Monday, 10 May 2021

Guardian of Wyrd Shit

Skipping time, playing games,

Loving visions and chasing dreams.

Weaving the colours through the tastes in the sounds,

Felling them dance from sense to surrounds.

Breathed by the air or sneezed by the wind,

how fast can you get lost and found again.


202 wake.
My recall is strange I was with Em so Em/Me but we also had a child me...
She was waking up and I'm looking after her it's morning and she's 3-4
I'm helping her dress in a dark blue top with rainbows on.

A large house with a gated security garden,
I'd been doing drop-offs and meetings a while before this.

Then me and Em are laughing hysterically as we'd both discovered this stupid trick to pee over a fence both by accident thew random experiments!  😂


I'm talking to my cat! Star, She was a tall grey person.  😆

She had pointed at something and asked 'This we can use yes?'   

I'd nodded in agreement..... hum it was an old woven fabric rug from our VW camper, it was very colourful but unravelled in one corner.

313 Shadow wakes me purring on my head, I know I'd been with Inka learning more symbology.

404, lol Inka.... eh?

Not Nah way, Yeh, Way' Yawhey?? 

Is that what the Irish dude told me or you??

Ahyhooo v long dream.

2 layers in one of them ...I'm scales 😝😆 lol but I'm made of Cats and Rats, Mice and Bats!

Trees and leaves n Bugs... 

We are all balancing together standing on one foot!
On my right toe is a weighing bowl! 

Stuff goes in to get wtf? 😆

The other dream was just as long and strange!

I'm a witch with bits! 

and a large sound system - the speakers again?

Then images and crystals.

All the witches were in some kind of trouble so we were laying low and under the radar.

Something was up and some shit going down!

lol we were just waiting it out trying not to be found 😆😜 lol

It was funny we kept bumping into eachother...

Then I'm a nurse again peeps bring me animals, 

I was looking and helping,
writing and sorting.

Next I'm in a school working,

and a woman is pissing me off.

She has a big radiation machine,
That she wants to turn on...

She knows I don't like it or want to be near it,

I was working there anyway, as it was my shift.

I'd just relieved some others as it was their time to go.

I'd gone into this room and she'd turned the thing on.

I was angry as she'd done it just to trigger me and prove her power.

I wasn't going to fight about it, 

I'd just fucked off out of there saying she could end the shift alone.

Others watch me leaving,

but know better than try and stop me.

I'd wound up busking it in a large cafe/hotel/restaurant

I'm mostly totalling bills and clearing tables, 

I'd been asked to add up an extensive tab for a gathering held in an offsite guest house. 

I'd sensed there was something shady about it 

and was sitting on a table going through the orders,

I realise then that the guests have scarpered....

A message has been left to the restaurant owners,

Written and folded in a crumpled £50 note.

It's about the groups right to stay,

The name of the cottage was Thor's Hammer.

This group, crew, were claiming an inheritance,

some of them were vaguely familiar.

The restaurant owner was upset as I read the note aloud.

I was then explaining to her how this shit works..

Once a grifter always a grifter. 

So did she want me to keep adding,  to try follow through a claims court???

She wished me to do that and as I get re-started an Irish guy comes and looks me in the eye,
he is also oddly familiar.

He tells me with a wink 'You know your shit mam' 😆

lol then I wake and hear. Not No way.... Yah Way 😀  Sounded kinda Norwegian, like ja way

We jumped bk to Darth dad hub b4 that dream? 


 'Yeh' from the house with you n Malico... kk wyrd 'As are you, dreaming more or waking up?' lol

I'll write suppose as Mondays are busy 

'Don't take long, we are too.... new moon soon'  

There'd been lots more too..... 'Hurry Bitch!' lol kk...

Got up for 30mins..

Lots of energy starts right hip and spreads fast... then I'd fallen asleep again.


'You didn't want to split and write what I was showing you so shared it in a dream 😈'
lol kk...

Oh yeh you were showing me something bonkers,
Ancient ones been here watching for what was so like so freaking long!

'Guardians and Time Now, and yu were one too 😏'

Haha were bonkers totems... made of all stuff, trees and animals, insects birds, moss... all claws and teeth and furr and feathers! Blood, bone, skin and leaf.....

