'You're not going to stay put are you?👿' Haha I was just dreaming 😆 'Of jumping time?' lol a little 😜
My right hip node hurts... 'Follow and come'
Dreams were so strange, hazy.... I knew lots was going on but I just couldn't bring anything bk threw waking.
I was with Inka but he was a mess.. swivel eyes bonkers.😆 Filthy and demented, his teeth were so dirty and covered in blood... lol I had no idea of what or why........ like he was last night when he was getting arrested.... but more of a mess.
I wasn't sure wtf to do with him, so I guessed I should just stay with him. I was seeing other stuff and how stuff was linking.... 'Your not the only bitey one Mouse' Hahaha
The bus dream... Fingerbiting?? 2017..
'Yeh Ren, we just used to move you anyway... whether or not you'd come willingly!' Hahaha 😂😆
Oh there was an odd bus with blood too?? Then the art project one? The scruffy night bus style conductors the other night? 😛 'Find mouse'
Is this why people spot me in astral they ask if I'm a filty pirate 😆😂😁
Busses are moving about in one reality... trains are hopping realities/lines? 'Yes' Mmmmmm ok
Long dream about this surreal medical space, I'd just been taken on as a recruit or trainee it was vets and Dr's.. I'm not sure what I was rendering it was a large open plan space with an outdoor area too, animal kennel rooms but Human wards too I was going to be assisting in theatre with a female surgeon I'd met.
None of the sterile tools was familiar either they were much finer than I've seen.... like you'd use for ocular or detailed surgery they'd been sterilised all individually in the peel n seal things.
There was a twin make and female Dr there that dealt with mainly human consultations and the woman was complaining to me that Dr didn't wear ties anymore, she had a red one on and a formal shirt and wanted me to find her a lab coat.
I'd gone to find that then :P There is a massive black fluffy chick sitting on a cash register / check out.
I ask the woman sitting there about it... she just shrugs.
As I was doing stuff I realised this bird had been there for hrs, so mayby it was hungry so I'd gone looking for some forceps as I guessed I could wave bits of food at it and it would likely open it's beak. :D
This took ages to find, as there were so many trolleys, trays and draws all with various surgical equipment... Nothing was labelled and I'd not been there before.
Eventually, I find what I'm looking for then go into a kennel kitchen were I find some tinned ham in jelly :P lol was like lumpy spam... I'd considered it might be a bit salty but it was all I could find.
Back at the fluffy chick I think it was a magpie but way to big, it's the size of a cat but sure enough, when I wave the meat it gulps it down... so I feed it 1/4 of the tin. While I'm feeding it, it's mama bird appears - lol but still wired cause it's mama is a budgie Yellow and green...
She seems content I'm feeding her freaky chick and hangs around to watch.
As I'm doing that someone down the ward yells at me for wasting time with the bird. ... morning surgery is about to start.
So bemused I head bk down to try to find the surgeon and theatre I've been assigned to.
I find a room, it's all blue with an operating overhead light... pretty old fashioned there is a drain in one corner and a sloped floor.
No surgeons to be found so I decided to go look around.
I'd wound up in some decontamination area! lol this was fucking wyrd, all kinds of airlocked doors and one-way conveyors and systems, spray nozzles from the ceiling...... I was aware it was in some ways connected to the surgical theatres.
? Hummmmm??? lol wonder wtf I was Ren-Dare-ing there 😜😝
Was like that Brain Pickling dream...
Next I'm shown d war f dream... err dwarf dream but I was writing wrong... Inka too?? 'You wanted to get me back from them, keep the typos' d-war-f ??
Oh Yeh, we'd gone back to the Hunters room....
I'd shook Inka a bit and asked shall we go bk to my main dream space again he agreed and I jumped us there... I think I'd asked Malico to come too or he's met us there.
As I'd asked him with Inka was so dysfunctional 😆
'S&R Bitch?' We get each other out of shit even when we're fighting......
Malico had laughed. He'd told me just to stay with Inka for now... Then they were showing me various stuff and how things were fitting together....
The dream where we got Inka out of captivity... then the shoot out?? I'm confused?? 'We know!' lol
😆 Phaha also confused in that dream.... Either everything makes sense then I can't rember it... or I'm confused why I forgot again!!
'Write Ren then bk to us... ' Hug him and squeeze him and call him George? 'Yes and the dragon....come here, Symbols and patter re-cog' kk
2 candles... only one goes out... Is that like the Oak and Holly king?? All the celtic pagan archetypes again..
'They like to sleep with their feet on a mouse' Lud-lugnass and now you show me the dead mouse and the door mouse at the MadHatters party...
The mouse was a cushion?? You showed me so much stuff this morning..... 'Last night too, you just couldn't bring it all bk'
The 2012 dreams were bonkers too.... That was one of the bus ones. Hummmm?????
My head... 'No sympathy... DL bitch' Why'd you look like shit??? 'Work then we talk, not both same time' OK....
'You didn't finish yet Ren... All
fucking Day?' Oh.. Shit ty
Now?? Why you so pissy???? 'Walk the dog.... We talk' ok...
Hip Dl? 'Keep moving you know where to go' yew... 'no you!' Lol srry 'You were supposed to Run, move. Ren,..barefoot' kk
Wow... 'feel that?' Reversed flow the Birch and Rowan from Jan... 'Yes they give bk through yew... now Yew' lol kk
Yeh TY . That was a Wren? (Whole time I was hugging the Yew there was
Wren, so close hopping up and down again)
....'its got wings
bitch... but its at home on the ground.'
'I'm not angry with you mouse just trying to help you' ik ty
'You need to move, create and less pc - especially now that you are plugged in... weaving 2 world... the wild wants you back....'
'Only half you in the AI ok?' Yup... Good...
'You've lived your life for us Ren, you are exactly where we want you...'
I miss you all...'I know, I'm passing you to Leon, you know where to find me. I will dream with you, you know how to get to Darth Dad too. He will help you too'
'You need to welcome light Ren, Leon and Kaylo... I'm safe where I need to be for now... Tree web you feed me, but you need to grow to do that'
Love you Leon, sorry I'm an arse 'Its fine Ren as ass holes go your very resilient' 😆
Which one is Mercury? 'No spoon feeding.
Ask us nicely, we will help you to dream it'
'Bitch, you Don't have soul you are soul' oh Hahaha ofc 😛
Why Holly King - want to Cutty Wren?? 'Cause she's stupid enough to let him?' Pahahahah 😆
So I'm born on Beltain... Lugydummy Saturn stuffy is the cross fest?? 'It's Tangly Mouse 😈'
Pahahah 😆😂 💜 No shit this TIME NOW is getting fun!! We scape goat eachother hard hu??? 'DW mouse, we both bounce 😈' Hahahah
The Holly King
Represents: Withdrawal, lessons, life, rest
Gods: Saturn (Roman agricultural god)
Cronos (Greek god, also known as Father Time)
Father Ice/Grandfather Frost (Russian winter god)
Odin/Wotan (Scandinavian/Teutonic All-Father who rides the sky on an eight-legged horse)
The Tomte (a Norse Land Spirit known for giving gifts to children at this time of year)
Thor (Norse sky god who rides the sky in a chariot drawn by goats)
Color: Black, Red, Green, Gold
Plant: Holly
Bird: Wren
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