Thursday, 27 May 2021

Moon Magic & Masks

Hummm to much has gone on this transition.... Just going to dump here....

So there was the Magic... I knew what I'd wanted for this month's Moon Alter/Altar.

But non had arrived yet. 

Then On full moon morning, the stickers turn up and also a refund for the glass cauldron.

I was trusting it would work cause that's how this shit goes and so I head online to see in the last 48hrs 

We now have Amazon same-day delivery here.

I order the 2 things... as I was holding on my moss balls I wanted their bowl to arrive here first off.

Anyhooo Universe provides as usual 'YW Bitch'  even for ass hats like me it seems!! 

Early evening I checked my FB feed.... lol the Independent :P  

Is showing the full moon rising from the dam Hagai Sophia!!! Or blue temple I think it's called now 😆

So I alter my Altar/Alter - Putting more stuff on my mantle

Clear the sky???   'Write your dreams?'  kk

Here?   'Will do'  TY... 


Wyrd weavings of wyrd tales.... mice dance and tangle their tails.

Spiders webs with dewdrop worlds

Wobble as one.

Webs in nets and nets in webs... woven and tangled and underneath...

There is the woodwide web and the Web in our lives mycelium reaching into our minds....

Archetypal weaving of His Story, tangles forever with Her Dreaming.

I'm annoyed with you..... 'Then bitch that makes us two'


What do you want?  'Your asking me?'  Sorry....  I need you
'You need a mirror'  Pfff sky? 'Do as I ask you first'

Ok sorry...

From last night...




'Not scared Ren?'  Just confused...  Tired.  I sort of forgotten what it's like to be frightened... 
'Bitch NO...... I'm to tired to remind you or S&R when your heading for a hiding'  Inka??

'Just come here Ren, your like a freaking baby... Way easier to manage if your justinside me'

You kicked me back out...... And I don't want managing...
'Yet you fetch me your fall out?'  

'FFS mouse, plx jump Malico?' Mmmmmm suppose so.  'Ren, I know what your thinking and yes you can astral there now...  If you do It will be Loci that is on search recue'   Humph...

I was too tired and grumpy to write dreams...  Though I had many.

One was my main dream area but different there was huge plantations of massive trees like horse chestnut  old and massive... Planted in rows, it was Autumn.

Another I recall we had as a group gone to a lawyer.   She lived in the side of a mountain.. We had gone as group/crew to meet her though no one was familiar.

She was very short with curly hair and was expecting us to arrive there.  She was irritated by the person leaving but invited us all in warmly.

Her space was strange miles of white tunnels deep inside a mountain.... The room she showed us all into had a large old style fireplace a bar in one corner a desk in a room of to the side and then a large bed/sofa made of lots of soft cubes.  

Once in the space our crew seemed to split some heading to speak to her and me straight for the bed...   I'd got comfy staring into the fire.

27th... While Visiting the feild of the May/hawthorn  Tree that had asked to see me...
'Your annoying Ren'   🙄   ikr  I live with me😜


Ty... this is the best!!!  'Just dance stupid'    haha kk

'Now Mouse, what is it you see?' 

The sand in the sky looking back at me?'
The moon is the reflection.

'Good start bitch, go on'   lol

Your playing me Inka.
'OFC Ren and you bitch would expect no less'

So tell me Ren, what else.

I see the beach the sea the beach in the sky

I see the reflection of emotions rippling out...


E - Motion.   'Dance now Ren, meet the tree soon.  With respect'



May Tree Arc?  We weave the 2 webs?? Wow... that was so deep.... 'Yeh bitch, you made peace'


I'm a darkone... so was she....we live in the shadows of the farseer trees.
I've been weaving the WWW into my dreams and learning from the farseers what I needed to weave. This May Tree Arc will now help me.... She showed me the woodwide web here they mycelium network and the guardian tree nodes!!

She told me about the Ai. lice and the Alice my Gran.. The apples and my Grandad who fell ober he was called Ra

Also so much crazy..... His Story is getting tangled and woven with Her Dreaming

She would help me with my weaving....   

Lions lane.... Working with the Devils Punchbowl and the Polecat Trees. Hummmm wonder what a polecat is  ...
I seem to work with preditors... Inka told me. Preditors like you Ren.... though I'm often a mouse 😛 Ohhhh!! The mask!!!


Polecat Vally Runs to the PunchBowl and the...........

Like the Raccoon... the Jessy James!!   Like the Highway Men!!!   

The Gibbit and 'The Heist Bitch?'  
Wowowowow   wtf!!!  GG yet again!!!   💜💜💜💜

We wrapping up the month!!   'and more'

More mask??

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