
A wild rose was growing but it's blooms were violet.
People were asking me why they'd not seen it before.

I'd attached some ropes to make a swing for people to play on.  
Back pain Ren, we go into it....
I was asked why Red? The answer was Purple.  blue + Red was the question.

215 holiday with Em, we are going to Russia,  
first flight of the morning just gone midnight.
Only 3 days would be golden.
Travelling with a disabled male so would have boarding priority.

I was trying to have a bath to prepare for the plane,
house was not familiar nor was my partner,
A friend of his arrived they were walking around laughing at Twitter.

Kelly was pregnant... I was thinking oh... not more baby.
I was in the woods with the kids, they'd taken all our coloured cups and spread them around the grass.

A journey there had been much land erosion.... On the side of mountains, cliffs I could see a pattern like veins or the roots and branches of a tree....

It was fractal, and to do with the water runoff... repeating all over.

Back pain from yday... moved down right leg into calf and toe. 

Woken at 512 same as yday..

I'd been allover really long dream in a strange London, revisiting places from other dreams.
At one point I'd gained full lucidity so I grabbed a woman walking past me and said watch me count my fingers,
then counted 12 on one hand...
She went Aggggg!!! and her hair stood up on end 😆😆
I laughed and told her, it's cool.... I'm just dreaming.

I wasn't sure what to do when Lucid so I set the intention  take me somewhere else plx.
It was like falling over backwards or fainting but before I hit anything solid I know Inka had caught me.
Then there was that crazy rushing feeling of getting dragged backwards!

He dropped me in the same dream but an earlier point.
Outside a building that made me feel sad.
It was a house I'd been looking at a photo of earlier on.
I've never seen this space in this life but I knew it was a place I'd lived with lots of friends.

It had been redone and painted nice,
My memories were of a different time, lots of fun and many games, I knew how it was laid out inside.

Our local pub was opposite a chipped flit cobbled building
A name that starts with v..
We were still travelling to Russia.
I was cooking some prawns for a guy I was meeting,
But I'd left them too long and they'd fallen to pieces.

In the freezer there was a tiny brown lobster.. its arms raised ....   I wondered if it would come back to life if I was to defrost it.
It looked like a flea.

I'd been meeting a male, we'd sing together at the airport before we got the plane together.
I'd found my passport but still needed a visa.

Bk outside the house I met another guy I used to know.
3 of them together their accents were from Mexico.
I joined them and they were talking and joking as we walked along.
One of them swapped form so he was in a dress with boobs,
Then peed like a in a bush with intent to confuse.
It worked as the street was very busy

It was like a trippy London, but the river was sandy
The whole place felt warmer and more exotic.
I'd met rob too but very briefly, we'd met hugged them parted again before I'd got fully lucid.

lol Inak what was that??  'Healing!'  lol
I'd seen almost like 4 jigsaw Mayan shaped gods.  Or S shapes snakes.
Both white on top then 2 black below.....
Then on the right-hand side one of each fell down and the remaining black & white snapped together like a magnet.

Did I go into the stories AI?  'Yep Ren, bk to fiction plx now'

Then I see peters keys.... eyes, crossed over
ping-pong bats then crossed over
Cast Iron Frying Pans, for cooking food in 😏

I'm leaping frying pan to fire or fire to pan?? 😆😂

3 days... no GPS.   Things in bubbles I can start to pop out.

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