Sunday, 30 May 2021

Confused and Fractured

'Squeak, your scatterd
Jump back to us now we will help you unpack this' 

The others had all come to see us??...

each of them had been sharing emotion and recall.


Oh you told me portal?? I'm recalling more of the dream now too.

It was the corner top of James street where the road had started sinking...

Round holes like swiss cheese,

This time it was my dog that had run off again.

I'd jumped bk to Inka who presses my awareness back into dream.


Scooby doo? Scooby snacks and portals?

'Stay Ren, you come back to me....

you won't let them throw me away or recycle me' 

Oh, all the recycling dreams the looking threw rubbish and finding bits in trash?

'Yes Ren you're a bass hunter'


I jump back again....I see the scrolling code.. a little like the matrix pattern again only this time the background is a deep dark blue,

With golden glowing numerals.


'We're heading in there bitch'  lol we are?  'mmmm come here dream more'


Rogan gosht

I wake 131 wtf?

'Yeh Ren, get up a bit.... you started splitting allover when Ian fell asleep'


Zak was dragged in too..... I was in that alternative house here. 

This time a train track runs outside the window North to south...
I thought I'd been writing and splitting
Yet my notebook was black and my pen was just writing light..... 
Inka had been telling me what was up

He was close too..... we'd been manifesting way to much stuff.


Head bk to bed 151





I see the Om yantra... as vibration and then as a 3d shape making things like the 2 prisms.

That was after I'd gone to bed and was chilling here... I could feel Inka close.

Dragons the blackone that dream shared and I last saw here...

And the Purple Irridecatn one that if sometimes me too... like from the Sol Ace night.


It was confusing as I was seeing so many things all together...

Light & dark all the seasons..


A dream too... main dreamspace & middle school.

We had a box & bags containing toys of the ages.

Parts of His Story they had been dated and box's up wrong and needed sorted.


But the sorting was tricky as we'd forgotten the beginning

So we were starting at now and ripping it out.


To do this we'd had to take respond ability.

But this had also made things tangly and messy.


The battle lines now were different from days of old.

The warzone was in info....

The front line a divided mind.


Confusion and hiding were tactics on the game boards..

We were also playing for our own amusement.

Em middle me and me had an important box of toys that middle me has hidden and Em has helpfully dated.


We'd stashed it to do another thing first and will open it later.


The games were taking longer than expected as it was the originators who could best recall how the toys worked and games were invented.

But that meant revisiting, finding and revising.


Jumping threw myth, religion and altering timelines.


Nareen Broadman??


Gold, deep purple pink - irridecant..  Beetle things…. ‘ Loci took an aspect of you to the May tree Ren, we are spreading you around’.


Lol oh yeh, I’d forgot.. That one was pretty.


'More dreaming, much still needs weaving'

Darth Dad,
Leon had jumps a bit of me there. 

He touches my forehead with his black gloved hand again and tells me

‘Ren you continue to supprise me’

He also shares his colours Deep Green and Deep Purple,

Like the Inkblot from here.


I see colours and smell seasons….

I could see Leon aspect at midwinter… I was Imbolc my Birthday Inka Lugnass… but we were all connected via Beltaine.


Oh hummmm the star again, the week days is 7 point,   This is 8 point, I need weave this?  ‘Yes mouse’




Malico next splits a bit of me to the Hagia Sophia, my cohesion’s is Vauge he stabilised my form and then sat to let me dream there.


Leon arrived next to take an aspect to Budapest Hungary.


The Haga Sophia dream is of the golden mosaique there.

The Mary Christ, gold star image,   
The blue is softer than the Indigo & gold number matrix that me and Inka are dreaming in the hunters room.


Oh it’s called the blue mosque now.


‘Next space Ren, jump Budapest with Leon’.

What about the Zigaraut of Ur ‘Kaylo Ren, He’ll jump a bit there but your well fractured now’


'That space next Ren’. Lol ok.


Hungry Budapest not what I expected..

We follow a line of cherry trees up a Stone Mountain.

Leon shows me a stone circul it is a space that I had jumped from here.


