Monday, 24 May 2021

Healing Hugs and a Spaceship with Bugs


Everything coded to obfuscate motive?  Inka?  'Mouse just here fast ok?'    Mmmm Info?  'Yeh, atm there is no other place for you ok?'   
Can you take me to one of your dream spaces? 'Not now Ren, I'm tired and your hiding'    
Why? 'Come mouse, symbols and games there is much at play'   ok.

Hu??  It's only 0.03??  How??  I feel like I've been away for weeks?? 'Time Squeaky it's fickle come here'  

Wake at 0110    (Hum can't read my writing)  I'd been in another dream I was errr another version of me.

'Want to play farming Ren? I've got popcorn?' Hahah suppose OMW. 😆

Odd dream a confusing underground shopping mal, I've been in the same type many times it's very white and bright with unfamiliar shops.
I'd been given a smelly old pug to hug.

2 hot air balloons... They were filling up, I was going in one... but the contraption to fil it up was odd... there were ripcords and big silver buttons! 😀

A check out and an odd shopping list.  
I was making a model house out of stale chocolate cake bricks!
Cutting them small and layering them up... building a cake house wall.

A large strange arena with an ongoing court case.

Some old red brick buildings where there had been an earthquake and fire.  
The buildings were unstable and needed pulling down.
Improved efficiency would be considered when rebuilding.

2 male 'Hugging Healers' were 2 short stout youngish males, one was Muslim the other perhaps native American they both had beards.  
They both stood on city corners offering hugs to people passing.

I'd taken Em to one as she needed a cuddle,
I'd been hugged before.
She was young 7-8years old.  

Inka too, a fight with Darth ad.... I knew they were moving me from the cage - but he wouldn't let my awareness go there.
He'd gone in my body and trapped my awareness in him.  
I was annoyed but he told me it would hurt him more not to protect me.
That I'd be bk with them soon....

Other odd dreams,
I was part of a shield array for some kind of spaceship.
I was being used as an energy battery...
We had had to recall how to do it intuitively,
The entities in the ship were a kind of small mantis...
I was talking to crew telepathically and they were feeding me energetically.
This was what I was powering the shields with.

A runner too in a strange medic facility,
I was sending messages and finding hydration.
All the people there were female.

Also another layer I was in a bunk bed, I was leaving the body there projecting but bumping into the ceiling.
Another big shopping type mal, there was a type of egg harvesting going on.

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