Tuesday, 18 May 2021

Water Squirter Weilding Aquarimouse!!

Loci?  'Waiting Ren, let's play, we meet at Malico's house or I'll find you'
ok 'Intention first please'
I'd jumped to see Inka first He'd opened one eye and told me to 'Scoot before you get comfy'

Loci intercepts me rolling his eyes & jumps us to the house outside the library.
I go inside where the other 2 are waiting and Leon tells me, 'Lilac form Ren while Inka's sleeping you can play deamon' lol I was going to be grey?   'Horns might be useful 😏'  Haha ok if you say so 😆
😲 OH WOW!!
Loci!!  'You get it?'  Shit man, yes that was freaking mental!!!  
'Come back, far done from playing'

😆 Haha
The Antimony!  The Holy Grenade.. That was there too as the cross on the dome 😜😆

We'd jumped straight into the structure (The Hagia Sophia that I asked to visit yday)  as I was curious about dream incubation

I was standing with them in the Library and Loci held me by my elbows then....    Was fast.. Haha instant!
And then were just there we didn't look around at this point. 
He pulls apart the structure and we scatter awareness becoming formless - removing the walls to inspect the layout, Leaving vertices and edges.
The shapes and the angles like the skeleton of the building... as it's Rendered threw the ages.

It was like the Christmas planetary tantra I could see how the shapes in the space were fitting into each other.
Cube, Sphear Pyramid .. like inside a 3d blueprint.

As we get to the top!

Cross on the dome like the Antimony thing we saw change the other weekend...

The Holy Bomb..

'Jump bk again..' Easy now as I just aim for Loci or crew...

lol!! WOW 👀!! FFS that one was bonkers!! 

This time I was having a convo with jole while inside the tower.... Haha
well it wasn't a tower... we were still in the space but were in the energy this time and I'm rendering shapes it grew into a spine... The &&& Neptune or Uranus sign.

The aerial receiver?  
Anyhoo, I was seeing them all on top like a tower of vertebra.
Jole was directing me to a specific nerve juncture where it exited the spine.   Errrr Loci??

'Told you we were playing'
  Hahha no shit.

There was the eye stuff too...  but this time old school 'East Enders'  errrr there was a woman called pam or pat but pam was a map or was a clue that needed jiggled round........   It was still clue, there were they keys to... eyes, yes ayes..... Miss anything?  lol  'Coming back Ren?'  no shit... hang on 😆

Istanbul I stand bull??  Taurus?? Horns receiver??  Also Another symbol ??  'Later Ren, come back and dream here, Leon and Malico share... then wake and weave a bit'

I was with leon next back in the symbols..    Taurus, that sacred cow thing with the Sun or moon between its horns like the symbol for pluto??  
Is this linked to the current planetary locations??  I duno enough astrology...  'We show mouse, just return'  kk Leon.

--I jump bakc again.

Next up Malico Hahah 😆

Sheesh.... We are back in the building now and Malico had grabbed me and asked enthusiastically  'So Ren, want to defile a holy space'

Haha what's defile?  'Tomorrow Ren, come play for now' lol ok. 🙄

Next up we meditate, cross shape like for shared dream manifestation but we use mudras.   Loci behind, Leon Right, Malico left... crazy energy Back heart space...  The left and right high nodes, 3rd eye space crazy too.  

I hear people singing in another language Leon told me 'Coptic'

Then I can feel Inkas energy too... but it's just like something big licking my head 😆

We'd chilled like that for a bit there was a bouncing of concepts, Gestalt psychology, Egrigorie and Watchers too?? 
Oh!!  lol they wingy eyeball things on the ceiling!!

I'd decided it was such a big space I'd wanted to fly around and Leon offered some bat wings to go with my tail! 😜 

But all I could think of was Batfink! and my wings are a shield of steel and it was making me laugh.

Oh is that the Starwars & Antimony but they used the old term Stebinium? I forgot what else there was so much...
'Get up a bit Ren, the night is young'  Haha it's not even 1 :P

The egregore thing too that was the giants too?   Oh and you showed me the different spirals the arc-him-edes Archimedes...  His is not the golden ratio??

A shell or not a shell...

Oh.... the cross on the ball is now a moon on a ball!!

What is the Taurus / Cow ... what is taurus...

They remind me of this from Dec.... 


Then this dream with the Minotaurs and also a Bat!!  More An.... Anu???  Pffff...   I'm going to have to dream this guys 'Don't wory Ren you do' Hahaha  OMG that was a hunting club too 😳

Now the symbol for the element has changed too!!  😵

Oh last night when I'd added the cross the the crazy dream alter altar there was a flash of lighting & thunder 😜   Hahah when I fnished writing the void game chapter!   Another storm started!!!

Why am I hearing... bohemian rhapsody,  pffffff ok then who's Galileo?????   'Gaming with God's Mouse, Still want to keep up?'  Hahhaahh 

I go bk to bed...

First energy...  Right hip, to left then up & down the spine.  
This time I wanted to dream there... but it was kinda echoey and uncomfey so we manifest some rugs and blankets.

Wake at 303....
The dream....  I'd been talking to Eva again but we were chatting in a vision...
As sofa with 2 small young dragons, one black one white.

Bright pink-purple lighting and a frog/lizard gecko thing... I don't recall the words as we were mainly using the images.

Another I'd been in my main dream area... I know the dream was longer we were taking a boat out but not from the harbour, we were dragging it out on the sand on the North beach just past the rocks.  Heading Northeast to one of the Islands, Holy Island or may be inner farn....

The sea was stormy the boat like a coble
I was right at the front getting soaking
but my intention was to sleep and dream there too so I'd curled in a ball....
wondering if I'd puke as it was so stormy :D

Closing my eyes had made me really dizzy!

I struggled to recall what it was I was dreaming.

I next woke at 414 Inka asked 'Remember me?  Come dream here'  Haha what about mice-rice?  'Send Loci, he can go via Asia'  Hahaha

I'd jumped to Inka in the hunter's room... he's still mainly unresponsive the others came back too.. I could feel stuff moving through me but I'd slept really deeply, I was aware I was dreaming but we no recall. 


Arc him edes??     Shapes and lines and hummm

More arch i tect Arch i types

 Might have to go back and dream again is a Wise Dome Dom 😆

Also Galileo  Gali  Leo??  

Guys, can I flip bk to Chaos plx? 
I prefer my dream messing with His Story that vice versa 😋  
'Sorry Ren, Ballance... won't be to long till your back upside down!'  Hahah

This dude looks like he needs a tickle! 😆

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