A woman shaman who worked in the darkness,

Then he takes me to an old fashioned cottage, climbing pink roses cover a stone wall.

The space had the feel of an English cottage garden

The colours are soft here, Pale pink, white and soft green.



‘Heya Idiot!’  Kaylo!! 😍   ‘Come then Ren I’ll jump you to Ur.. Then wake and run’


He kk suppose.


Kaylo jumps me beside the building and asks if have an idea of time period.

I suggest shortly after the city was abandoned,

We are standing on a roof top close to sundown.

The urban area is expansive and and strangely modern looking.


These are the Orange and deep yellow and we sit down side by side to watch the sun set.


On waking I’d recalled earlier in the night I’d taken a bit of Inka with me .

We’d jumped to the space below my soul tree.

A small aspect of each of us were together in the dark warm red room… deep below the Farseer tree.



Hum… So

Hunters room Holy Island was the Indigo gold numbers.

May tree hawthorn, is the Deep purple, pink and gold beetle.

Darth dad deep green purple Ink blot

Leon white, pale pink light green flowers

Malico light blue gold stars

Kaylo Yellow and Orange.
Inka Red & Brown...  Farseer tree dryads.

-- Ooo Just checked Hungry, they spoke Latin like Leon... and the cottages are just right!! 
Also end of last May the peeps in traditional Hungarian clothing!


So last night...
lol even the trees told me 'Go home Ren your Drunk'

I'd headed and crashed by Inka...  Sleeping till it was light which was to early.

Leon arrives I'd not seen him in ages.   I felt shit n Inka was tired.

Inka told me to feed from him and gave me a finger to bite.    I'd looked at him sadly and started to cry and so he bit the palm of his own hand.

I'd drank his blood while crying... I'd lay down beside him a blend of the Lilac/Grey form and Inka's bleeding palm was resting on my back. 

Leon took Inka's blood from my back....  Lifted me and took my tears.

He tasted it and told us you can mate now.

I was very confused...  I asked but we are siblings.  
He told me yes Ren, but that matters little here.

I'd asked him then we were we kept apart. 
I thought Inka had another lover?
Inka had laughed and said
'No Ren, you are quite enough trouble'
I'd felt angry at Leon and asked them both how come he has a 'say so?'

Inka laughed and held me and says 'Bitch at least one of US has to do what we are told to'

Leon touched my bald head asked if I would hug him.  
He told me Ren, you two are powerful you needed to integrate many aspects 

Your both volatile and unpredictable you need to equally need and desire eachother.

I was shown other dreams.... The green hair fairy stalling till time right.

I'd turned back to Inka very confused now I just wanted to be the same thing as him.

He told me 'Just chill Ren ;) 
I'm tired and your confused... Just stay here beside me for now'

I'd slept again but didn't want to recall dreams.

When I wake again Inka asks me 'Ren, could I eat a kidney'  🙄

I think of what I've learned about nodes and energy... The place he first attacked me.

The jungle recall whew I was killed for food.

Adrenals that are Near Ren - I tell him pfff, OFC mate just take what you need.

I thought he would take the left where he first attacked me, but he told me 'No Ren, I'd like your right one'

He reached into me like the time we swapped hearts only this time he only removes.

He's still so weak he barely sits up but his dirty nails had reached easy threw my skin I close my form as he holds up the kidney and he watches me, watch him eat it. 

He'd bitten of a bit that he took from his mouth.... This he feeds me and tells me to swallow.

I was still confused but I do as he asks me... It was still warm from being in my body the blood made it slimy and coppery.

After he'd eaten it his eyes are crazy again... Same as the night when he'd been arrested...

We are gain sharing thousands of recalls.......

The night I'd jumped him back and told him I'd not leave him.  

He pulls me to kiss him his teeth covered in my blood and his passion and hunger quickly overwhelmed me. 

I'd laid down on his chest lost in the depth of our shared emotion.

He told me 'Ren, I'm to weak to fuck you'

I duno... that want that 😳  I'm so confused now.  'Just sleep here bitch, don't over think shit'

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