Monday, 3 May 2021

Finding Dawn

Inka? 'Mouse, you would let me peel your skin off, your surrender to me is now complete and illogical, you're shit awake to long' 

Yes, I'm not going to argue... I dunno how we got here?? πŸ€”

Anyhooo I'm sorry, you're stuck with me now.  

'Ren, come to me, don't give me your power' Too late....  'REN!??!..... you know how many friends have gone under the train?'    😯To many.....? 😬
'Then respect that you owe them'  I do??


'Much like your family.... you are the IN ren, the ball in a game....Just fucking listen and play for the team??.... To me mouse, fast' 

313 I wake... 2 identical giant red-haired females were sitting at a dark desk.  

A man I was with had asked one of them out..
I was having a funny convo with them about what one??

It was along the lines of.......It was right, no not that one....your right... not that one, your other right!πŸ˜‚

'Recall mouse??'  Oh lol Inka 'Yeh Remeber???'  Yeh πŸ™„ I'd asked to go wild and fragment!! - You shattered me here and I blew out of the window! πŸ˜›


A hurricane pulling me away from a burning flame....???

Oh this tack.

Long crazy dream 

A massive school, possibly astral Bailiffgate. 


Oh yeh... it was an odd jumbled take on my high school but the stuff in it was crazy!

There were 2 massive squared-off spiral stairwells....

One floor opened onto a familiar palace garden.

There was an ancient place where one of the original builders lived with many cats.
It was like a heritage library floor to ceiling leather-bound books, arched architecture.

I was looking for a way to get onto the roof as there was a sunrise coming that I wanted a photo of... 

I knew the view from the roof would be good.

I had a corgi dog with me in the dream??  

Linking it with the robots from here?

The stairwell I could find... the access to was blocked off at the top??...
There was just a big dark busy admin hub room.

So I'd gone back down and threw the library and chatted with the builder who was lazing around.

He's told me about another door,
that if I followed would lead me out and where I wanted to go....

It leads out onto a very strange street..... the houses were tiny for people only 3-4feet.

It was like walking threw a story book.

The road was neet square-cut cobbled stones and I'd gone over a river and followed the road.

At the top is the beach where the sun is rising....  🌞

It didn't have the same view as I'd percived from the roof,
But the sand was soft and the air was good...

I'd gone down to the water's edge where the stream I'd crossed over was flowing to the sea....
Swimming just below me then flicking me with water was a dolphin and a harbour porpoise.  πŸ’œπŸ’™πŸ’œ

I hear the lyrics again, a hurricane keeping me away from a burning flame?? 
Like a moth entranced... 

I'm repainting a fence a deep conifer green... like the farseers?? 

Scotts something a shopping list with a Christmas pudding?

A mobile library like a transit crew van, filled with boxes of books that looked second hand.

I had one called the history of the planets ...

I was reading it sitting in a sunny field.

A corridor, shower block things kept springing leaks.... out in the hall the lightbulbs kept blowing.

I'd managed to get a wash but the flow needed fixing...

606 'OFC bitch' lol Come meet me Inak? My dream space?

I find him on the bridge over the burn where he heads towards the sea.


Walking together in silence we jump the fence, then head south threw the dunes,
walking long-forgotten sandy paths.

The grass is spiky, the beach is clean and we keep walking south till we get to some cliffs.

It's the space where the mist came in the other day.

The cliffs that we get to don't belong here??

Inka shows me a tiny cave on the sand... 

There is a small stash of female jewellery,

I think I'd seen it earlier in the night??

But not sure when?

It's oddly familiar....

I needed to find then return it to its owner??


'DW squeaky, 616 ;) You have a good nose, you'll find it'

:D So much random stuff??

'Mmmm, you like games Ren' ..

Hu??? 'I told you to wake up Ren, if you keep sleeping I'm going to confuse you!' lol 8+2=20 and I had a Cuban guy in?? πŸ€¨πŸ€”πŸ˜ΆπŸ€£?    kk I wake up.

Weave to here... Last year the Sun was rising West??  'Mirror world are merging Ren'

 This is wizzyyyyy

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