All jumbled together into this crazy rambling thing!  😆😂

Oh lol it it was a bit like the jesus bk dream from 2012.. but he was in a box and there was a flesh made ATAT to get the lid off 😏  !!!


The dream....

Long dream, one of them familier leaving dreams...

I'd been in a space for years, a learning lesson type area

More like an empty multistory car park - just the structure and a few people left now.

I was back doing a final sweep to make sure nothing was forgotten.  

I was me and Marie (middle me) this time,
we'd cleared most of the stuff out quite some time ago...

We were a few people meeting to say goodbye,
I don't like goodbye much and it was making me cry!

There was a guy kicking about too who knew why I was sad.

Others were confused as to why I was upset,
It was cause I'd been there so long it was like a home,
I'd taken every class as it was something to do.

We'd left the car-park and we're heading separate ways...

I'd made my way out through an old shopping centre, again nearly empty..... just strange excess stock of unnecessary tat.  

Once on the street my legs wouldn't work. 

I just kept flopping down onto the road.... lol same as the train track, and recurrent nightmares from childhood....

Only I didn't really care and was content to stop there😆

'It's why I have to keep dragging your stupid ass bk on the time train..... go run!'   lol Inka.  kk

The YH?? What is it??

Oh Not a ladder a funny Onion?  Add the directions and you get the nested reality??

That's the Name??  'Showing Ren, you think in Images' 

How come I'm allways in a rush and first on a level, or at the end and last clearing off?
  'Extreamist,  Now scoot and run' 

'Pagan bitch 😈'   Hahaha can take the witch out of the forest but you can't take the forest out of the witch! .. 'Just keep Runnin Ren  '



2013 .... I was carrying Zak?   'Yes bitch, I told you I came bk to you with him'  wtf??


You piggy backed on Zak?   'Yes, he was in you'  wow



The you on the beach   ... I was with you when you died...


'You needed to know how to recognise me and welcome me bk inside'




I'm collapsing and moving stuff round.  'Yes'  I need more of my recall here again please


Kaylo can help.. 'Yeh Ren let him rewire'


Why can't I run anymore 'your heart was stronger... mine was safer'  ......'dw Ren, your is safe with me too'


I'm just confused  🐭


You gave me your heart in exchange for my blood...???


It whet into the roots of the far seer tree.. .'shared your gift of vision threw time Ren' 




I'm in a story...  'You are woven through them all.  Pan,  Anansi ,  Ariadne, the muses... a spirit of time Ren, zeitgeist'



The aerialveiw?  They are still connecting to you.  How

'Through us'   pffffffff


Is the spirt of the age Gin?? Cause I need a big one 😜   'al-kuhl,  bitch djinn...I've told you your trouble mouse, you get into everything'




Whiskey?  'and I've told you that ones mine bitch  I'll teach you to keep your hands off it 😏' Hahaha 😆


Hawthorn, Mayflower???... 'For your alter, if you good you may make friends b4 the months out.  ?'  Hummmm 🤔


The vessel too? The mayflower?  UK-> USA


'Good Bitch, listen ok' kk


My alter/altar  is a mantle?  'And your body is a planet'  inside my skull   'A north faceing sky map'


Fuck, rlly??  'yeh, just behave?'  Meby....  

Forget me nots... Oh the day my mother died, did I forget??   


Oh it's the 10th at 13.13  'Now behave?'  lol kk 😋

Wow... That new alter is giving me a headache already!
'Should keep filling your mantle with crazy shit then Ren'  Hahaha 💜💜  Pffff   Can't help myself I suppose!

Alter Altar  

That's that ea ae shit old english thing again??   'Not telling'  Bet you will??  'Credit Witch?' 
Hahaha that must mean you owe me??   'Lets see' 

Found the other dream now.....

lol sheesh!! :D 

Father Time + Hr Glass shape....

= The Singularity   Geomerty the Flowers in the Weave of the Web in the Name!!!!!

Wow the Geo  Me Tree    was the next datt he 11th??   👀

'Told you were on Bitch, just fucking listen & Link'   Ok... 

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