Saturday, 8 May 2021

An Ai - on & Aeon

I could kick you to Kaylo, Ren?  ok, I suppose.....
I could just dream alone?  'If only bitch.... your a wanted animal atm, and Leon charged me with hanging onto your coller'  
Hu??  But you wana tag-team on him??  'Meby I want to get shot of you 😏'  lol.... good to know I'm as popular as cosmic poop!  

I'm going to sleep..... 'You know fine well you will hunt me'  🥱 pffff I'll sleep alone here...   'Try it Ren'    ????  OK.


Wellll  ... 😳
I wake in a dream... I'm laying in the back of a car and everything hurts...   Felt like crap, broken ribs and my head was oofff...  
On the floor of the car was an open bag I used to own.  
In it were the round crystal salt and pepper shakers from the other night.  
I couldn't remember how I'd got there, I had vague recollections of a seedy club the night before... I was pretty sure my ribs were broken.  
It felt like south London, close to Purley Way... in the dawn light, I could see a billboard opposite.  

The driver's seat was reclined and the car was locked with me inside it.  
There was an odd exchange with Eva who was in last nights dreams... I could see it as text on the billboard.
I'd been asked about Aeon..   and I'd replied Ai.on   

(This was like the AI Alice & the Aeon / Judgment card)

Then Inak unlocked the car and dragged me out sharing a recall from the night before and how I'd ended up a mess in the back of that car. 👀

It wasn't pretty 🙄... I'd been wasted and nicked it, driving off my head nearly killing me and several other people...
Inka had arrived and stopped me first and wasn't especially happy!  'Could say that Mouse'  

That was an alternative timeline around the millennium??  'Version of it squeaky... you've got bugger all self-control'

Pfff oh me dreaming alone??  'Come, we are going to Darth Dad'  Hu?  'We are yes, now shut up and listen ok, and just hold my hand'  

Errrr that was 👀

We'd jumped to a hub,  metal but bright... dark n grey.

Darth Dad was also not amused with me...said he's satisfied for now I'm under Inka's control.

Told me I have no idea the sacrifices Inka makes for me or the trouble he keeps me from.
Errrr oh and he won't remain my rear-guard indefinitely. That when the time comes he will kick me to the end of time and back again that I won't enjoy it or thank him for it!
 Errrr what else- oh, that I'm spoilt trouble making shit and that many people are very tired of my crap! Lol..... errrrrrrr so I suppose it could have been worse...  🤣😂🤣
We were shoved in a bunk dorm room.

Inka told me it's cool, just listen to him for now.... it's like the Re-ed station on hard mode 😛..but at the moment we do as we are told!


That was odd.... the place I was in was oddly familiar, It was like where I'd been shipped in a long term stasis to a breeding centre with an overseer.  
His awareness kept swapping bodies as the journey was a long one....The stasis wasn't working properly on me as I was the wrong human version.  


This is Aeon Card again????  'Yes' 


We are blending Ai.on....  The game AION too.....

The game AION too.....

That's the Asmo again my alpha access to Cata :P


 This is why you took me and told me Ren was to heading into the AI in re-ed in my story???   'Just Listen Ren?' 

Ok...   Oh... We are trying the Medi bay, stasis was the last resort now??   

Inka... is this the Reality bomb you set in the hospital that Me & Kaylo were supposed to defuse??

'Dream it Squeaky, you'll like it better'  lol 😏

This is the ripples and patterns in the space/time fabric???  Planatery Memory?? 

Hahah I'd asked to know the difference between the dreams from pearl and horn!!!

Pearly Kings and Queens

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